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What Is Cannabis Dabbing?

What Is Cannabis Dabbing?

  • By Admin

Cannabis dabbing might seem confusing and intimidating to newcomers, especially with all the new terms you will need to learn. Essentially, dabs are a concentrated form of cannabis that is available in many different textures. They are consumed through a dab rig or pen that heats up to 204-315 °C, which is much hotter than smoking flower gets (around 176 °C).

Dab rigs look similar to bongs – they have a glass piece and water chamber, and a nail for dabs instead of a bowl to put your flower in. Since you need high temperatures to dab, you will usually heat the nail with a torch and let it cool a little before adding your dab.

What Are The Benefits Of Cannabis Dabbing?

Cannabis dabbing is not for every user, especially if you are completely new to cannabis. That being said, when you do it safely with quality products, you will experience the following benefits:

  • Increased potency: The main reason why people dab is because it is one of the most potent forms of cannabis consumption. Some users have a high cannabis tolerance and require a more potent experience, while others might simply enjoy the ritual.
  • Enhanced flavour: Dabs are full of terpenes, so they carry the aroma and flavour of the original plant all the way through the extraction process and into the final product you will be using.
  • Cleaner products: High-quality extracts are purer, cleaner, and easier on the lungs than smoking cannabis while still delivering all the cannabinoids and terpenes you need for the best cannabis experience.
  • Fast onset of effects: The immediate onset of effects for dabbing is appealing for many users, especially medical cannabis users who seek quick relief from symptoms.

Dab Rig Setup: What Do I Need To Start Dabbing?

In order to dab the right way, you will need a few essential items and some additional tools to make the process easier. Make sure you get the following items together when setting up your dabbing station.

Dab Rig

Dab rigs are water pipes that cool vapour before you inhale it into your lungs. It looks similar to a bong, but it has a fitting for a nail instead of the traditional bowl. Traditional glass dab rigs are suitable, but electric dab rigs have become much more popular.


Instead of a bowl, your dab rig will have a nail where you can place your dabs. The standard nail used is a quartz banger with a bucket shape. You can find nails made out of quartz, ceramic, borosilicate, or titanium since these materials can withstand the high temperatures necessary for dabbing.

Be sure to check what add-ons your device uses: there are male and female connections that only work with each other, and if your rig has a 14 mm stem for example, you will need a 14 mm nail. You also get devices that are compatible with e-nails that heat through electricity.

Carb Cap

Once your dab is on the hot nail, you will place a carb cap on top to regulate the airflow for a better hit. It works like a bong bowl that can be pulled out to let in air when inhaling – no you are just covering and uncovering the nail with the carb cap. You will need the carb cap as the nail gets much too hot to touch.


Most people use a kitchen torch for heating dab nails. Remember to keep some butane refills on hand for when it starts to run out. Devices with e-nails remove the need for a torch, but they are more of an investment.

Dab Tool / Dabber

All different types of dabs are sticky, so you definitely need a tool to move it from its container and into the nail without making a mess. Dabbers also keep a good distance between your fingers and the hot nail, which is ideal.

Dab tools come in many shapes, and you will need to pick one that works with the texture of your dab. For example, runny dabs require a scoop shape, while thicker dabs will work better with a paddle.


There are many types of dabs on the market, and which you use will depend on your personal preference. There are solvent extracts that are made through chemical processes, while solventless extracts are also on the market. Some of the different types of dabs include:

  • Oils
  • Shatter
  • Wax
  • Taffy
  • Budder
  • Sugar
  • Crumble
  • Live resin
  • Rosin
  • Hash
  • Bubble hash

Dab Mat And Timer (Optional)

These two tools are optional, but very useful. Dab mats keep your area clean from sticky dabs, while dab timers help you to make sure that all your dabs reach the same temperature for consistent hits. 

How To Dab Cannabis With A Dab Rig

The most important part of  dabbing is getting the temperature of the nail just right. If you light it too hot, you will burn the terpenes, compromising the flavour and resulting in a coughing fit. The best trick is to heat the nail until it is hotter than you need it to be, and let it cool down to just the right temperature before you add in your dab. A good temperature range to aim for is generally between 285-298 °C.

Now that you have your dab rig and tools ready, you are ready to start. Maybe take a seat if this is your first time dabbing, because things might get a little intense:

  1. Turn on your torch and point the flame directly to the bottom of the nail. It is common practice to torch the nail until it turns red hot.
  1. Turn off the torch once the nail is hot and let it cool. Quartz nails should cool for about 45-60 seconds, while titanium nails only need 10 seconds. Once again, a timer can come in handy.
  1. When the temperature is right, apply your dab to the nail with your tool and start inhaling slowly. Rotate the dab tool in the nail to make sure you get all the concentrates off. 
  1. Cover and uncover the dab nail according to your preference while you inhale to regulate the airflow. Play around until you find the perfect hit.
  1. Exhale and enjoy the hit!

Cannabis dabbing can be a fun and interesting space if you get the hang of things. As long as you get all the right tools together and use high quality products, you should be good to go! Remember that getting the nail to the right temperature is the most important part. It is better to heat it up all the way and let it cool down before adding your dabs. Just remember that dabbing is quite potent, so start with a small amount at first and enjoy!

The post What Is Cannabis Dabbing? appeared first on Vaperite.

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