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Weekly Astrology March 4th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Weekly Astrology March 4th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Serve fierce and fearless

Make it happen

Hit the ground running!

As we hurtle towards the equinox and your birthday cycle, the planets all get into the party mood as we are still in a rare retro-free phase. So, don’t wait for the ‘official’ start of the astrological new year. This week tells you that you are done with dreaming. It’s now time to take action to bring that into being.

Mercury is heading your way to give free form to those thoughts and ideas. Before it lands in your sign (10th), it meets Neptune in your 12th on the 8th. Now, the great thing about this conjunction is that Neptune is the planet of limitless, boundless imagination. It allows you access to unrestricted, access all areas, possibilities. But dreaming is only part of the process. It needs to be brought into the real world. And also you need a plan, a schedule, a deadline to work to.

Which is where Mercury in here comes into its own. It rules Virgo and your 6th. And in astrology we always say Mercury is the antidote to too much Neptune. See this as your chance to see just how realistic those dreams are. And also to access what steps you need to take when you say that YES YOU CAN!

Once you know this, your green light day to put motion in your ocean is the 10th. Not only does Mercury arrive in your 1st giving you a head start on new beginnings, but you have a powerful new supermoon in your 12th. This is an access all areas combo which hands you so many alternatives, Aries. Because your 12th is where everything hides, these include alternatives and possibilities you may not have known existed. Or were unavailable to you until now. Mercury links to Pluto in your 11th on this day too. Mine your network and also the internet. That site, that app, that search. What you seek to make it real could be in your circle. Or a click away.

In a nutshell: The countdown to your birthday season begins. And sees you kick-starting something new ahead of this. There’s more supermoon insight in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (1st)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (12th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 11th)


Widen your influence

Inspire your future

Go beyond what you believe is possible

You are about to see an existing friendship in a brand new light, Taurus. And even gain entree to new, enticing and exciting social spheres. You could be at your most outgoing on the 4th when Mercury in your 11th invites Uranus in your sign (ruler of your 11th), to join in a gathering or group. There’s a refreshing curiosity about you now. You may be actively seeking to explore, to shake things up or to make new connections. Finding your people if they have proved elusive, will be top of your agenda.

As well as improving your social life, this week’s transits may see you replacing old goals with new. If ever there was a week to focus on manifestation, create a vision board or expand your ideas on what it is possible for you to have and attain – this is it. Don’t forget, you have Jupiter still in your sign right up until the end of May. As you have just over two months remaining of Jupiter’s generosity and desire for you to experience something bigger, do make the most of it. And the way to do that is to big up that vision or ambition. Give the universe something to work with, Taurus!

Your 11th is the house where your future is born. Those you know, meet or interact with are your co-creators of this. Someone inspiring may cross your path now. They may show you by example that what you want is possible. Alternatively, they are in a position to support you. Ensure if you are meeting new people this week that you serve the right first impression. It will count. And know, nobody does it quite like you. So be an original.

Revivals, reunions and reconnecting with old friends or even colleagues from the past, could show you that we can sometimes go for a long time without speaking, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pick up exactly where we left off. In fact, the best friendships often follow this pattern. Don’t be afraid to reach out if someone is on your mind once Mercury lands in your 12th (10th).

The new supermoon (also on the 10th), is the moon which not only sets the temperature of your social scene (IRL and online) for the coming year, but blesses and boosts all goal-related activities. Don’t stay home dreaming about it. Ignite your inner visionary and go out there. Others may inspire you this week – but don’t rule out you acting as inspiration for them, Taurus. Widen that influence.

In a nutshell: You’re inspired by what others have achieved this week. And understand if they can do it, you can too. This week’s new supermoon puts you in touch with kindred spirits.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (12th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (11th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 10th)


Inspire yourself!

Make your move

Flex those manifestation muscles

The new supermoon in your 10th (10th), tells you the only way is UP. What have you left on the back burner in terms of what you want to attain or achieve, Gemini? If you can envision it, you can have it in some way, shape or form. In fact, giving form to what’s in your imagination is what this week is all about.

Ruler Mercury is also in your 10th up until the day the supermoon has you starting your engines. It triggers inspiration, ambition and a desire to show the world just what you have to offer. The start of the week could see you re-examining something with a view to having another go. But in a new way. Uranus in your 12th has you at your most inventive when it comes to just how you can go about doing things.

Inspired and inspiring in turn, Mercury’s infusion with Neptune (8th), hands you a discovery. Perhaps about yourself. There’s a ‘sky’s the limit’ vibe to this. Something inspires you to reach higher. And not only that, to chunk things down so you break up what needs to be done into practical steps. You won’t be talked out of this – by others and most importantly, by yourself, either.

Hit the ground running and above all, use that network once Mercury crosses into your 11th. Your 10th house is about your ambitions and your public image. Your 11th is the natural progression to that. How you work it and who you know. Think those followers, friends, connections and contacts.

This week marks the starting point of something bigger you can step up into, Gemini. That idea, project or move you can make. And that cheer squad or those who can help you get there with their contacts or expertise. It’s not so much you’re reading in one direction – but outwards in all of them! This week promises all gain and the inspiration to make it happen.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury and a new supermoon in your 10th elevates your stock and boosts your cred. Others can’t help but take you seriously. Rewards and recognition could follow. Check your New Supermoon in Pisces forecast for more!

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (11th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (10th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Sail away with me
To another world . . .

Islands in the Stream. Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers

Miraculous tides pull you off into something freeing, this week. Opportunity swirls around you. And thanks to this week’s ‘secret’ supermoon (10th), solutions are illuminated by the light of inspiration.

Sail away into oceans that are bigger, and more breathtaking. Waves of inspiration wash you ashore in wild new worlds! The massive Pisces weather continues despite Mercury’s move from here (10th). Think of the sign of Pisces and your 9th, as a limitless ocean. Filled with possibilities. Neptune rules this and just before the new supermoon, we have a meeting between Mercury and Neptune (8th). This acts as the start of the journey you are about to commence. Combined with the new moon this is all about taking that first step towards your destination – even if you are unsure of how you will get the rest of the way. Your faith that the next step and the one after that and so on, will be revealed as you go, is all you need now.

As this is your house of actual travel – and setting off somewhere is possible as Mercury rules getting around. As is planning where you’ll go next. That bucket list trip gets extra blessings if you do your research under this new moon. See this week as one where you can begin to go further. Or even where an idea or vision can take you. The important thing to remember is that wishing alone won’t get you there. You do have to move in some way and catch that slipstream. Magic islands are waiting if you do.

In a nutshell: Opportunities, escape, solutions, freedom. These are the mystic archipelago of islands you’re heading towards this week. Chart your course on stranger tides which invite you to leave what’s familiar behind. The new supermoon in your 9th lights the way.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (10th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (9th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Enter a cycle of self-directed change

Decision leads to liberation

Embrace your power!

You’re ripening the changes within you that you want to see occur in your outer world, Leo. Hopefully since Pluto and then Mars entered Aquarius and your 7th house, you’ve come to realise the power to make those changes resides within you. And always has done.

Something you have been mulling over or giving your serious consideration to, shifts this week. And as it does, it places you in a position where you can take a higher path. One that may circumvent any barriers to making that transformation. Or else it just hands you a beautiful, elegant solution. Again, this comes from that wellspring of power you’re able to access now. Hesitation becomes a thing of the past.

You don’t just dream it – you do it as Mercury and Neptune meet in your 8th (8th). Two days before a soul-shifting supermoon appears (10th). This is the most psychic and intuitive new Moon you will experience all year, Leo. It’s been super-charged by that Mercury/Neptune meeting two days earlier. And you can use this energy to guide you with any changes you want to make now. Don’t ignore those gut instincts. When it comes to those changes – if you stay linked to that inner wisdom and heed those higher self-promptings, a significant and ultimately beneficial decision turns out to be not only timely, but utterly liberating too. The other revelation of this week, Leo – someone shows their true colours. But chances are – you knew that all along.

In a nutshell: A primal and permanent shift in how you see things leads organically to you making a big decision, Leo. High time. The results are all to your ultimate benefit. See your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope for more power pointers.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (9th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (8th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Go beyond the surface

Attract in kind

What you seek, seeks you

That opposite number, the Hermione to your Harry, the Bonnie to your Clyde, the Butch to your Sundance, the Thelma to your Louise – or even the Loki to your Thor, is what matters most to you this week. You have an extra-long yearly partnership peak due to the intense Pisces/7th house weather which will take you all the way through to the end of April.

This is your house of your most important connections. That ride-or-die, your bae, your partner-in-crime. You naturally want to create the highest, most pure and inspiring versions of love that you can. And your focus may well be pulled towards one aspect of this in particular. Especially around the 8th when ruler Mercury meets Neptune in here. You have this desire for more understanding and empathy. To really understand what makes someone tick. Of course, if there is a position vacant for a significant other in your life – or even working life, this makes you the most desirable candidate as others love the fact you’re not interested in what’s on the surface, but are taking a deep dive with those questions. And really listening to what you are told.

Whether you’re seeking a new love or a new job, a collab or simply to initiate a conversation, the new supermoon on the 10th provides the perfect opening. Or to simply discuss what matters to you the most.

Mercury is on the move this week. Entering your 8th and if you’ve been hesitating about speaking your mind up until this point, this puts the right words within reach for you. All this leads to a powerful relationship upgrade. And as we are talking about one of your houses of attraction, increases the flow of anything and everything from emotional support to the things like beauty, art and friendship, that make us fall in love with life.

In a nutshell: You’ve an extra-long double act cycle this year, Virgo. Which also hands you an extra-long attraction factor to. Others love the fact you’re willing to probe the emotional depths to discover what really makes them tick. The new supermoon ushers in a new dynamic of me + you.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (8th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (7th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

It’s a week of give and take

Show your compassionate side

Be there for others who are there for you

Is it time to serve a better, more refined and well-rehearsed version of you? We have Mercury in its ruling 6th in your chart highlighting for you what works perfectly. But also showing you where there is room for improvement.

It’s also a week to clean up that act, and replace bad habits with ones that do you good. Time these for the new supermoon (10th). Anything you initiate now is likely to stick. This is also a wonderful new moon under which to begin a course of study, look for new work or to hire if you are seeking staff.

This is also one of the most compassionate and giving new moons of the year for you. It’s secret sauce that many astrologers ignore due to the fact that it is in your house of work and daily duties, is one of either wanting to help others. Or asking for help yourself. You will love to be needed this week. Certainly the Mercury/Neptune alignment has you looking at what your body needs to maintain it. But then this extends on into what you can bring to the table. You infuse your work with creativity and caring. Even if it is just those chores. If someone asks you for assistance, you feel reenergised and love the feeling of feeling needed. And yes, you will give your all.

Conversely, the transits in your 6th also remind you to allow others to be there for you in the same way you are there for them. If that is what you need. Some of the most giving people I know have a problem with reaching out and asking for help in return. It’s okay to ask and it’s also okay to receive on occasion. Don’t deprive others of knowing you need them the way they need you.

In a nutshell: Does someone need your help? Or are you in fact, in need of help yourself? Only the strongest and bravest know when to ask. Seeing as you love to be needed, don’t deprive others of the same feeling. More in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (7th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (6th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 5th)


How many new ways can you express yourself?!

Write yourself a leading role

What you radiate – you attract

An extra long star studded cycle of attraction hits its peak this week with the new Moon in your 5th. Your houses of attraction are your 1st – what you draw to you as naturally as breathing, your 7th – partnerships and your dance through life with others, and of course, your 5th house. Where bliss and pleasure rule! Due to the build-up of planets in here, this cycle will last all the way to the end of April.

Push past the unknown and unfamiliar when it comes to your beliefs around what you can create. That’s the key to making the most of this manifestation magic potential. Tap into the realms of fantasy on the 8th when Mercury and Neptune fuse in here. See yourself as inhabiting the story you create for yourself in your head. And know if you can dream it, there is a way to make it happen.

The new supermoon in your 5th not only promises the start of something big. But encourages you to try the new. Especially if it feels daring, fun and creatively freeing. It’s also the key to harnessing the attraction potential swirling around you. If we stick with the same processes, we get the same result. And you’re seeking something new.

Standout love, glitter and even the other side of that attraction coin – attention, are all yours to participate in and play with. There’s no fading into the background this week, Scorpio. All that glitters is you!

In a nutshell: Be the star, producer, director and writer of your own show this week. Show-stopping 5th house aspects invite you to stand out and shine. Above all – ditch that old approach. Check your elevating New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope and become a headline act!

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (6th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (5th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Get moving

Altar your space

Security doesn’t mean sacrificing your freedom

Hopefully you are feeling right at home with your current lifestyle, living arrangements, path and place, Sag. But if not here – then where? Changes can be made between now and the end of April to where you hang your hat, what you do or pursue in life or around family and community thanks to the slew of planets in your 4th.

Are you feeling trapped or stuck? Because any feelings around restriction or simply an environment that no longer nurtures you, leads to a sad Sag. Like any other sign, you need a base and support structure. But that in turn, needs to provide you with the freedom that’s second nature to your soul.

Needless to say, the Pisces/4th house stellium could see you on the move. The Mercury/Neptune conjunction on the 8th exposes anything you need to change around your current home or surroundings. Don’t forget – this may not mean a total relocation. But can just be a Changing Rooms insight which leads to a healthier way of living.

Your space is a sacred thing. Altar it (pun intended). Create your sanctuary. Your recharge point and refuge. The port from where adventures begin and to where you return at the end of them. Create an altar quite literally. A focal point of your home which you can even decorate with symbols and images of where you want to go next. Or which anchor you to the space you inhabit.

The new supermoon (10th) is in its ruling house. Whatever you undertake to shift things around in your favour is going to be bigger and above all, lasting for you. You are a sign which was never meant to live small and tucked away. There’s a grander design waiting for you. Envision it and then – move on in, Sag.

In a nutshell: Moving experiences lie ahead of you between now and the end of April. Moving on, moving out or even just moving that furniture around, Sag! See establishing your base not as something which clips your wings. But which allows you to fly further.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (5th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (4th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)


Say it anyway you can

Those ideas add value

Head towards that higher truth

This week’s new supermoon is Mercury ruled. And it just so happens to appear when Mercury is in its ruling 3rd alongside it. You are in massive 3rd house weather. Not only are ruler Saturn and Neptune in residence in here, but the arrival of Venus and Mars later this month adds up to a super-extended say it anyway you like, period for you. Which will last all the way until the end of April.

You’ll also have time to adjust that message, edit or revise that project or plan as during this time, you’ll experience Mercury retrograde and returning to this house. For now however – it’s launch time, baby!

There’s a higher truth being handed to you on the 8th. Where illusion is stripped away. And what’s been lost in translation made abundantly clear. Mercury’s meeting with Neptune also hands you a truly inspired approach. It asks for your follow-through on it. Don’t dismiss the muse, Capricorn!

Do schedule important meetings and conversations for the day of the new supermoon in here if you can (10th). To say you’ll have all the right words at your disposal or be brimming with ideas is an understatement. Miraculous results can be yours if you share what’s on your mind. This is your house of learning, of teaching, writing, photography and how you broadcast those messages and ideas. So, media and especially the internet. That podcast, website, social media platform or channel.

Look at how you can share something valuable with others when it comes to your own truths and experiences. Know that what you share can have immense value – even if you’re not quite sure how. What you say resonates with your audience – be it one or many, this week. For others, an exciting concept or idea provides a fascinating starting point to attempt something new in business, work, learning or your communication style. Get talking.

In a nutshell: What you have to share, say or what you know, has value. So don’t dismiss those ideas this week, Cappy. An extra long communications cycle opens up new channels for business, studies, followers and collaborations. Get your message out there.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (4th)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (3rd)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)


Do you want to be right – or do you want to be free?

What adds to your worth?

Enjoy the moment

If something has been stuck, this is the week where it may get released. And possibly in an unexpected way. Do watch the 9th when Mars in your sign squares your ruler Uranus in your 4th. This could even involve you seeing that further attempts to persuade someone, are futile. They are just not going to shift no matter how well-crafted your arguments for doing so may be. The change can simply be you realising this and directing your energy elsewhere instead.

The big Pisces stellium which will last right up until the end of next month, asks you take a slow and considered approach to anything and everything that truly matters to you. From your dearest and deepest connections, your money and resources and your values. See these as precious assets that deserve to be protected and treasured now. And you will receive new ways to work with what you have more beautifully and effectively than ever before. To put it another way – what you already have goes further.

What you choose to invest in from this point onwards with be what matters most to you. Anything else will be cut loose. You are also willing to take a short term loss for a longer term gain. As in you realise investing further is pointless no matter how much you have put in to date. Watch for a moment of clarity on the 8th when Mercury makes a ‘You’re worth it/not’ move on Neptune.

The new supermoon (10th) is all about bringing a new kind of balance in. It’s also an inspiring one for anything creative you are involved in that can add to that sense of worth. And this applies to actual worth as well as soul worth. Above all, don’t be hurried. As you look around you, focus on the pleasure you can find right now. Not just what you want to attain or have in the future. Feeling rich in the moment simply adds up to more richness to feel.

In a nutshell: Finding the treasure in the moment is where that rich feeling stems from, Aquarius. So, avoid getting so future-focussed you miss it. That’s what can happen when you are in too much of a rush to meet that goal. That’s why it’s called the ‘present’. Enjoy the gift.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (3rd)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (2nd)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

full moon in piscesPISCES

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine. John Lennon

You may say I’m a dreamer. You’re not sitting around imagining what can be under the new supermoon in your sign, Pisces (10th). You’re up and running and ready to do whatever it takes to bring that dream down to earth.

The week begins with a flight of pure fantasy as Mercury angles to Uranus in your 3rd (4th). Innovation and ideas crowd your thoughts. By the time Mercury entangles with ruler Neptune on the 8th, you’ve taken those first key steps towards making them a reality.

The new supermoon marks the beginning of your astrological new year no matter when your actual birthday falls. It hands you the confidence to be yourself and to go after what it is you want. Don’t forget – your 1st house is one of your houses of attraction. The other two being your 5th and 7th. Plus this year hands you an extra-long cycle of fabulous fresh starts as the planets conspire to keep the Pisces stellium going until the end of April.

It’s time to run with those ideas and be unafraid to strike out in the direction of what you desire. Without censoring yourself or worrying about what others may think. Step up and become your own best advocate now. This is one of the best weeks of the year to give yourself a makeover. Both IRL and online. Make others sit up and take notice. And see you in a new light. This week tells you that no matter what, its never too late to begin again. And that’s what you’re intent on doing. Be fierce and unafraid. That confidence is what will magnetise what you need next direct to your door.

In a nutshell: Those who say you are just a dreamer may simply be envious of your capacity to create a vision you can actually inhabit, Pisces. The new supermoon in your sign this week not only has you imagining something big – but shows you how to make it real.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (2nd)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (1st)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

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The post Weekly Astrology March 4th 2024 Forecast for All Signs appeared first on Michele Knight.

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