Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 6th 2023
Go boldly
Be your own catalyst for change
Ain’t no stopping you now – you’re on the move!
Rock out forward motion in the heavens puts you in I’m gonna go for it Aries top gear this week. You’re charged up and ready for the challenge – whatever form it takes. Passively waiting on the sidelines has never been your style in any case. You know you are the one who makes it happen. And what’s more you’re playing for keeps whatever it is you are intending to conquer with all the passion you can muster. Mercury escapes its retroshadow in your 10th from the 7th which sees all the planets direct now aside from Ceres.
Meanwhile, just to boost those intentions and inject that confidence with high octane juice, Juno meets Chiron in your sign (8th) telling you that edgy, even outrageous moves could pay off. You’re no longer neglecting what you know you really want in favour of alternative agendas. Especially when it comes to others this week.
The biggest impact will come from Pluto which on the 11th moves to an ‘anaretic’ – final degree of Capricorn. The day after Mercury meets it in your 10th. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. This can bring about a dramatic, powerful transformation around your career path, your public image or your status. But chances are you have been waiting for your moment to do your part for some time. It’s finally arrived, Aries. Tap into your vast reservoir of bold, fierce courage. You’re here to slay.
In a nutshell: In the groove and on the move – up, Aries! Mercury’s escape from retroshadow in your 10th comes with an added boost from Pluto preparing you for the Now Age of Aquarius next month. Let nothing stand in your way.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (10th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (1st)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (11th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (10th)
Planning and thinking is over – time to act
Connections reveal a link to your future
We have ignition!
You spend a great deal of time mulching before you act, Taurus. Unlike those Aries next door who rush in where angels fear to tread, you ensure the angels are on your side by examining every possible outcome before you make your move. And you need to be certain that what you are doing is right. Not just for you but for everyone else your choice may impact over the long term.
Many people mistake this for you procrastinating or refusing to change. That’s certainly not the case. You know whatever you decide, you’ll be living with the rewards or the consequences for a long time afterwards so you simply want to ensure your decision is the correct one. And once you have made it, you’ll also wait for the perfect moment to act on it. This week offers you one of those.
With Mercury out of retro-shade on the 7th and all planets aside from Ceres in your 6th now direct, you enter a cycle which is all about freedom, liberation and forward progress. Especially ahead of Jupiter’s arrival in your sign in may. The union between Juno and Chiron in your 12th (8th) and the angle between ruler Venus in your 11th and Uranus in your sign the same day pushes you to set those future plans in motion. A heaven sent opportunity could appear via someone you know or are connected to. Or they hand you just the impetus you needed.
Things staying the same are no longer an option for you. The desire to move into something more freeing where you can stretch your soul and give it free rein can no longer be ignored. The biggest impact will come from Pluto which on the 11th moves to an ‘anaretic’ – final degree of Capricorn. The day after Mercury meets it in your 9th. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. Starships are meant to fly so for you this is the ignition point and the countdown is over. You’ve had a long time to think this through, Taurus. You know it’s right. And now is the right time to make that gravity-defying move.
In a nutshell: Others may think you are stuck or simply unwilling to let go, Taurus. But you know different. You’re merely tuning into your soul’s true needs and waiting for the prime moment to act. Guess what? Defy expectations and overturn preconceptions as it arrives this week.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (9th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (12th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (10th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (9th)
What are you hatching?
Get access to the vault of soul power
Become the change you want to see in your world
Change is the irresistible force which carries you forward into the Now Age of Aquarius (starting next month). You can actively engage with it or simply be swept along by the tide of transformation building from this week. What’s it to be, Gemini?
Ruler Mercury steps out from behind the retroshadow blues on the 7th in your 8th house. All the planets aside from Ceres in your 5th are now in forward motion. And this takes us all the way into April. The 8th sees Mercury meet Pluto in what is Pluto’s ruling house in your chart. One of the most important transits of the year so far when it comes to your money, what you share with another, marital or joint assets, investments and loans, legacies and benefits and your ability to work your power.
News relating to the above could arrive. You step into a fresh cycle of self-empowerment as anaretic Pluto opens the doors to the vault and grants you access. Time to also face any residual fears if you have allowed others to subvert your power. Especially around what may occur if you try to take it back. This is about reclaiming anything you have unconsciously given away or drawing a line that others have crossed. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age.
Setting your future on a fresh path is possible thanks not only to Pluto but the planets including Jupiter in your 11th. Jupiter is joined by Vesta this week and we also have a meeting between Juno and Chiron in here on the 8th – the day that Mercury and Pluto meet. That access all areas pass could well include breakout moves, having more money or resources placed at your disposal, or simply your own energy shift resulting in a profound change in an ongoing situation. You are the golden egg and the phoenix within it. What’s hatching sends you up, up and away, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Change impels you forward. You are not a victim of it however. You are both the change and the changed. So, see this as one and the same. What is between you and your freedom, is effortlessly cleared away now.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (8th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12tht)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (11th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (11th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (9th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (8th)
How have your needs in relationships changed?
Partnerships are redefined
Love reforges your soul
Pluto’s transit of your 7th house is ending. Since 2008 you will have seen not only changes within partnerships but within you as well. Who you are in any kind of double act, duo or duet has transformed. And along with this the kind of partner you are seeking. Others will have been changed via a deep, soul shifting union or a key relationship itself has transformed. Whatever form it has taken, you are not the same and for that matter, neither is the other party.
This week sees Pluto move to its final ‘anaretic’ degree of Capricorn and your 7th. In preparation for its first incursion into Aquarius and your 8th next month. It will be returning to your 7th as it will not exit completely until 2025. When it is back in your 7th, it will spend most of its time at 29 degrees and anaretic. Why is this important? Because planets get more powerful at anaretic or final degrees.
There’s a change in the balance of power around love, marriage, money and other matters ahead of you. You’ll experience a taste of what’s to come on the 10th when now direct Mercury and Pluto meet. All the planets aside from Ceres in your 4th are now in forward motion until April. A change in your career, relationship or financial status is heading your way while the Sun and Saturn in your 8th is joined by Mercury on the 11th. Restrictions are about to fall away. What will you do or decide when this happens? Be ready to make a self-assertive and power move or put your boss face forward and your brave pants o as Juno and Chiron meet in your 10th on the 8th. There’s no going back to the way things were. But the brave new world of relating holds so much more.
In a nutshell: Nothing including you, stays the same, Cancer. Chances are Pluto in your 7th has seen you not only changed by love or a key partnership, but changed who you are in the process. You’re so ready to go deeper now. So transform your ideas of what two can do.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (7th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (10th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (8th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (7th)
No more heavy lifting in love
Go for the one who turns up that glow
Get ready for release
Are you Now Age ready for an alchemical love experience, Leo? That boo or bae. That duet, dynamic or dramatic duo or double act? Right now the Sun is in your 7th and is joined by Mercury (11th) this week. Saturn is about to move on out of here lifting restrictions that may have made partnership matters heavy going the past 2.5 years. But Pluto is about to move in. A transit which brings a transformative experience for you via another.
With Uranus in your 10th you will also be more aware than ever of how your choice in any kind of partnership impacts on so many other areas of your life. How you are seen and perceived. Your image and reputation. We may be in the 21st century but in many respects not much has changed since Jane Austen’s time and Mr Darcy’s pride and Lizzie Bennet’s prejudice. We are judged by the company we keep and never more so than with our choice of partner. You Leo, need someone you can take pride in. Not that you are seeking a trophy. Just someone who by being themselves, sees you turn up your glow every time you think of them. You know if this is no longer possible, your connection is now in deep trouble. So, please never compromise on this. For their sake as well as yours.
Pluto arrives at the final anaretic degree of your 6th this week. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. Mercury rules this house and meets Pluto in here on the 10th and this could deliver a major change around your day job, studies or wellbeing priorities. There is something you are no longer prepared to put up with or continue which you will discard in the coming weeks.
All planets are now direct in the sky until April save Ceres in your 3rd. You are also benefiting from Jupiter back in its ruling 9th in your chart until May. This week brings a full house in your 9th with the arrival of Vesta and a key alignment between Juno and Chiron (8th). You are breaking away and releasing yourself into something freeing and more expansive now and this is a permanent move. It clears the way for that soul shaking love experience the Now Age promises.
In a nutshell: You need someone you can take pride in when it comes to any kind of relationship, Leo. And the past two years would have illustrated the perils in compromising on what you know you need in a partnership. Restrictions get lifted when it comes to duos, duets and double acts. Apply all you’ve learned.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (6th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (9th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (7th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (6th)
Hone your ability to attract
Claim your right to shine
Love it or not – you drew it in!
Ruler Mercury is out from behind the retro curtain this week. All major planets are now direct until April except for Ceres now heading back your way in your 2nd. Love affairs, romance, children, babies, parenting, pleasure seeking and creativity are ruled by your 5th. Also adoption,, IVF, abortion, illicit love affairs, fostering, step parenting, your adult children if you have them, grandchildren, holidays and luck. Being seen and feted. Sparkles, stardom and seduction. Indulgences and sensuality.
Pluto in this house since 2008 will have delivered rebirths, endings and new beginnings, the power of creation and intense, magnetic attractions during its stay in here. You should have experienced the sheer power of channelling your creative process or your thoughts on what it is you want to draw to you. When it manifested, did you embrace it or instead discover it’s not what you wanted after all?! Did it scare you into a u-turn? Or did you go deeper in? This process now reaches its end game as ruler Mercury meets Pluto on the
What you resist, persists. So – don’t, Virgo. Your change sector is charged by Jupiter and now Vesta which joins it, Juno and Chiron this week. This hands you magical empowerment to make changes especially around the 8th. Do engage in the process. And release and shed, shed, shed what you no longer need. Above all, ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 7th – do know what you now want from others as it’s simply not sufficient to know what you don’t. And get ready to put a ring around it.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury out of retro-shade in your 5th meets Pluto in here this week. What you attract, hear or experience has been thought about by you for a while now. One way or another, you’ll experience how the power of attraction works.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (5th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (8th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (8th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (6th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (5th)
Get a new deal on an old issue
Choices require a long term perspective
Love offers a new solution
You are the only sign to have a retrograde planet in your 1st. Power playa Ceres is currently pointing you towards a better deal or renegotiation of an existing one. This could even extend to where you live, who you live with or what hands you stablilty and security. As in material and financial as well as the emotional kind.
Mercury clears retroshadow in your 4th on the 7th and once it does, all the planets are now in forward motion aside from Ceres. Do focus on the long term now when it comes to moves you make and decisions you take. This week has Pluto also in your 4th, move to a final, ‘anaretic’ degree of this house the day after Mercury meets it (10th). Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. If you have anything hovering in your birthchart at 29 degrees in any house or sign, this will bring about a definitive move or transformation of a key structure or relationship in your life.
You have a loaded 7th house with Jupiter, Juno, Chiron and now Vesta (8th). So a partnership or close relationship in work, business or even friendship, could play a part here. And for keeps in an exciting way as Juno and Chiron meet also on the 8th. For the past 2.5 years Saturn in your 5th could have made romance and pleasure elusive. Maybe you stopped caring or trying simply because what was meant to be joyful had turned into so much hard work. The good news is that Saturn too is entering its end game in this house later this month. Free yourself up for the Now Age Love Revolution, Libra. Heading your way next month.
In a nutshell: Brave, crazy, outrageous love could send you into a spin this week. Do make choices with a view to the bigger picture and those future needs, Libra. Passion however is your main pursuit in the run-up to Valentine’s Day.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (4th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (7th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (7th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (5th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (4th)
Talk changes everything
Pay attention to the sub-text of action and body language
You mean what you say so be clear on your meaning
Ruler Pluto moves to the final ‘anaretic’ degree of your business and communication oriented 3rd house this week. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. And check your chart for any factors at 29 degrees of any house/sign. Not just Capricorn. And include asteroids, your ascendant/descendant, Nodes, IC and MC in this. If you have them, then publishing, business, studies, writing, design, photography and the internet will feature in bringing forth a powerful, last chapter change for you.
Who’s afraid of big, bad Pluto? Certainly not you, Scorpio. Pluto is pointing out a new path to you. News or a response you receive around the 10th could be the change you were seeking as Mercury now clear of retro-factors in what is its ruling 3rd, meets Pluto. Apply, pitch, submit, launch, respond or start that conversation. Don’t shy away from any topic. There should be no taboo subjects now ahead of Pluto’s switch into your 4th next month.
Do pay attention to the small stuff as you proceed. Your 6th of work, studies, pets, habits and routine is getting the Jupiter make-over up until May. A better paying job or way of working. Habits which energise and free you. And uptick in your energy levels and wellbeing. All part of Jupiter’s bounty.
Also in here are Chiron and Juno which meet on the 8th. And are joined by Vesta the same day. Vesta is about watching and devotion to duty. Of caring as the Vestal Virgins were keepers of the sacred flame. But they performed this duty under the rules set by others. Which is why Vesta is also linked to gender issues and inequality. Look to whether or not you are being forced to play by rules you had no part in writing. You can change the dynamic now. Again, this is linked to putting yourself out there, tackling that ‘difficult’ subject or re-writing yourself a better deal courtesy of the only planet retrograde now – Ceres in your 12th. The power of negotiation is yours.
In a nutshell: What’s said this week won’t be superficial or even subtle, Scorpio. Ruler Pluto also reminds you actions speak louder than words. And hands you the power of intention. So do look at the big communications picture before you say your piece. And do insist on equal terms in any deal.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (3rd)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (6th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (6th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (4th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (3rd)
Get that rich feeling
Work how you work
Juiced-up love – Jupiter style!
Ka-ka-ka-ching! What does rich truly mean to you? What’s been your story with money and other assets since 2008, Sag? How have your values changed? And this includes how you value your skills or expect to be treated by others. You value your freedom most of all, naturally. And resist or gallop away fast from anything that restricts or impinges on this. How you earn your dough needs to give you a certain amount of freedom. As well as stimulation. How are you working your work life to achieve this? These are Pluto questions in your 2nd house. This week sees Pluto move to its final ‘anaretic’ degree in here (29 degrees). Money buys choices and options. Do keep this fact in mind.
Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. And also check your chart for any Capricorn factors at 29 degrees as well as other factors at 29 of any house/sign. This includes your ascendant/descendant, the Nodes, asteroids and IC/MC. If they are there expect a Pluto like payday heading your way which tells you a lot about what you believe about your worth and your ability to self-direct your resources. Watch the 10th especially when Mercury and Pluto meet.
All the planets are now direct until April. Aside from Ceres in your 11th of communities, friendships and goals. Those goals and what you believe you can attract – love, gifts, good times, lucky breaks and getting yourself noticed for what only you cam bring to the party, have been receiving an extra juice shot from ruler Jupiter in your 5th. Big passions and wishes engage the power of attraction. Lock that love down if it fits in with your need for soul freedom and exploration as Juno and Chiron meet in here on the 8th. Vesta’s arrival asks if that attraction fits your purpose? If so, again, that’s a yes. If not, you are so open and ready for realness designed with you in mind, Sag!
In a nutshell: Ready to get real about what you want and what defines that rich feeling for you? Pluto could transform your bottom line and your self-worth. Or is it the attention or luck that’s all around you this week which sees you find your rich, Sag?
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (2nd)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (5th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (5th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (3rd)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (2nd)
Show others how you now define yourself
You are the catalyst and the creator of change
Relationships pivot in a new direction
Since 2008, Pluto in your sign has been asking you to find what (or who) it is you love, and fully abandon yourself to it. To let it completely transform you in the process. To enter the soul forge, embrace the fire and allow passion to re-shape you. You are not the same. And chances are, neither is your idea around what partnerships are all about either.
Enter the final crafting of this alchemical process this week as Pluto moves to an ‘anaretic’ and final degree (29) of your sign. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius (your 2nd) and the Now Age. You also need to check your chart for Capricorn factors at 29 degrees or at 29 degrees of any other sign/house. If you have them this will trigger the most powerful change yet. Do include in this anything at the key 29 degree – ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes and asteroids. This will tell you a lot about what this shift is all about. And our gifted astrologers are always on hand to help you decode if needed.
Mercury’s retroshade exit on the 7th puts all planets direct aside from Ceres in your 10th. The key status defining relationship getting the Pluto treatment could be a working one. Or how you are seen by others. Watch the 8th for its ensnaring and charismatic angle between Venus (3rd) and Uranus (5th). Someone has noticed you for all the right reasons.
Mercury moves into your financial sector after engaging with Pluto on the 10th. Bringing for some of you an opportunity to redefine where you go from here in a working or personal union. Keys to doors are on offer thanks to Jupiter in your 4th until May. One could swing open unexpectedly putting you on the path to something permanent on the 8th. Something requires your attention at home as well this week. This could be around a family member, someone you share your space with or live with, landlords, estate agents, even your council. Time to look at your foundations, roots and what enhances your security. Emotionally as well as materially. A little time spent on adjusting this area to accommodate the new you, pays dividends this week.
In a nutshell: Pluto moves to the final degree of your sign this week in preparation for its first exit next month. Show others the empowered new you that Pluto has created. You’re a force to be reckoned with now, Capricorn. Use your power to craft those final transformative changes.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (1st)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (4th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (2nd)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (1st)
Swift moving energy propels you forward
Apply that wisdom
You may not yet know where change will take you – but you’re ready!
You get the feeling something is coming. There’s a sense of anticipation, a lightening of the load, a light at the end of the tunnel which isn’t the locomotive heading your way! You may not yet know what form the Now Age of Aquarius is going to take for you just yet. But you are prepped and ready for it. Especially when it comes to removing the worn out and stale from your life.
Saturn is also about to exit your sign. When this happens you’ll be left with a cache of learning and experience to call upon for when Pluto reaches your 1st next month. This is your bounce-back moment. A powerful relaunch. For now, Mercury exits retroshadow in your 12th on the 7th. All planets are now direct except Ceres in your 9th. Clear out what you no longer need and complete unfinished business as Mercury meets Pluto (10th). Just prior to Pluto turning anaretic in here on the 11th.
Look closely at what no longer serves you or supports you over the long term. The 8th exposes this as Venus in your 2nd angles to ruler Uranus in your 4th. Declutter, heal, move on. Uranus may simply remove a blockage in your path without you having to do anything. If there is an ending, it is because this stood in the way of your evolution. You will continue to benefit from Jupiter in your communication sector until May. That big idea, following, business plan, book, screenplay, thesis, design. Share your story. Make your presentation. The 8th being a dare of daring and doing as Juno and Chiron meet in here. Ask away and do not undersell yourself in any situation. This could see you carve out your own niche when it comes to what you do or your ideas. Share away, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: Knock, knock. Ahead of Pluto’s arrival in your sign next month you know something is waiting to be let into your life, Aquarius. You are primed and ready for change. Even if you don’t yet know what it is – or where it will take you. Get ready for self-disovery.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (12th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (3rd)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (3rd)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (1st)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (12th)
Get that rich feeling
Check connections and goals for continued resonance
Be careful what you wish for – you may get it!
Friendships, connections, groups and communities have had the Pluto treatment since 2008. How has your social circle shifted and changed during this time? Pluto is about to move into your 12th of your god/dess, spiritual beliefs, religion, the multiverse, Tarot, creativity and psychic skills, astrology and the past. Ahead of this and Saturn’s arrival in your sign next month, Pluto moves to a final ‘anaretic’ degree of your 11th. Allowing you to see if you, others and your goals still share that resonance.
Friends in high places, rich, influential and powerful connections often accompany Pluto in our 11th. But at the same time, our social circle can shrink due to endings. If this occurs well, nature abhors a vacuum and its just to make way for someone new. Planets are at their most powerful at anaretic degrees of signs. Do read your monthly forecast and also the articles on here about Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the Now Age. Check your chart for any factors at 29 degrees of any house/sign and this includes your ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes and asteroids. If you have them, this will bring you the most powerful shift to date. And do be careful what you wish for if you do have them. Pluto can send us it just to see what we will do.
Venus in your sign angles to Uranus promising a pleasant suprise on the 8th. This could be around money, income, earnings, your work or side hustle or just something self-worth boosting thanks to Juno and Chiron meeting in your 2nd on the same day. You are benefiting from ancient ruler Jupiter’s generosity and abundance creation in here up until May. Vesta leaves your 1st this week for your 2nd. Time to cherish and take care of what assets you have if you are ready for more growth. Practice gratitude and don’t focus on what you don’t yet have but what you do. That’s where growth lies for you now. And do include the people who you know have your back in with this.
In a nutshell: Knowing what you don’t want isn’t the same as knowing what you do. Ahead of Pluto’s move into your 12th and Saturn’s arrival in your 1st next month, do ensure you know exactly what it is you will and won’t accept any more. Your point of power stems from this.
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (11th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (2nd)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (2nd)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (12th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (11th)
The post Weekly Astrology February 6th 2023 for All Signs appeared first on Michele Knight.