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Weekly Astrology February 5th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Weekly Astrology February 5th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Get ready to meet your co-creators!

Reach for a more powerful goal

Circulate the love

Mercury’s meeting with Pluto (5th) shifts the social ground you stand on. Entre to new and even powerful circles, friends with influence – this along with the new Supermoon, triggers a desire to reach a specific goal. And ushers in the connections that can help you turn that dream into something real. More in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

This Valentine’s month – which is also a leap year one, is no time to be staying home with that boxset. You are in a position to extend your reach – and your own influence at the same time. Keep all contact details and be ready to give out your own. Be mindful what you have to contribute too. It’s not just about what others may be able to do for you, but you for them in return. It’s a week to step up and be a friend.

Keep the focus on exactly that. Friendship if you have no boo in the run up to Valentine’s Day next week. Don’t see friendship as second best. The fact is, it’s all love. Between now and May, Pay it Forward synchronicities and rewards for past good karma could catch up with you in surprising ways. Perhaps not through those you helped in this lifetime but via those from past ones. Look to your circle and connections – if there are exits, it is to create space for the souls who will evolve yours. Whoever is helping you or holding out the hand of friendship, is simply paying you back for what you did for them – once upon a lifetime. That’s how love goes around.

In a nutshell: Who you know co-directs your future from this point on in ways you cannot possibly imagine, Aries. And those you have known as karma is paid forward in the form of friends who are on your team. Not a week to stay cocooned. Share yourself.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (11th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (11th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (10th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (3rd)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (11th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Cupid takes aim at minds as well as hearts

The actions you take say everything

Craft that image to say Boss

The highlight for you in the run-up to V-Day next week will be ruler Venus’s trine to Uranus (7th). Love could be found in unexpected places or frees you in ways you never imagined possible. An offer you can’t refuse, a solution, an opportunity – or a new path to walk when it come to your career could also be on offer – and if it revolves around you and another party even in a business sense – that’s a partnership too. Cupid’s arrows can hit minds and smarts just as easily as hearts. Don’t forget that.

Mercury enters your status setting 10th and meets Pluto in here on the same day (5th). How you are seen and regarded will never be the same from this point onwards. No pressure. I cannot over-sell you on the need to carefully craft your image and how you come across. This could be a pivotal moment for many of you in terms of your career path and the choices you make which impact on you long term.

The Mercury/Pluto meeting along with the new Supermoon in your 10th on the 9th, has you looking seriously at what you have invested in these past few years. I’m not just talking about where you stash your cash either. Although this may play a role. I’m talking about your investment in your thoughts, people, long term partnerships and that career path. It’s all coming full circle now and showing you whether or not it was worth all that time, resources and TLC. Or not as the case may be.

Are you cashed up with emotional satisfaction or alternatively, need to cash in? You should be receiving clear credit or debit statements from the universe this week, so read carefully and act accordingly. Your actions are how your reputation is formed. Your decisions determine this and send a clear message you are to be taken seriously. If you are in the fortunate position of seeing abundance flow your way, your future investment should lie in the direction of what means freedom for you. And yes, you are worth your own investment, Taurus. By taking that boss decision on your own behalf.

In a nutshell: A status defining moment arrives this week and after this, you and others will take you more seriously and know you mean business. Think in the long term now and carefully curate that image. More in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (10th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (9th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (2nd)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (10th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 1st)


Go for wilder, wider, more expansive love

Transform yourself out of the mundane

Explore and let go

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new deal and a new life for you, Gemini. Hopefully this week is the start of you feeling good – for the long term!

Ruler Mercury meets Pluto in your 9th (5th). Expect to embark on a journey – real or metaphorical, which transforms your entire worldview. Opportunities, offers, travel, expansion, solutions and you daring to take that unexplored path form part of this. This may call on you to change your mind,, leave your comfort zone or let something go in order to have it. Are you brave enough? You know you are.

What’s that shift, compromise or trade off you need to make to get what it is you need? Look closely at this as bargains can be struck and deals can be done as Ceres enters your 8th. In the run-up to V-Day next week – and this is also a leap year don’t forget, you will be fearlessly reaching for something wilder and wider to expand your world. And a way to get it or experience it.

Just remember, despite what you’ve been told, nobody gets to ‘Have it all’. There has to be a trade-off somewhere. But if you are prepared to make it then you get what you need – which is better than ‘it all’ every time. The new Supermoon in your 9th (9th) is your starting point where the doors to what this is swing open effortlessly. Be wary of anything that returns from the past. Someone may give you an Oscar-winning performance and tell you they have changed. You need to ask if they really have. You don’t want rinse and repeats, Gemini. You want the new which acts like alchemy to your soul. The only way to find out if change is permanent is to step back and take your time. And continue to explore the new as you do.

In a nutshell: A pivotal meeting between ruler Mercury and Pluto sets your feet on a new path. And opens up your horizons when it comes to what is possible for you to have or experience. There’s more in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope. Don’t be afraid to let go and live it.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (9th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 12th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (8th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (1st)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (9th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 12th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Become the alchemist

Play with transformation

Know what you will and won’t do for love!

In the run up to V-Day and Leap Year, Ceres arrives in your 7th allowing you to craft a better, more balanced deal around partnerships and relationships in general. You know what the deal-makers and breakers are, Cancer. Especially if you are seeking someone new. Go in with these as your gold standard and do not waver from them. Yes, there are too many fish in the sea and we’ve all seen them. Jellyfish. Sharks. Stone fish. You’re so done there. Time for something warm-blooded or you’re throwing them back. The Venus in your 7th trine to Uranus in its ruling 11th (7th) speaks of a different choice or criteria. Or the appearance of someone who ticks those boxes.

You could be one of the most lucky in love signs this V-Day month – and Leap Year! Serving true love and passion in equal measures. All because you now know exactly what you do and don’t want. That’s the power of love, Cancer.

Irrevocable and unmissable change is on its way this week. Time to embrace it and engage with the process. Change is like a wave. You need to be ready to catch that perfect break. Get ready to surf it in towards Empowerment Beach as Mercury and Pluto meet in Pluto’s ruling house (5th).

Sure, it may initially look scary, but hanging 10 sees you waxed up and in a peak position to direct that future especially when it comes to income, assets or even shifts around a partnership or intimate connection. The new Supermoon on the 9th triggers the shift.

If something is stagnant, stale or simply not evolving our soul, expect that soul surfing opportunity to catch a very different kind of break which brings the change you seek. Around partnerships, money, assets and above all – self empowerment. Someone or something is about to wash you up on a very different shore. It’s called a ‘break’ because it’s an opportunity. Don’t miss it.

In a nutshell: Transcending something which has held you back or which needs to change is on offer this week. The new Supermoon in your 8th offers the perfect break towards passion and empowerment, Cancer. More in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (8th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (7th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (12th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (8th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 11th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

V-Day love includes the self-love kind

Which way is the tide taking you?

Change is what captures your heart

Duets, double acts, duos and even duels are always in focus in February due to the Sun your ruler, in your 7th house. This V-Day and Leap Year serves you a more powerful loving spoonful or change around partnerships due to Mercury meeting newly arrived Pluto in here on the 5th. Once Venus arrives you can expect changes of heart – literally, to follow.

For now, Venus offers you a new direction with work and career from the 7th as it trines Uranus in your 10th. As for the rest – new beginnings around partnerships are promised by the new Supermoon from the 9th. Is there someone you have in mind to aim that V-Day arrow at? Or is some kind of proposal in the air?

Remember, partnerships encompass so many dynamics. Not just the romantic kind. One particular person or relationship may feature. Remember, change is a tide which flows in and out. Which way is it ebbing for you? Does it flow or has progress stalled indefinitely? Are you loved-up or lacklustre? If something has turned into hard work you’re not likely to continue investing – be this personally or professionally. You’re strike out for stranger shores instead. While others could be transported into a fresh dimension when it comes to that opposite number. Here’s the secret to keeping that flame burning, Leo. Respect for your partner and them respecting you in turn. If that’s missing, your self-respect says you can’t fake it. So, fan it or simply put it out now. And make this your V-Day message to yourself.

In a nutshell: Transformations occur around partnerships or a key union. Whether it’s a working one or a personal one – love is the force which brings the evolutionary change. The new Supermoon ushers in a totally fresh phase in relating. More in your Moonscope, Leo.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (7th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 10th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (6th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (11th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (7th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 10th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Love is actually, all around you and heading your way

Act on intuition

All daily – less grind

The sign most likely to see a slew of cards and love declarations this V-Day month? That would be you, Virgo. Love is the surprise thanks to Venus’ alignment to Uranus on the 7th. If love is your goal or intention, then please go seek it or ways to express it even if it’s not via a romantic outlet. You are in a position to attract. But this all rests on how you work what you have. And also in giving yourself permission to be yourself free and unafraid of what others may think.

Don’t however neglect those responsibilities as you head out in search of hedonism and romance. If you do, you’ll be tripped up later and have a time consuming mess to clear up. Also, if work changes have been on your mind, now is the time to make them as ruler Mercury enters its ruling 6th and encounters Pluto (5th). Changes around what you do and even your attitude to your health and wellbeing bring you a much needed nutri-shot around what you do each day, Initiate these, change your habits, your attitude, your diet, working environment, daily To Do list and watch yourself become re-energised as a result.

If you have had a niggling feeling about something, then the new Supermoon on the 9th sees your sees your intuition or suspicions confirmed. I hate to say ‘I told you so’. So pay attention. If you have to put in boundaries or let someone know they have crossed that line, what follows is either a solution or freedom, Virgo that sends you in the direction of real love. And honestly, you no longer need put up with the so-so kind any longer. Knowing that for certain may be the small shift which brings those big love changes flooding in.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury’s meeting with Pluto this week brings far-sweeping transformations to your daily routine and your attitude towards your own wellbeing. As for that building V-Day vibe? Love is actually, looking for you, Virgo!

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (6th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (6th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (5th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (10th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (6th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 9th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Get loud when it comes to love

Make that choice future-proof

Act like the star you are

Roar this V-Day countdown, Libra. And have a very clear idea of what you want. That wishlist, vision board or goals needs to be updated or refined now and you need to stick to those details and specifics. In love or any other area for that matter.

Sure, know where there is wiggle room to make that deal as Ceres lands in your 4th. But also where to stick to that criteria if it means selling out or settling for what you know in your soul simply isn’t right. Thanks to the trine between ruler Venus also in your 4th and Uranus in your 8th.

This goes for work as well as romance, Libra. Standing for nothing means you fall for everything to preface Katy Perry. And sorry, ‘everything’ just like ‘anything’ just doesn’t cut it. You need what’s right and perfect for you right now – and onwards. Mercury’s arrival in your roaring and star making 5th sees it encounter Pluto. What you are opting for from this moment on also has to be future-proof on some level. Shifts around home or how you work will be in your favour now so add any changes that need to be made around these on to that manifestation list. The perfect time to harness your enhanced ability to attract is the 9th when the new Supermoon appears in your 5th. Set those goals or head off in pursuit of them. More in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

From now until May you are the magician. Especially when it comes to love or being feted for what you love to do. Act like the star of your own reality TV show. And if you’ve not been feeling that lately, it truly is time to make any changes that enable you to see yourself this way. From May onwards this year, you’ll be the recipient of big time, breathless opportunities. Just one more reason not to compromise if it’s not right.

In a nutshell: Time to get loud about who you are and what you have to offer. And to know that just because something is on offer – doesn’t mean you have to say yes to it. Getting roaring confident about who you are ups your ability to attract. No filters. Stardom is your birthright, Libra.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (5th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (4th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (9th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (5th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 8th)


Time to move on up

Find your soul purpose

Love is just one side of the coin, Scorpio!

Lasting changes or transformations around home, foundation, living arrangements, lifestyle, family or your path happen as Mercury meets ruler Pluto on the 5th. Some of you may be looking at a pre V-Day offer to move in together. Others may see property matters move ahead and how and where you live change.

The week offers you moving experiences one way or another. Claiming your true path or birthright, pursuing what you are here to do is another effect of Pluto in your 4th – along with the new Supermoon in here on the 9th. This is the moon’s ruling house so its effects are increased. What and where you inhabit is all important now. As it who and where you belong. Don’t forget, this is more than just bricks and mortar. But includes your role in your family – whether the one you were brought up on or the one you created. And your role in the outer world.

Bankable love is also on your mind this Leap Year month. You have Venus in your 3rd triggering Uranus in your 7th on the 7th. Money, assets, investments – and where you bank your emotions, are up for review. What (or who?) is paying out big in interest or bumping you up that rich feeling list for you? Decisions around your money will feature as a result of path and lifestyle changes, so attend to business.

Any issues you have around abundance – money or emotional, demand that you own them now and don’t shove them aside like that unopened bank statement or bill. Also, take this all as a benchmark on how love worthy you are feeling this V-Day month. The universe is offering a chance to re-evaluate what you believe you are entitled to have and hold, and from this point onwards, you will negotiate to make up for any deficit if you feel you’re been short-changed in that department. Or simply move in search of a better, more soul-worthy deal. But it all begins with your own self-belief in your ability to receive, attract and have more. Money and love are opposite sides of the same coin. Get minted.

In a nutshell: Having a clear idea of what it is you want is the first step to getting it. Transformations occur around your living arrangements, path, family or lifestyle that reflect your refined intentions. More in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (4th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (4th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (3rd)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (8th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (4th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 7th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Clear what blocks the flow of the new

Get ready for a love-rebirth

One conversation changes everything

V-Day month marks Love Reborn for you, Sag. Or you making a leap towards a new deal on an existing one. You may be seeking something very different in terms of what you want or need in a partner now. This is all stemming from a fresh awareness of what makes you tick. A fellow free-spirit to run with perhaps? More freeing, breathtaking and boundless?

Ahead of the big Jupiter switch into your 7th in May comes a direction determining encounter between Mercury and Pluto in your 3rd. You’ll say what’s on your mind as a result of this and one conversation could turn out to be game-changing especially around the time of the new Supermoon on the 9th.

Writing, speaking, pitching, publishing, siblings, your neighbourhood, how you get about, design, your devices and what you access via them all play a key role. Say it, share it, send it out there. As usual the sub-text of anything you say is: Don’t fence me in but you are welcome to join my journey.

Work, the rewards you receive from this, and what sustains you will continue to be in focus. A change of direction, side-hustle or offer could appear thanks to the angle between Venus in its ruling 2nd and Uranus in your 6th (7th). Do declutter your life or workspace/everyday environment of anything that blocks the energy flow or you know is past its Use By date. Not just ‘stuff’ but the things you do without even thinking. Do they serve? Make this your litmus test. Any room you create clears the space for something better to move in. Be this love, a job or simply feeling connected to abundant flow. Clear the way for its arrival.

In a nutshell: If you say it with love, it has the ability to transform something for your future, Sag. Leave no one in doubt of your true feelings this week. Your authentic message is what breaks down barriers. Share your truth.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (3rd)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (3rd)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (2nd)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (7th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (3rd)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 6th)


No half measures just whole-hearted commitment

Follow that fresh idea

Go for a different kind of love

Leap after a different kind of love experience as Venus in your sign trines Uranus in your 5th. You may be surprised where Cupid’s arrow lands this V-Day month. Are you open enough to try something new? Ceres also lands in your sign this week. Offering up win/wins around personal manifestation and desire. Or the deal you can craft with another.

Whatever it is you want to bring about, this week is your green light to go for it. But whatever ‘it’ or should I say who?, is. But here’s the thing, Cappy. You have to really, really feel that desire and want it. Pluto has left the building along with Mercury from the 5th. When both of these meet in your 2nd house. When it comes to acting in the name of your self-worth, this also tells you no half measures.

Do or do not, there is no try to quote Master Yoda. This also extends to letting something go or saying no to it, just as much as it does to saying yes. Not just to money matters as this is your house of what you make. But the love you make too. Or anything you want, need or invest in. You are in the crucible of creation this week so do make certain what you accept or set in motion is aligned to your sense of values and self-worth.

No short-changing yourself especially at the time of the new Supermoon on the 9th. This is your call to action when it comes to standing by your self-worth. And determining your value from here on in. This also brings in flood of fresh ideas which demand you do something with them. Especially in regards to how they can generate income for you. Invest heart and soul when it comes to what you know you deserve. Discard the rest.

In a nutshell: Venus in your sign wants to deliver a different kind of love experience. Or a love which makes all the difference, Cappy. The meeting between Mercury and Pluto in your zone of self-worth says it all. You’re upping what you’re prepared to accept – or not. From this point onwards.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (2nd)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (1st)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (6th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (2nd)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 5th)


Become who you always knew you were destined to be

Get that rich feeling

Claim your power!

Rich is a feeling. As is empowerment, Aquarius. Both spring from within us. And acting on these feelings is what brings the abundant changes we crave our way.

Nothing has to change in the outer world for us to step into our power. That’s the key. You don’t need that outer validation to see yourself as an empowered soul. That inner shift could occur on the 5th with Mercury’s arrival and encounter with Pluto in your 1st. From that point onwards, you’re seeing yourself and communicating this, very differently.

The moment you fully embrace this could coincide with the new Supermoon on the 9th. This delivers the green light for that relaunch or to set yourself new goals for your upcoming cycle. Look to who this may include and also at the feedback you receive around any changes you make. And chances are, they draw new people to you – followers and those with the potential to be so much more, who show their approval. In the run-up to V-Day and Leap Year, you’ll know who accepts you or is on the same wavelength.

Conversely – critics and fake friends show that their comments are really about their own

insecurities or limitations. And you’re so done thanks to Venus’s angle to ruler Uranus showing you just who is loving, helpful and supportive – or simply the reverse. Time to make a definitive statement when it comes to how you see yourself. And what you expect from others in return. Team Aquarius is in a growth stage. Ditch anything that stunts that.

In a nutshell: A more empowered, refined and loving you? This week’s meeting between Mercury and Pluto plus a new Supermoon unleashes the you who has been waiting in the wings. Ready for your close-up? Someone could just love what you’re projecting, Aquarius.

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (1st)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (1st)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (12th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (5th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (1st)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 4th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Hello from the other side

A deeper truth is revealed

Now you know for sure – the universe has your back

A deeper spiritual truth reveals itself this week. There’s a reason I’ve quoted Adele. If you were in any doubt about there being ‘more things in heaven and earth’ – from this point on you’ll have none. Powerful forces are at work and making themselves known. If you wish to divine the deeper meaning behind what is going on, I do suggest you defer to your Tarot cards or seek out those who can help you navigate these stranger, spiritual tides. Anyone from a psychic to a psychotherapist to a priest. What you know and belief is set to change.

Literal messages from beyond may appear when Mercury encounters Pluto in your 12th (5th). You see you are part of something bigger. Or a situation now takes on a deeper, more resonant meaning. If you are seeking answers, they will be exposed with the new Supermoon in here on the 9th. Have no doubt you are being shown the absolute truth. When you see it, don’t deny it any longer.

A wild, new world of meaning awaits those willing to explore. Above all, don’t ignore what your intuition is telling you. This year promises to be the start of a cycle like no other you have experienced to date. But do choose your gurus or guides carefully if you feel you are navigating unknown territory.

On a lighter note: Venus in your joyful and connected 11th angles to Uranus (ruler of this house) in your 3rd on the 7th. This could bring a pre V-Day date or invite. Or put you unexpectedly in the path of love or a goal. There’s also a call to step away from the familiar, to feel the fear but fly anyway. After all – you now know no matter what – the universe has your back.

In a nutshell: Mysterious forces move you in a new direction. And spiritual truths reveal a bigger picture. Don’t dismiss anything your intuition is telling you. Or write something offer to just ‘coincidence’. This is the universe broadcasting loud and clear. Turn on and tune in, Pisces!

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (12th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (11th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (4th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (12th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

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The post Weekly Astrology February 5th 2024 Forecast for All Signs appeared first on Michele Knight.

How stress can cause hormone imbalance

How stress can cause hormone imbalance

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