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Weekly Astrology February 19th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Weekly Astrology February 19th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Take a short cut to your future

Explore your inner life

Share the good times with others

Spend some time with your secret-self this week, Aries. Sometimes even soul warriors need to put down that flaming sword of truth and right action. And instead focus on their inner world and closest personal ties. Seeking out what’s right for us often requires us down-shifting or spending time with our own thoughts. We then emerge re-fuelled with fresh purpose and certainty. Take all the time you need on the day of this week’s full Moon in your 6th (24th).

You may also have to keep your conscious mind on work and practical matters while your spiritual side is left free to roam. It’s the ultimate juggling act but if anyone can do it – you can, Aries. A work project may demand your attention on this day. Focus your energy on what needs to be done. But then completely disconnect and go back to that inner dialogue. Give whatever you are going 100% of your attention in the moment. And don’t allow leakage to happen. This way you stay focused and also continue to give your inner self equal priority.

Don’t worry – you won’t turn into a complete hermit! Venus and ruler Mars fuse in your 11th on the 22nd – a day which also puts the waxing Moon in your pleasure sector. Your playful, creative and romantic side emerges. You’ll seek out ways to express this. Make plans now. Either with that lover or friends.

The real highlight of the week however is the conjunction between the North Node and Chiron in your sign (19th). Think of this as a bridge to your future, Aries. If you want to visualise it – think the Bifrost from the MCU. A shimmering road to well – anywhere in the cosmos. Like an Einstein-Rosen bridge, this conjunction can open a portal to something which changes your future course. It may not be apparent on this day. But do pay close attention to who crosses your path, what opportunities appear or even what websites or information you discover. This will also be linked to what occurs around the time of the Great North American Eclipse in your sign in April.

As you are in the position of Heimdall to continue with the metaphor – this is your time to direct where you go via a vision board or setting that manifestation manifesto. Take the rainbow bridge short cut and use that inner voice to guide you where you need to go.

In a nutshell: There’s a rainbow bridge short-cut opening to your future this week. You get to choose the direction you go in. Ruler Mars infuses Venus and brings you the support you’ve been seeking.

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (12th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (11th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (12th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (6th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (6th to 10th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (12th to 10th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (10th to 12th)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Make yourself a hot topic

Get ready to make that lasting impression

Bring your prestige, baby!

Ruler Venus in your 10th is focused on getting you noticed, Taurus. In all the right ways. Get ready to impress.

This is a week to stand out. IRL or online. If you have felt relegated to the back seat, overlooked and/or underappreciated, the cosmos now conspires to put all that behind you. This week serves a slice of success for you, Taurus. Thanks to ruler Venus and Mars the only way us up. Or you finding yourself in a position where you are no longer ignored!

You’re serving smarts and also – here’s an often underused word – prestige. You’ve all the cachet of that Birkin this week. Do know it, Taurus. It’s not bragging. It’s just showcasing your worth. Look to ways you can convey this. And yes, this does include your social media feed as well as that resume or the simple way you state this without words.

Right up until the third week in March you can elevate your personal and professional brand in ways you hadn’t imagined. And watch your star rise! The best day February as to offer up is the

22nd. Venus and Mars infuse their energies. Making you the must-have item on everyone’s wishlist. No matter whether you are after one heart, many followers or that dream job.

You’ll give people something to talk about. The hot topic could just be you as you share news amongst friends now the Sun is in your 11th. This week’s full Moon shines out from your pleasure zone (24th). And trines Ceres in your 9th. That get together or date could be to celebrate a new deal, new era when it comes to your career, or just your unswayable self-confidence when it comes to crushing that ambition. That’s your prestige, now Taurus.

In a nutshell: More desirable than Birkins. More popular than a Kardashian. This week’s success stating meeting between ruler Venus and Mars in your success zone means others see you as that ‘Must have or follow’ item, Taurus!

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (11th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (10th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (11th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (5th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 9th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (11th to 9th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 1st)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (9th to 11th)


Time to launch

Design a life which sustains

Success and spirituality combine

You’re looking at the spiritual elements of success as the (19th) and ruler Mercury (23rd) arrive in Pisces and your 10th. You’re also facing a juggling act this week. Between friends and your social life, those ambitions, and a desire for freedom. But your incredible curious and multitasking mind has got this covered.

If you have an idea around business or even your social media, now is your launch date. Something takes you further this week. Travel or a journey comes into play thanks to the Venus/Mars infusion in your 9th on the 22nd. Your love for something or someone, offers to take you further.

You are seeking more than just rewards, money, accolades and recognition however. Not that you don’t deserve these or have earned them. You want to have the emotional feeling of progression. That satisfaction that comes from setting something in motion and then seeing the results appear. Also, at the heart of this, is investing in something which allows you to sweetly take care of those who are most important to you.

This week’s full Moon in your 4th pulls your energy down from the stars and back close to home. Yes, you’re thriving ‘up there where you belong’ and relishing that sense of being in the spotlight or the excitement that you get from exploring something new. But the Moon asks you to nurture the people and the foundations that provide you with your launchpad. And which underpin your emotional journey. Because without these, it all starts to feel a bit empty. This is the spiritual dimension of success making itself felt.

Take your time with this. As always, communication and what you say or is said to you, is the most important element. Words are how you convey your thoughts, feelings and bursts of genius you’re known for! Opt for in-depth discussions and steer clear of superficial topics. Your curious mind needs something to get its teeth into. And when it comes to spiritual union, others want access to the backstage areas where your emotional truth lives and your ideas spring from. As you go higher this week, don’t neglect to give people passes to the real you, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Group dynamics have a role to play in your future. But succeeding without a spiritual element involved will leave you empty. From this point on, you’ll only go for goal if it feeds your soul as well as your body, Gemini.

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (10th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (9th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (10th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (4th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (10th to 8th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 12th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (8th to 10th)

july horoscopesCANCER

As within, so without

Simple changes made with love are the most effective

Be ready for the win/win

News could just be a catalyst this week, Cancer. What you say, see, share or send out. An offer sees you respond and as a result, you head off in a fresh direction. Barriers to progress vanish. Opportunities beckon. All thanks to the Sun and Mercury in your 9th this week.

It’s time to consider making a change. Shaking up the status quo to allow in what could be for you, the missing element of joy, expansion and freedom from restrictions you’ve been waiting for. Often this begins within. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘As above, so below’ – which dates back to Hermetic texts of the 8th – 9th centuries. Astrologers use this as a metaphor to describe the impact of planetary transits on us here on earth. Another take on this for our contemporary, Tik-Tok world is ‘As within, so without’. When we change or make a shift internally, we see a corresponding change in our relationships and outer lives.

Mars is the ancient ruler of your 8th house and both rulers of this house are now in residence with Pluto moving in. The change you make within you now, that shift that occurs around someone or something, has a beautiful, immediate and unmissible impact in your outer world and/or intimate ties. And the Venus/Mars infusion of the 22nd makes it obvious, self-affirming and easy. It also hands you an incredible feeling of self-empowerment as you get to see just how effective making a simple change to how you see things can be. You go, Cancer!

Self care and soul comfort comes from expressing your feelings under this full Moon. Don’t neglect to share those feels with those close to you. What may feel obvious to you when it comes to what you are thinking or communicating non-verbally, may not be to others. So, see speaking up an act of self-care. But do this without blame. Listening is also an act of love too. Love language is a two-way process this full Moon. And emotional truth sharing is what shows you exactly what the effect of that inner shift has on your outer world!

In a nutshell: This week’s full Moon brings news or sees you opening your heart. Laying those feelings on the table brings the changes you’ve been seeking. And reflect what’s going on in your soul.

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (9th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (8th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (9th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (3rd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (9th to 7th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 11th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (7th to 9th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Redefine that duo, duet or double act

Accept back what you give so generously

It’s a cliché – but love really does take you higher!

Possibly the most romantic week of the year so far for you, Leo. As the Venus/Mars infusion in your 7th occurs just days after your ruler enters your 8th (19th). Creativity is heightened. As is your desire to explore a new concept of closeness via a duo, duet or double act.

There could even be something groundbreaking for you both with this particular coupling. Be it the horse and carriage kind, a collaboration, a deep friendship which lasts, that mentor or that work union.

This is a week which wants to show you that anything is possible for you. If you are willing to stretch yourself to reach for or into it. Expanding your very being or ideas around what is possible. See this as a natural extension of who you are. And what you deserve. Why do we love you so much, Leo?! Because you are the sign of constancy, loyalty and all that glows. Being ruled by the Sun, you are not affected by retrogrades as are other signs. Sure, your light can be dimmed temporarily by an eclipse. But nothing ever prevents you from serving that generosity of spirit and warming love potion that everyone who encounters you appreciates. So, when your rewards appear, simply see this as the universe thanking you. Do watch the 19th for a fabulous opportunity to pivot and claim what’s due.

And yes, you do deserve it and you are worth it. This week’s full Moon could just bring you emotional satisfaction and rewards as it trines Ceres in your 6th (24th). Magical, wondrous love experiences are too good to keep to yourself! This further fuels your generosity of spirit and desire to share anything and everything from your love to your resources with others. No wonder people want to get closer this week, Leo.

In a nutshell: Changes you’ll love around one particular relationship or partnership – past, present, potential, show you that all your generosity to others is your best interest bearing investment. Not that you do it for that, Leo. But others pay it forward this week.

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (8th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (7th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (8th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (2nd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (8th to 6th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 10th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (6th to 8th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Be illuminated

Fascinate and be fascinated in return

Get your glow up!

Glow up, Virgo. With the Sun and also ruler Mercury delivering your yearly double-up and duet cycle, the full Moon in your sign puts you firmly in the spotlight. This week also asks you if you are ready for something new? A fresh start or new era in an existing union? Is it time to let go of past patterns, a ‘type’ if you have one or even ideas around who you should be in a relationship? Or who might be suitable for you? The more you become open, the more solutions or ways of loving appear for you this week.

Of course, the full Moon casts you in an ethereal, glowing and unmissable light. You’re as watchable as that boxset and someone could just be tuning in and then unable to switch off. You are both fascinating and the main attractor in your life this week. This full Moon comes with rare and magical allure due to its alignment to Ceres in your 5th. Do make the most of it. IRL and on line.

And be open to those fresh options I spoke of. In all areas. Look at who you have become or are becoming since Uranus and then Jupiter entered your 9th. What opportunities have crossed your path since last May? You have until the end of May to enjoy Jupiter’s blessings of being its favoured sign as this is its ruling house in your chart. The stupedneously is set to deliver something for you which is now in perfect alignment with the you that you have become or the you that you are fast evolving into. If it looks different, it’s probably right for you. Reach for it and see how far you’ve grown, Virgo.

In a nutshell: A full Moon in your sign sees you release anything that gets in the way of your emotional self-expression. With your yearly togetherness peak starting this week, others want to share that inner light, Virgo.

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (7th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (6th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (7th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (1st)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 5th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 9th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (5th to 7th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Shed that shadow side

Don’t forget the other side of the attraction process – reception

Express yourself!

Dance with destiny. And love just for love’s sake. This is not a week to hold yourself back. But one where you take down barriers which stop you from expressing what’s in your soul. Approach life with openness and trust. That’s not being foolish, Libra. Quite the opposite in fact. You’ve gained enough experience and also strength from the past to not only know when something’s not right, but to get yourself out of there once you do. This has shown you time and time again over the past few years that you can trust yourself. With this comes the ability to be open. Because you know you can now relay on you to make smart choices without the need for defences which stop the flow of the good stuff trying to reach you.

So, you are able to take a chance and are willing to go all-in. Inner and outer critics are silenced. Self-sabotage no longer throws its shadow over what you do. You’ll see how this no longer applies under this week’s full Moon in your 12th.

However, the two big aspects for you which account for your open and playful approach are the meeting of the North Node and Chiron in your 7th. And of course, the encounter between ruler Venus and Mars in your 5th. This turns on all the major forces of attraction and reception across both your love houses.

Notice I said ‘attraction’ and then ‘reception’, Libra. Because now Pluto is in your 5th your ability to attract is at a lifetime high. But you have to be open to accept what you draw to you. Hence the need to dismantle barriers to doing that once and for all. Ruler Venus entwined with its opposite number wouldn’t have it any other way. Make like the heavenly stars in your sky, Libra. Whatever you draw to you this week – that person, opportunity or avenue to explore and create – just embrace it. No questions need be asked.

In a nutshell: Ready to receive, Libra? Receptivity is the key part to the attraction process. Whether you believe you deserve it or not – accept it anyway this week. Just enter into that playful place known as ‘What if . . ?’

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (6th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (5th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (6th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (12th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (12th to 4th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (6th to 4th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 8th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (4th to 6th)


Love the who, what and the where

Go for new growth!

Find your no place like it

It’s rare to find Venus and your ancient ruler Mars in the same part of your chart at the same time. And rarer still for them to be in there at the same time as your modern ruler, Pluto. Yes, once-in-a-lifetime aspects are in play with the planets in your homecoming sector. Asking you – just where do you belong, Scorpio?

We can also throw into the mix: And with whom? Due to Uranus and its package of surprises in your 7th along with Jupiter. This week asks you to look at what you have outgrown. And if you need more living and loving space, the Venus/Mars cohabitation of the 22nd, opens a portal for expansion. Home, your lifestyle, living arrangements and family provide you with room to grow into something bigger. This could involve an actual move for some of you. Or you just plant a seed now which blossoms later into something future-sustaining. You’re being asked to make room for something bigger to move in. Are you ready?

This week also sees the Sun enters its ruling 5th in your chart along with Mercury. Your pleasure centre is alight and open for business! Friendships or one particular friend or group may need your loving care and support at the time of the full Moon in your 11th (24th). A conversation you have then – possibly between you and a female friend or someone of any gender identity who is deeply connected to the divine feminine in all of us, has long term implications for you both. In a way that brings you closer and also benefits you equally.

Happiness is more than something you pursue with the Sun now accessing your 5th. It’s an experience, a feeling and also something you want to share with everyone who touches your life. Whatever it is you desire to attract this Sun cycle, basic Sun sign astrology tells you to get serious about it thanks to Saturn in this house. This does not prevent the flow of love, attraction and good times from coming into your life. But it does ask you to know what you want. And also what your deal breakers are. Take a positive stand in the name of love. And love will reply in kind now.

In a nutshell: Is home a place, a person or even a feeling, Scorpio? That sense of belonging is all-important this homecoming week. Click those heels together. You know the mantra. Find your no place like it where love can grow.

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (5th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (4th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (5th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (11th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 7th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Don’t allow unfinished business to get in the way of fun

Information sends you in a fresh direction

You and someone find yourselves on the same page!

The Sun and Mercury now in your 4th along with a full Moon in your 10th (24th), mean that this week could well see you having to stop and take care of some outstanding business in some way, Sag. The angles all these will make to your Sag factors tell you that there’s no putting this off. The upshot of this is that once you get to grips with whatever has been hanging around when it comes to family, home, lifestyle or business, you feel stronger and freer for having tackled it. And if you have been putting something off because it appears daunting in some way, you will also be pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t as challenging as you thought it would be. So, lean in and push. And keep the focus until you’re done and dusted. You will be and more effectively than you ever imagined.

Other aspects are far more to your liking this week. So, all the more reason to do the work and leave yourself free to enjoy them. The 19th sets in motion a new cycle of pleasure and creativity thanks to the meeting between Chiron and the North Node in your fabulizing 5th. Ideas are set to blossom this week. And what you say, share, send out, write, invent or launch is intertwined with your future. And just could send it spinning in a new direction.

Agreements can be reached and contracts (verbal or written) reached. You and another find yourselves on the same page and facing the same direction together as Venus and Mars come into contact in your 3rd on the 22nd. This is your day for applications, swipes, reach outs, launches, pitches and to initiate plans and conversations. Have that opening line ready, Sag. Travel may feature for some of you but as this is your house of short trips – you may not go far. But could make a fabulous discovery. Or even a familiar place feels new.

You may also have a fresh appreciation. For that idea or goal. Or even that someone. If an opportunity returns this week – you won’t pass it by.

In a nutshell: No fate but the love you make, express and share this week thanks to the meeting of the North Node and Chiron in your pleasure zone. Exciting choices await you. And you and someone else could just discover you both want the same thing, Sag!

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (4th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (3rd)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (4th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (10th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (2nd to 4th)


Play it for keeps

What you gain now – priceless

Craft the perfect compromise

Promises are made – and kept, now the Sun and Mercury enter your 3rd this week. Which Mercury rules. You may enter into a long term agreement especially as your ruler Saturn is in here. Which means you are playing for keeps.

Plus there’s Ceres in your sign. Mercury rules your 3rd along with your 6th. And in your 3rd this is about contracts, agreements and paperwork. Ceres rules the art of the deal. Where both parties enter into something that hands each what they want. The win/win solution. The 24th – 25th could hand you that especially when coupled with the full Moon in your 9th which also energises that Ceres. You are not only intent on entering into something mutually beneficial but the other party is too.

All this may leave you with a sense of satisfaction that comes from not having to compromise on your values. And yes, it can also hand you material wins too thanks to the Venus/Mars meet-cute in your 2nd (22nd). This is Venus’s ruling house in your chart. Ka-ka-ching moments, scintillating validation and that indescribable and priceless feeling of self-worth that’s more than money can buy (and lasts longer!), is your take out from this meeting of the cosmic lovers.

The thing is, Cappy. You have been the one to make this happen. It hasn’t just dropped into your lap. You took that step, pushed yourself out there, invested in your soul worth and truly believed in your incredible power to create the outcomes you seek. And now – it pays off. You also see rich isn’t necessarily what’s in your bank account but a feeling. One that you can afford to be generous with. Others will instinctively gravitate towards you now. Or want you to join them so they too can share the feeling. You’ve more than enough to go around now – so be generous. The more you give – the more you get this week.

In a nutshell: There’s a win/win or new direction emerging this week. And what it hands you could be lasting validation or satisfaction on a soul level. You’ve been redefining success for a while now, Capricorn. So this is the week where you get to see what the new version of it tastes like – sweet!

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (3rd)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (2nd)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (3rd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (9th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (9th to 1st)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (1st to 3rd)


Like attracts like – refine that vibe

Magnetise yourself

Unfurl those fascinating new facets of you!

Yes, the Sun leaves your sign this week (19th). But that doesn’t meant your scorching radiance is toned down, Aquarius. Not with Venus, Mars and Pluto in your sign. Mercury stays with you up until the 23rd helping you get that personal profile, brand or message across. It’s time to showcase a new facet of you. Or an entire new you if you now feel its time for a relaunch.

This week hands you the perfect nutri-bullet of attraction and action thanks to the infusion of Venus and Mars in your 1st (22nd). It’s rare for both planets to meet in any sign. That’s due to their orbits being very different. So, when this does happen it hands us a stars aligning moment. And for you this is about what you want to attract, have, experience on a personal level. And dialling up your ability to draw it to you.

The trick is to align yourself with the energy of whatever this is, Aquarius. And because Pluto has spent so long in your 12th house in the run-up to this point, you have undergone a period of profound inner change which has made you more aware of the fact that it’s all energy and like energy attracts like. So, be it and become it. This evolutionary process is further propelled by ruler Uranus in your house of personal pathways and living choices. So, if you have to make outer adjustments to how you look or come across – see this as your next evolutionary step. And watch what answers. Drawn to you by powerful quantum action.

This week also brings a change bearing full Moon in your 8th (24th). It just has the effect of increasing your magnetic field and giving you a fearless approach to changes you need to undertake. What was once important to you may no longer be as new priorities take precedence over old. Just see this another part of your process. You’re in a state of becoming this week. By May – you’ll enter a 12 month cycle of breathtaking results from that.

In a nutshell: The beautiful being you are becoming demands to be unleashed this week. By allowing all facets of your soul expression, you magnetise those future goals. Feel the rush of beautiful changes, Aquarius!

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (2nd)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (1st)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (2nd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (8th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (8th to 12th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 4th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

full moon in piscesPISCES

It’s your turn bright eyes!

Let go of trying – just be open to receive

Happy birthday, beautiful Pisces

Real happy returns are scheduled for you this birthday cycle, Pisces. That is because it takes place with Saturn in your sign. Saturn is the ultimate symbol of ‘What goes around, comes around’ due to its rings. Forget old interpretations of Saturn as the party pooper and old curmudgeon of the zodiac. Know this week that if something did not work out during the past 12 months, there was a very good reason for it. Saturn was merely doing its job as your Guardian Angel. Had you thought that might be because something so much better is your destiny?

So, see the upcoming year as having an honoured guest and caring mentor in your sign instead of an authority figure who doesn’t want you to have any fun, Pisces! Next year both Saturn and ruler Neptune will leave. So, the coming cycle asks you continue to delve into what you truly want. And whether or not it is in perfect alignment with who you are.

Resistance training is a word that is perfect for Saturn. You are building core strength. Sometimes that means learning to discern (a Saturn word), that there may be a different between what we believe we want and what we need. And that what we want may not be the best option for us. Also that is something has our name on it – it can be delayed but nothing can stop it. Eventually it comes our way. We can be strong enough to let go and stop struggling to make something happen. Which actually restores the flow when we do. Something from your past or which you imagined consigned to it for good, could revive or magically be resurrected in a new form thanks to the Venus/Mars meeting in your 12th (22nd). Which could mark the start of your most remarkable new cycle to date.

The final full Moon before the equinox appears in your house of others on the 24th. The day after Mercury lands in your 1st. It’s a turn around, bright eyes Moon. And again, shows you that when it comes to what you want, letting go and trusting is easy. That’s your biggest birthday gift this week. And one that keeps on giving.

In a nutshell: Begin your birthday cycle knowing you have a wise guide at your side at all times. Time to see Saturn in your side as your guardian angel and mentor. And in doing so, stop the struggle as you embrace the truth that no-one can take what is meant for you. What a gift!

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (1st)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (12th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (1st)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (7th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 11th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 11th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (11th to 1st)

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The post Weekly Astrology February 19th 2024 Forecast for All Signs appeared first on Michele Knight.

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