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Weekend Reading – Millionaire Expat: How To Build Wealth Overseas

Weekend Reading – Millionaire Expat: How To Build Wealth Overseas

Weekend Reading is a collection of Investment Research and Lifestyle topics from all corners of the Web.We source the highest quality insights from Wall Street and Main Street that you may apply to your investment process. Unlike the rest of, this series is provided without additional guidance. As usual, everything is to be used at your own risk.  Below is the type of content we shortlist.

Invest Wisely section is dedicated to research on how to invest for the Long Run using Passive Investment Strategies. Read Topics related to (i) Portfolio Construction and Asset Allocation (ii) Acting wisely by avoiding behavioural traps and also (iii) publications that help understand how financial markets work.

Active Investing section relates to improving your knowledge about active investing.  If you decide to sin, then sin only a little. Given ample evidence, combined active bets should be ideally a relatively small fraction of your portfolio. This section also includes Sustainable Investing. You can invest in a Socially Responsible way, but there are many ESG traps. Learn how to invest sustainably, and what it means for expected returns, with our definitive guide to sustainable investing

Personal Finance section is dedicated to UK and European Products. It can also touch on other European jurisdictions outside the Euro-zone.


Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.



Millionaire Expat: How To Build Wealth Overseas (Book Review)

Some of our readers moved to cheaper countries, including in Europe, South East Asia or Latin America. 

But what are the implications from an investing standpoint?

If you thought that regular investors get a bad deal with their pension providers, read who’s at the top of the predatory food chain – the snakes in suits selling offshore pensions.

[Read our review]

How To Determine Your Investment Risk Tolerance (Peter Lazaroff – 11 min)

Listen also on:

Building the perfect portfolio doesn’t matter one bit if it doesn’t align with your willingness and ability to take risk. Evaluating your own risk tolerance is difficult. Listen in to a fascinating conversation on the difference between ability and willingness to take risk, Factors that drive an investor’s risk tolerance & How to choose the right asset allocation based on your risk tolerance


The Top Performing S&P 500 Sectors Over the Business Cycle (Visual Capitalist)

The business cycle fluctuates over time, from the highs of an expansion to the lows of a recession, and each phase impacts the performance of S&P 500 sectors differently. And though affected sectors have different levels of average performance, any given period may see the outperformance of certain sectors due to external factors, such as technological advancements or high-impact global events (i.e. global pandemics, international conflicts, etc.)This graphic uses data from SPDR Americas Research to show the top performing sectors through the business cycle over almost 70 years. Overall from December 1, 1960 to November 30, 2019, the dataset covers: 7 recessions, 7 recoveries, 12 expansions and 11 slowdowns.

Read more on Visual Capitalist


Wall Street Thinks You’re Dumb: The Rise Of Wise Money (

Wall Street calls itself ‘Smart Money’, casting Individual Investors as ‘Dumb Money’.
Even on Wall Street, it’s not binary. There is ‘Real Money’ or ‘Fast Money’. Some on Wall Street may not even be smart. was born out the discovery of Wise Investing. To make them distinct from the investor crowd, I coined the term ‘Wise Money’. But today, for every Wise Investor, there are around 50 investors chasing Fast Money. Our mission? Read more below. 

[Read our article]

Active Investing

FACTOR investing

Putting the low volatility factor on the map (Rational Reminder – 59 min)

Pim van Vliet, joins the conversation with insights on volatility, the changing market, and combining low-risk with other traditional factors. He equips listeners with key considerations for evaluating strategies or products when allocating low-risk and offers his perspective on out-of-sample-testing, distinguishing between global-factor and cross-sectional premiums, and more.

Do trend following managed futures impact safe withdrawal rates? (Alpha Architect)

In a very simplistic way, one can think of your portfolio, like a baseball team:

Stocks would be your home run hitter who strikes out a lot and play first base — they can produce some great offense, but not much with respect to defense.
Bonds are like a great defensive shortstop: mediocre at hitting, but they are on your team to play defense.

Read more on Alpha Architect

discretionary investing







Wealth Management

Early Retirement



OUR Community

Question of the week

How would you describe your current life situation?


Personal Development

Naval Ravikant – The 6 BIGGEST Middle Class Habits Keeping You in the Rat Race (Naval Ravikant)

Naval digs deep into psychology of status, materialism, beliefs and much more that is keeping you down.

Health & Wellness

Deciphering Tim’s lower back issues – like for real! (The Tim Ferris Show – 1 hr 53 min)

Shirley A. Sahrmann, PT, PhD, is Professor Emerita of Physical Therapy at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri.

Join the conversation here as she deep dives into Tim’s lower back issues, teaches how to unlearn painful patterns, talks about movement as medicine (or poison) and much more!





The 15 Richest Multi-Generational Families in Asia (Visual Capitalist)

Today, Asia’s 15 richest families control over $400 billion in wealth.

Many family dynasties have shaped Asia’s economy—from energy conglomerates to banking empires. In many ways, this was supported by social capital and long-term planning often built into family business structures.

The above graphic uses data from Bloomberg to show the wealthiest families in Asia from a multi-generational perspective. Data is based on combined family wealth and does not include first generation founders, or single family heirs.

Read more on Visual Capitalist

Why Oppenheimer deserves his own movie (Veritasium – 33 min)

“If you want to learn more about Oppeheimer, I strongly recommend the book “American Prometheus” By Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin. It is a remarkable book, very much deserving of the Pulitzer prize it received”

OUR Community

Last Week We asked you

How would you describe your current life situation?


Know an Awesome Article?

Each week we go through hundreds of articles, some submitted directly to us via this form, and through social media. Share your discovery with the community.

Thank you for reading.

Good Luck & keep’em* rolling!

(* Wheels & Dividends)

Thank you for reading.
Good Luck and Keep’em* Rolling!

(* Wheels & Dividends)


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