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TT Club Innovation in Safety Award Now Open for Groundbreaking Entries in Cargo Transport Safety

TT Club Innovation in Safety Award Now Open for Groundbreaking Entries in Cargo Transport Safety

The TT Club, in collaboration with ICHCA, has opened entries for its annual Innovation in Safety Award, recognizing those who are making significant advancements in cargo transport safety. This prestigious award seeks to honor individuals and organizations that are currently driving safety improvements in the global freight industry, a mission that has become more critical than ever.

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The challenges in cargo transport are vast, with risks such as explosions, fires, falls, crushing, and collisions requiring constant vigilance, both in ports and onboard ships. By advancing safety technologies and practices, the industry not only protects lives and cargo but also enhances the sustainability and success of organizations worldwide. The award emphasizes the importance of preventing not only high-profile incidents but also the day-to-day accidents that can impact both shoreside workers and ship crews.

Mike Yarwood, Managing Director of Loss Prevention at TT Club, highlighted the positive impact of the award, stating, “Cargo handlers, carriers, and technology developers are continuously producing innovations to improve risk control. Working with ICHCA, our efforts in encouraging such innovation are yielding tangible results, and this award is a key component of that success.”

The award has consistently attracted a high caliber of entries, showcasing a wide array of safety solutions. Past winners and those recognized for special commendation include companies such as Cross Currents 88, G2 Ocean AS, Royal Haskoning DHV, and AP Moller Maersk, among others. Their innovations range from netting systems that prevent fatal falls in cargo holds to devices enhancing mooring safety and digital platforms for vessel inspections.

Richard Steele, CEO of ICHCA, praised the innovative spirit of past participants, stating, “Our list of previous winners is impressive, and it’s an honor to spotlight their passion for not just doing things right, but doing them better. We encourage all those who have made positive changes in safety practices or developed products and services that enhance safety to enter this year’s award. The sharing of knowledge and forward-thinking ideas that result from this competition are invaluable in driving meaningful safety advancements across the industry.”

The TT Club Innovation in Safety Award remains a vital platform for recognizing and sharing groundbreaking ideas that are shaping the future of cargo transport safety.

All entries to the Award are welcomed.  Judging criteria and entry form can be accessed here

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