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The majority of voters support changing the voting system

The majority of voters support changing the voting system

Interestingly this polling was taken before election day and extreme inequitable distribution of seats that we saw.

My suggestion is that we have two plebiscites, the first one to decide on what system to replace first past the post with, conducted under the alternative vote system to rank your preferences such as STV, AV, etc.

Then we have a referendum on whether if we want to replace FPTP with the winner of the first referendum.

This polling does scare and worry me that 47% of voters want to move to online voting, Vladimir Putin thanks you for your stupidity, I mean how am I meant to draw a cock and balls on an electronic vote? Until somebody explains to me how I can do that, then I will continue to oppose electronic voting.


Denmark vs Serbia Prediction: Hosts can edge another win

Denmark vs Serbia Prediction: Hosts can edge another win

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