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The Gambler’s Doomsday Survival Kit

The Gambler’s Doomsday Survival Kit

An intelligent gambler knows that preparation is crucial to success in betting and life. Doomsday prepping isn’t something you typically associate with gambling, but even odds-defiers should consider prepping for the worst-case scenario.

Towards that end, we have put together what we feel are the necessities that a gambler will need to survive the “end of the world.” It will be the biggest gamble of your life, but you can improve your odds with the proper kit.

Gamblers Doomsday Survival Kit

Key Highlights

  • Essential items include food, weapons, medical supplies, and fuel.
  • Costco offers Readywise Emergency Food Supply kits with a 25-year shelf life.
  • Be prepared, and don’t take unnecessary gambles after doomsday.

The Necessities of a Survival Kit

The first thing to address is the necessities a prepper will need in their survival kit. 

Food and Water

You need a food stockpile to survive any doomsday scenario. Put back five years or more of food. Costco offers Readywise Emergency Food Supply kits for 150 servings for around $80. They also have larger kits that have thousands of servings. These kits have a 25-year shelf-life, so you don’t have to worry about spoilage. Of course, you should stockpile as much fresh water as possible and consider buying water purification devices.

Clothing and Blankets

You will need several clothing changes and plenty of blankets for any doomsday scenario. If you have old clothes and blankets that are still usable but don’t want to be used in your current wardrobe, the survival kit would be an excellent place to put them. 


While guns can be a controversial topic, you must be realistic in a doomsday scenario. You will need guns to help you survive. Ideally, you should have a close-quarters pistol and a long-range rifle. Close-quarters pistols for closer assailants or threats and long-range rifles can help in hunting. You will also need plenty of ammunition for your weapons, and I’d recommend at least 1,000 bullets for each type of gun you own in your kit.

Other Weapons

Besides guns, you should consider having different weapons, such as knives and axes. These can serve well in a hand-to-hand combat situation or for other tasks requiring cutting, such as preparing food or chopping down trees or branches.

You will want to stick with lower-variance and safer survival scenarios
than going “all-in” on a risky play that could cost you your life.

Other Important Items in a Doomsday Kit

After we’ve covered the essentials, let’s examine other items you’ll need for your doomsday kit.

Medicines and Bandages

You will need medical supplies for any doomsday kit you’re prepping. Stock it up with plenty of pain relievers, cold remedies, antiseptic ointments, and bandages. Consider adding certain prescription medicines that may be vital in a doomsday scenario, like Penicillin and insulin. 


Your survival kits should include a couple of small tool kits. An ideal set is a set of screwdrivers and wrenches. You will need a screwdriver or wrench in various situations, such as rebuilding abandoned vehicles or repairing your shelter. It would help if you also had other tools, such as hammers, drills, and other tools that can be operated on batteries. 

Precious Metals

In an end-of-the-world scenario, money will likely be worthless, but precious metals will likely retain some value. If possible, keep a stockpile of gold and silver that can be used as currency. Small silver bars, gold necklaces, and other jewelry items would be suitable for travel packs. 

Emergency Generators

Consider acquiring some emergency generators if you plan to stay home during a doomsday scenario. These will help you power your home or certain emergency items. You will probably have to learn to live without power at some point, but you can still provide some comforts from your pre-doomsday life until you run out of fuel.

Gas, Diesel, and Propane

You will need gas, diesel, and propane fuel to power cars or other motorized equipment. Propane can be used to cook, heat, and run generators. The more fuel you have, the longer you can be self-sufficient.

Remember: Don’t Take Unnecessary Doomsday Risks

You’ve probably noticed that this survival kit does not include many gambling-related items. That’s because when it comes to doomsday prepping, you must make smart plays rather than taking unnecessary gambles. 

The same will apply once the apocalypse hits. You will want to stick with lower-variance and safer survival scenarios than going “all-in” on a risky play that could cost you your life. Gambling is good for casino games, but not in a doomsday scenario.

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