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The Best Warcraft Rumble Deck for Each Faction (Heroic PVE)

The Best Warcraft Rumble Deck for Each Faction (Heroic PVE)

The Best PvE Deck for Each Warcraft Rumble Faction

We’ve listed the best Warcraft Rumble Deck + leader for each faction that we feel are the easiest and least resource-intensive to fully clear Heroic mode.

If you haven’t seen our Minis Tier List or Leaders Tier List, units are partly ranked according to how well they can fit into every deck.

You will see many repetitions across the decks of each leader as leveling a core team of 8-14 minis will ensure that your gold and experience are not spread too thin, and each mini invested in will have use for more than 1 deck.

The decks have all been used and tested to clear every single Heroic stage, with the average deck level of 2-0 levels below the zone’s recommended level. For each deck, we will also recommend possible replacements as some minis will be more effective in certain maps.

Alliance – Tirion Fordring Deck

best alliance deck (Tirion Fordring)

  • Decklist
    • Defias Bandits
    • Huntress
    • Earth Elemental
    • Pyromancer
    • Quilboar
    • Harpies
  • Possible replacements
    • Footmen
    • S.A.F.E. Pilot
    • Blizzard
    • Stonehoof Tauren
    • Batrider

This deck focuses on Tirion Fordring leading the way, being both a high hp tank that heals himself between battles, and having a shield that can absorb all damage for 5 seconds. He is supported by a variety of strong DPS units that can quickly deal with any threat.

As there are 2 fast minis that outpace Tirion, two unbound tanks are included to help distract the opponent’s minis and towers while Tirion catches up to the fight. Defias Bandits provide a way to cycle back to your other cheap units and tanks and can stun enemies who fire on Tirion as he approaches. When 2 or more Tirion are on the field, your ball of units becomes very difficult to kill with all the healing output they are doing.

While it is tempting to use Footmen due to its natural synergy with Tirion, do be aware that Footmen generally are very slow and generally are outclassed by other tanks in other decks, thus any investment in Footmen will only strengthen your Tirion deck.

Beast – Old Murk-Eye Deck

best beast deck (Old Murk-Eye)

  • Decklist
    • Quilboar
    • Harpies
    • Earth Elemental
    • Huntress
    • Gryphon Rider
    • S.A.F.E. Pilot
  • Possible replacements
    • Batrider
    • Defias Bandits
    • Whelp Eggs

The Old Murk-Eye deck is all about speed and protecting the massive amount of Murlocs that it generates. Both unbound tanks are included so that they can be dropped anytime the Murlocs approach a threat so that the enemy is distracted by the tank, allowing the Murlocs to clean them up.

S.A.F.E. pilot adds an additional way to deal with priority threats that can wipe out your swarm of push, and Gryphon Rider provides some long-range support.

Murk-Eye creates a lot of map pressure with the number of Murlocs he summons across different lanes, and can easily take down side lanes with little investment by dropping an unbound tank on towers while the free Murlocs take down the tower.

Blackrock – Rend Blackhand Deck

best blackrock deck (Rend Blackhand)

  • Decklist
    • Drake
    • Whelp Eggs
    • Harpies
    • Quilboar
    • Pyromance
    • Earth Elemental
  • Possible replacements
    • Defias Bandits
    • Huntress
    • Gargoyle
    • Stonehoof Tauren

The best Warcraft Rumble deck for Blackrock, Rend Blackhand, is run with a substantial amount of flyers to capitalize on his ability to play them with -1 cost. He should be leading the push with his resistant flyer form, with you ready to drop Earth Elemental or Whelp Eggs to distract any physical damage dealers and towers, allowing Rend some time to reach his target.

After he dismounts, he gains armor and charges to the nearest enemy to tank and deal cleaving damage. Pyromancer is included as a cheap ranged unit that hits both ground and air units while keeping the deck’s overall cost low due to the high cost of Rend.

While it may be tempting to fit Gargoyle into the deck to further utilize Rend’s cost reduction, it is often too slow and sticks with the other flyers, making your ball of flyers susceptible to AoE strikes from enemies and bosses. It is better to redirect their attention in another direction with the two unbound tanks.

Furthermore, Gargoyle sees limited usage outside of the Rend deck due to its high cost. Drake, while also being seldom used outside of Rend decks, is, however, core to Rend’s team in the Onyxia’s fight, and remains a good long-term investment.

Horde – Cairne Bloodhoof Deck

best horde deck (Cairne Bloodhoof)

  • Decklist
    • Ogre Mage
    • Frostwolf Shaman
    • Pyromancer
    • Harpies
    • Earth Elemental
    • Quilboar
  • Possible replacements
    • S.A.F.E. Pilot
    • Defias Bandits
    • Gryphon Rider
    • Batrider

This deck is centered around turning Cairne Bloodhoof into an unkillable hypercarry that stuns enemies in his path and in a respectable AoE line. Cairne has the highest HP pool amongst all heroes, and with revives that makes his HP pool even bigger. Shaman can grant Cairne Armored and heal him back to full after resurrection, making him an unstoppable AoE damage-dealing tank.

Ogre Magi can further boost Cairne’s attack speed by granting him berserk, increasing his attack speed to mete out more stuns, and at the same time providing the frost debuff on enemies, slowing down their attack speed and further decreasing the chance they can even attack between Cairne’s stuns and their slower attack speed.

Pyromancer is chosen to fill the ranged slot as she is cheap at 2 cost and has slow movement speed, allowing her to stick with the other slow units. The unbound tanks are included to protect any AoE damage from splashing on your Carine-Ogre-Shaman ball, allowing time for Cairne to reach the enemies and start stunning them into oblivion.

Should Cairne be focused down and start reviving, the unbound tank can be dropped to draw the attention of enemies, allowing Cairne to be resurrected without being targeted anymore and healed back by Shaman.

Undead – Baron Rivendare Deck

best undead deck

  • Decklist
    • Necromancer
    • Meat Wagon
    • Earth Elemental
    • Harpies
    • Quilboar
    • Huntress
  • Possible replacements
    • Skeletons
    • Whelp Eggs
    • Batrider
    • Gryphon Rider

A contender for best Warcraft Rumble Deck in general as one of the strongest leaders in general, Baron Rivendare’s deck allows players a lot of freedom on how he is to be played. His constant summoning of skeletal mages consistently creates a lot of value where skeletons can capture watchtowers, open chests, defend gold mines, and debuff enemies.

Necromancer further creates more value by infinitely summoning 2 skeletal mages, replacing them when they are killed, whilst doing significant elemental damage. Meat Wagon’s increased range also allows him to siege towers and enemy minis and bosses before they can even get near your minis.

Baron being a fast armored tank allows him to be played alongside Huntress as the only tank that can actually keep up with her movement speed. Although Meat Wagon sees very little play outside of Baron decks, it is a vital card for many decks seeking to take down Onyxia at a low level, as it is the only unit that can outrange Onyxia allowing him free damage on her, making it a good long term investment.

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