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<div>The Acolyte Episode 6 Easter Eggs & Breakdown</div>

The Acolyte Episode 6 Easter Eggs & Breakdown

Mae and Osha try to get the truth out of those around them in this week’s Acolyte. But how will they be able to what is truth and what is fiction? Especially when one talks the path to the dark side and the other has secrets to hide. Let’s get into “Teach/Corrupt” with this The Acolyte Episode 6 Easter Eggs, breakdown, and recap.

The Acolyte Episode 6 Easter Eggs 

The Acolyte Episode 6 Easter Eggs & Breakdown

Osha wakes up. She finds some of Mae’s old clothes and her kanai blades. She makes her way outside and realizes she is on an island somewhere. As the camera zooms out, a ship that looks like it’s from Star Wars: The Old Republic Galactic Starfighter can be seen on the left side of the screen.

It is an Unknown Planet. Osha makes her way to the beach and sees the ship. She also finds Qimir aka The Stranger.

The Unknown Planet could be Bal’demnic, a planet in the Auril Sector of the Outer Rim. It happens to also be a planet rich in Cortosis. It also bares a similar look to Ahch-To, the planet Luke Skywalker was living on in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. 

RELATED: The Acolyte Episode 5 Easter Eggs & Breakdown

Khofar – Sol is leaving the planet with Mae. He contacts Coruscant with an emergency code zero. He tells them everyone is dead. But the transmission signal is breaking up and the message wasn’t received. 

Mae is looking around the ship. She remembers the day when Indara tested her on Brendok. She hears Sol trying to get through to Master Venestra. 

Bazil is still sniffing around. He has noticed something is off with this “Osha.”

Sol is trying to tell them there is a bigger threat out there. Mae sneaks towards Sol, blade in hand, but he knows she is there. He calls her Osha and tells her to take over flying the ship. 

Sol is clearly upset but tries to gain control over his feelings. Bazil comes out of hiding and plugs PIP into the ship. The two begin communicating. 

Acolyte Episode 6 Easter Eggs Breakdown Recap

Osha follows Qimir. When he takes off his tunic, an interesting scar is on his back. It’s the same scar that Rey had on her arm in The Last Jedi. It resembles the letter Y lying on its side.

He strips down and gets into the water, clearly aware of Osha’a presence but not being concerned by it. She picks up his lightsaber and he starts to critique her stance.

acolyte episode 6 qimir scar on back

He tells her he didn’t kill Sol or Mae. It’s an interesting relationship between Master and Pupil…

Sol hugs Mae and thanks Osha for saving them. He is now set on facing the High Council and telling them everything he has kept hidden. The ship’s systems seem to shut down. He asks her to take a look. 

On Coruscant, Senator Chuwant is telling Vernestra that Senator Ravencourt continues to gain support and that they want to do an external review of the Order. She is concerned because Ravencourt is no friend of the Jedi.

Mog reports that Sol has sent them a transmission reporting casualties. She orders a rescue team to be sent to Sol’s aid. 

The Stranger/Qimir admits he used to be a Jedi “a long time ago.” He tells she has strength in the Force and someone should teach her about it.  

Pip and Bazil attack Mae. She resets PIP to factory settings (aka the memory wipe) and puts his back together. Now he is her droid (and that feels wrong right?!)

acolyte episode 6 darkside force

Qimir tells Osha that her strength in the Force never fades, that’s a lie the Jedi taught her. He describes the Path to the Darkside. He calls it semantics.

Osha refuses his food and says she is not easily corrupted. She tells him she failed and that’s why she isn’t a Jedi. She ignites his saber but doesn’t kill him. 

Vernestra tells Mog she is going with the rescue team. 

Bazil is making his way through the ship. Sol is wondering why he couldn’t sense Qimir’s intentions when they first met him on Olega.

Mae pushes Sol to tell her what happened on Brendok. The ship powers back on and Mae goes to make a transmission. Sol stuns her, he knows it’s Mae. A transmission comes through about the rescue team and Sol turns off the transponder

He launches the ship into hyperspace just as the Jedi rescue ship with Master Venestra arrives on Khofar. They head into the forest.

acolyte episode 6 the power of two

Qimir is fixing his helmet. He says he wants The Power of Two.

The Power of Two or the Rule of Two is the decree that there can only be two Sith at one time, a master and an apprentice. 

His scar is from his Jedi Master, throwing him away. He then tells her that his helmet is made from Cortosis. Not only is it handy against lightsabers it also acts as a sensory deprivation helmet, so it is just you and the Force. 

Venestra finds the bodies of the fallen Jedi. She uses her lightsaber whip to take out an umbramoth. Mog accuses Sol of their deaths.

Mae is restrained. Sol tells her he doesn’t plan to hurt her. He wants her to help find her master and save Osha. But first he wants to talk. 

Osha puts on the helmet.

The Acolyte episodes 1-6 are now streaming on Disney+.

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