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Take Arevalo To Win In Guatemala In Due Time

Take Arevalo To Win In Guatemala In Due Time

  • The Americas were not enough so let’s look at a Central American Presidential Election. 
  • With two intriguing candidates, that creates quite a dilemma for voters this August
  • Who wins this election? Will it be Sandra Torres or Bernardo Arevalo? Or could something else happen?

The 2024 political cycle takes a bender into Central America for one of those crazy political races that makes the United States seem tame. Hey, for our craziest political “junkies” in the crowd, it never hurts to go way off the reservation. Naturally, bettors get cranked up when they hear corruption and barred parties. This “too close to call Guatemala Presidential Best Betheat up with a glimpse of the surreal, sublime, and a whole lot of murky.

Only the deepest of the deep in online betting sportsbooks update numbers from a political race like this in a  timely fashion. Below, we show readers the newest numbers heading into the second round of elections. Keep in mind, this is a bet where, to win, either Sandra Torres or Bernardo Arevalo must be fully certified to win the vote. This is a different kind of run-off because there are a few loose ends to consider. Anyway, here is the table.

Guatemala Presidential Numbers Bovada BetOnline Review
Bernardo Arevalo -225 -250
Sandra Torres +160 +170

Guatemalan Presidential Best Bets – How Does 2023 Look?

Alright, Guatemalan Presidential Best Bets asks one question first. How does 2023 look? The answer will hopefully develop over the next month or so. A second round of election comes on August 20th, Sandra Torres projected to finish well below the 50% plus one vote needed for outright victory. When one adds blocked candidates and the potential for widespread corruption, the ensuring of a fair voting process can be easily questioned.

Unfortunately, with the exclusion of Carlos Pineda, this race has been thrown into all sorts of turmoil. Even Bernardo Arevalo was barred in another decision but Arevalo remains hellbent on staying on the second round of ballots. Semilla was charged with corruption violations as Arevalo is running on a platform of less corruption and more reform. With so much unrest, consider that Torres is on her third run as a Presidential candidate.

The idea that America is butting in here indicates the importance of such an election. Also, it displays a little bit of irony given the state of American politics. There is a lot of unknown here when it comes to the upcoming run-off. Even though the first round was certified, many feel votes will be changed come August to keep Torres out. This is especially true in the capital of Guatemala City. Now, that is where many residents are just tired of the political process in general.

Some experts worry about the prospects of a fragmented Congress for 2023 and beyond. The reality is odds could change quite a bit in the coming weeks. Again so many votes were spoiled or left blank (about 25%). With seemingly arbitrary processes determining results, can anyone count on a fair result? That’s a great question with an unclear answer.

How About The Fortunes Of Sandra Torres?

Now, let’s dial up that political heat. Why? Always look sensibly to the top political betting sites. It could be prudent to look into hedges and how about the fortunes of Sandra Torres? Could this be her year in the Guatemalan Presidential Best Bets?

After all, the voting here is critical and yes Torres was once jailed on corruption charges which stuck. The former First Lady is far from innocent. Worse, it seems like her party has some kind of control with the Attorney General’s office. Timing of the announcement came across as more than suspicious. It appears all the stops are being thrown out to make Torres’ third time the charm.

With strong social media engagement via Twitter and other platforms, Torres is trying to make the case that she is still the best candidate. Her track record indicates otherwise and yet she tries mightily to brush aside her past and look brilliantly albeit blindly to a more optimistic future.

Again statements like this fuel a nation like Guatemala into even more unrest and anger. Yes, that is why the Guatemalan Presidential Best Bets worry about the possibility that Torres could win this election. Keep in mind, the United States and other countries want to see a fair election and so do the people. So far, the process has looked anything but equitable. That concerns many far and wide including registered and legal voters. It is why Torres remains an underdog again.

Sandra Torresto become President Of Guatemala

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Guatemalan Presidential Best Bets – Some Bernardo Arevalo

With much uncertainty, what about some Bernardo Arevalo in the Guatemalan Presidential Best Bets? This ugly race feels like it could become even more darker in the next month or so. Arevalo may be no saint but has not been jailed before for widespread corruption either. The Semilla candidate represents the lesser of two evils and is backed by more democratic countries since it appears Carlos Pineda will not be allowed to run at all.

American political experts peaking in from the outside see a mess that is not easily settled. Even if Arevalo wins, there will be that splintered Congress which may not let much reform through. It may take more than the one term allotted to a President. This may take several terms or longer. On the other hand, handicappers seem keen on the ever shortening odds for the son of the first ever democratically elected Guatemalan President.

Looking at that -225 is not the greatest but it may be the best we have going forward.

Bernardo Arevaloto win the Guatemalan Presidency

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The post Take Arevalo To Win In Guatemala In Due Time appeared first on My Top Sportsbooks.

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