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Quick Review:  BC’s Carter Wine Company Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020 and Rosé Nest 2019PR SAMPLE 

Quick Review: BC’s Carter Wine Company Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020 and Rosé Nest 2019PR SAMPLE 

  • By Admin

I have two wines from Carter Wine Company in the Okanagan to review for you.  The first is their Rosé Nest 2019, a blend.  I will check on the grape varieties used, but I am guessing red and white grapes were in the mix.  The other wine I have to review is their Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020.  In case you have not heard of Ehrenfelser before it is a crossing of Riesling with the Alsace variety Knipperlé.  A few wineries grow Ehrenfelser in BC.  Let me tell you about these two wines.

My Wine Tasting Notes

Carter Wine Company Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020 (BC $20.88)

Appearance: Medium-plus intensity, bright clear lemon colour.
Nose: Medium-intensity aromas of lemon, stone fruit, honey, and petrol plus a touch of orange. Add apples and toast aromas with decanting.  The level of petrol on the nose also decreases.
Palate: Off-dry, medium-plus body with a thicker, smooth round mouthfeel.  The medium level of acidity leaves a light acidic prickle on your tongue.  Petrol most on the palate, with light stonefruits, some stony minerality and citrus pith toward the finish. Same flavours, but less pith bitterness and less petrol.
Finish: Medium-plus length with pith, stone fruits and petrol, plus some toastiness with air. You get less petrol and bitterness on the finish after decanting, but you can now add apple and honey flavours.

Decant this wine to get less petrol on the nose and palate, allowing the other aromas and flavours to come forward.

Rating: 4 stars A bright lemon-coloured wine.  Medium-intensity aromas with stone fruits, honey, and petrol (less with decanting).  These aromas continue to the palate.  This wine is off-dry with a thicker, smooth, round mouthfeel.  Medium-plus length.

Carter Wine Company Rosé Nest 2019 and Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020 with wines in glasses
Carter Wine Company Rosé Nest 2019 and Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020 with wines in glasses

Carter Wine Company Rosé Nest 2019 (BC $20.88)

I did not find the blend of this rosé wine listed on the winery website, but the winery did note, that this “rose is aged in both stainless steel and oak barrels blended to balance the acidity.”  

Appearance: A bright, clear, medium-intensity orange plus peach colour.
Nose: Medium-minus intensity nose with aromas of floral / roses, oranges, lychee, and red fruits. There are fewer red fruit aromas after decanting.
Palate: This wine is dry, and round with a thicker mouthfeel and leaves a medium-plus acidic prickle on your tongue. Orange, lychee, and floral / rose flavours.  Add some toastiness with swirling.  The acidity provides some liveliness to this wine.  It has lightly drying tannins. The wine tastes a bit off-dry after decanting and the flavours are mostly orange and floral.
Finish: A medium-plus length finishing dry, with orange and floral flavours and slight pepperiness. About the same finish after decanting.

No need to decant this wine.

Rating: 3.5 stars4 stars A rosé wine that gives you lots of floral and orange aromas and flavours.  Dry, with a thicker, round mouthfeel.  Lively acidity.  Lightly drying tannins. Medium-plus length.

Where Can I Buy These Wines?

You can buy both of these wines online from the Carter Wine Company website:

The post Quick Review: BC’s Carter Wine Company Ehrenfelser Riesling 2020 and Rosé Nest 2019<span class=”badge-status” style=”background:#D3D3D3″>PR SAMPLE</span>  appeared first on MyWinePal.

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