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Monthly Astrology April 2024 For All Signs – Dramatic Eclipse!

Monthly Astrology April 2024 For All Signs – Dramatic Eclipse!

  • By Admin

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Are you ready for real healing?

Adjustment and adaptation is soul evolution

Listen to your heart

The most powerful eclipse of the year occurs in your sign this month (8th). The Great North American Eclipse as it has been dubbed, is triggered by the new Moon. And falls conjunct Chiron. The other thing to keep in mind is that this coincides with Mercury retrograde. Yes, the planet of communication, information and getting around will be backwards at the time. So, seeing as eclipses cover up or conceal, Mercury retro makes for mishaps and miscommunication and Chiron is simply the wild card here – don’t assume.

You are also still heavily under the influence of the continuing Pisces stellium and planets in your 12th house of all that is hidden and yet to be revealed. This includes your ruler Mars right up until the 30th. False starts, new beginnings which show promise but then peter out, or simply feeling the universe is out to gaslight you, may be the fallout.

Generalised astrology be dammed! Of course, there are those out there who insist that warrior armour of yours is impenetrable. But that’s simply not the case. Those Aries who know their sensitivity is in fact, soul bravery in disguise, may well feel the energy of the eclipse a week out. Do keep things slow and give yourself time to process those feels. Do not go against the advice of your higher self now.

Old emotional wounds get those Band-aids ripped away. For real healing to take place all thanks to the eclipse’s proximity to Chiron. Don’t continue to pretend they don’t exist and hobble through life as the walking wounded, Aries. That courage of yours can be turned to confront any remaining issues from your past. Which then allows you to move forward with wholeness again. The Sun represents the heart of our solar system. And the bright burning heart of us (it rules the heart in astrology). This eclipse turns out the light so we can listen to our heartbeat. And recalibrate it as needed.

Just take it that you have three weeks ahead of you where taking things slowly and with a willingness to adjust if necessary, will pay off. And prevent mistakes and frustration as you begin to shrug off those eclipse shadows. But by the time your ruler lands, you will be faced with a clear and certain fresh direction.

What I can tell you is that this may see you pivot at some point in March. You may consciously implement this out of a desire to ensure your future doesn’t follow the same pattern as your past. Or else the opportunity to take a radically different approach seems to manifest courtesy of the cosmos.

Fate is at work if a total reboot of your life in a key area has been on that wishlist for a while. Lean in to this especially when it comes to your relationships. The first signs of this could come as early as the 18th when Venus meets the North Node. A date with destiny? A new relationship cycle ahead

But this is but the first stage in a larger, more heart-starting development. April offers two of the biggest astral events of 2024. The first the eclipse. The second the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and your 2nd on the 21st.

Jupiter has just a month left in here before heading into Gemini and your 3rd at the end of May. Free of the eclipse shadows by the time the encounter with Uranus occurs, get ready to experience a sudden and surprising shift in fortune. Visualise yourself entering the card of the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot. A bit like the game show – spin it. Luck turns in your favour.

Check your chart again. This time for factors between 20 – 22 in Taurus or Scorpio. You’re right on the money in some way. Taking a chance pays off. Someone offers you something you’ve needed without strings attached. Coming at something from a different angle finally gets you the result you were after. Or else – you get shown just how much you mean in one relationship. But do look to that hunch paying off just before your ruler hands you all the confidence you need to make the most of it.

Overall – anything that you become more aware of or which comes to the surface this month, does so for you to heal and move on from it. There may be a few dramas around relationships or even your money, but again, if they appear this is just so you can deal with them once and for all. And then leave them behind for keeps. Vast improvements follow. See what comes to the surface as simply a healthy way to heal – yourself and your relationships. And do listen to your heart this month, Aries.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your sign, and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and your 2nd. Take it what is about to be revealed not only frees your soul – but heals it at the same time.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (1st)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (4th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (1st)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (1st)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (1st)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (12th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (1st)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (1st)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (1st)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 2nd)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (2nd)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (6th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (8th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (1st)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (2nd)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (12th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (1st)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

All that is hidden comes to light

Prepare for soul evolving events

Happy birthday, Taurus!

In the lead up to your birthday, do you get that feeling that something big and important is about to shift? That you are about to get a pass grade from the universe. And graduate on to something that’s been a long time coming?

Maybe you have been asking yourself over and over again: when will things change? When will recognition happen? Where is my cosmic Deliveroo order? Can I believe all that astro-hype about Jupiter?

Sit with those questions right up until the Sun lands in your sign (19th). Whatever you do, allow the answers to emerge organically. And trust the fact that your hundred psychic senses aren’t wrong when it comes to something big on its way that you’ve been waiting for. It’s there even if you can’t see it – yet.

April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of the year. The total solar eclipse in Aries and your 12th house (8th). And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your sign (21st). The eclipse occurs in your house of the past, fate and hidden truths. Also your house of psychic abilities, healing, compassion and the deep side of life.

Do you want your future to look different from your past? Then the first step you need to take towards creating this is to revisit it. Without judgement and being willing to confront the feelings this process may stir up within you. As the eclipse shadows dissolve, you may emerge with a radically different re-framing of events. Or a better understanding of why they unfolded the way they did and your choices back then.

Refrain from taking action or making big decisions in the run up to the eclipse and in the immediate dates following it. And please don’t get impatient, Taurus and push to make things happen. The universe has not forgotten you and you are about to see proof of this.

This is your house of healing, of the spirit, of time out and ultimate truths. We often need time to recognise the truth. Which is what heals us and sets us free. Hence, the need to take things slowly.

If you have lost your connection to spirit, your truth, your creativity or insight – this will now be repaired, handed back to you and function better than ever. Your empathy and compassion is heightened. But with this comes a fresh awareness of who is truly deserving of it. Someone may need your help and support. And if so, you are ready to give it.

But do turn that limitless well of forgiveness, understanding and empathy towards yourself if needed. Have you been judging yourself in a way you never would someone else? Have you been putting yourself in a soul ‘prison’ and unconsciously ‘punishing’ yourself for mistakes you feel you made in the past? This eclipse combined with Chiron and ruler Venus’s meeting with the North Node (18th), releases you from any self-blame. Do seek out guidance if you feel you are your own judge and jury. Or read about self-forgiveness.

True colours will eventually be exposed. Yours now need to be displayed and shown off to the world as you emerge from this soul reforging brighter and lighter for the experience. What you’re really waiting for is this year’s biggest transit as far as your sign goes. And ruler Venus to make things manifest for you. And also for the intense eclipse and Mercury retrograde energy to blow off. But a Taurus birthday this year comes with a rare and unexpected gift. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of the 21st.

Think Brand New YOU. A little (or a lot!) of self-promotion has you going places. Jupiter hands you bragging rights when it comes to your achievements and personal brand. Edgy and daring, you won’t allow yourself to be confined from this birthday cycle onwards. Uranus frees you to be unapologetically authentic. In fact, the inner healing that has taken place with the eclipse may have shown you the negative outcomes that occur when you bend yourself out-of-shape. You’ve now the confidence to say ‘No more’ if you need to.

Surprise options may now spin your destiny in a new direction. You enter your new cycle with a surety and confidence in yourself and your choices. This may see you set a fresh direction which requires you make a big decision in order to follow it. Again, you’re confident this is the right one for you. The full Moon in your 7th (23rd) could well see you attract something that offers more emotional satisfaction for you. You are also at your most enticing and enchanting under it.

The best thing you are taking forward is the knowledge of the difference you can make in the lives of those you love and care about. As well as your fresh sense of empowerment when it comes to making the difference in your own life. Take action on what you know you need to do or on what is offered or held out to you this month. By the end of May – you’ll see the real rewards of this.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in Aries and your mysterious 12th. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 1st. It brings about new beginnings like no other, Taurus. Prepare yourself for freedom!

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (12th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (3rd)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (12th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (12th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (11th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (12th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (12th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 1st)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (5th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (7th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (12th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (1st)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (11th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (12th)


Explore the future from every possible perspective

Get ready to pivot

Make the brave choice!.

The brave way is to wait to initiate any kind of plans now until Jupiter lands in your sign at the end of next month. And I don’t see a sign with your brains and quick wit falling for the other option.

Your ruler is retro. The usual retro rules apply. Check and recheck. In your house of friends, groups and connections – those plans and also what others are actually saying. Don’t leave room for misunderstandings. Confirm all arrangements to meet up. Prepare for cancellations, changes of venue or even allegiances.

A key part of your future path is covered up. Or you may not see its potential – yet. So, part of your fearless mindset is to have an open one. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Look at anything from multiple angles. Yes, it may not look like what you ordered but consider the fact – it may be better. Eclipses tend to bring out the serious side of astrologers. But what if you engaged with this one in a more playful and     way? Take time and imagine all the possible ways a choice could work out. Send your mind into the future and ask the question: If I accepted this – what would my life look like in 6/12/18 months time – or longer? Go with your imagination on this. Journal your visions. If you need more clarity – pick a Tarot card.

After this eclipse comes the Jupiter/Uranus meeting in your 12th (21st). This also occurs the same day as Venus meets Chiron in here. It’s time to re-write some stars when it comes to past wounds around love, being loved or having what you love. Are you willing to begin to heal via acceptance? Because it’s one thing for the universe to send what we wish to manifest our way. And something else entirely for us to accept it.

You are being prepped now for Jupiter’s arrival in your sign next month. And the badass way could well involve you being offered an opportunity to stand out in that group, network, professional sphere or scene and being seen in all the right ways. This could even sneak up on you in a surprising yet timely manner. It could come in a form that is unexpected – but again, you may suddenly understand that you didn’t know you wanted exactly that until you saw it. Or them in some cases.

It is however very important throughout this experimentation process that you remain linked to your truth. The past few years will have shown you that you hold certain values that should by now be unshakable. And that some things are simply not for sale at any price. If you approach things with a combination of this plus a desire to look beyond the obvious choice this month, you will set yourself free to explore all the benefits Jupiter has in store for you in the next 12.

This will also prove to be one of your best periods for attraction and relationships as well. So again, retro badass you understands you don’t need to hurry when it comes to love. Especially this month. Mercury finally heads direct again on the 25th but badass you knows to avoid that retro-shadiness.

By now, you should have worked out just where the future is about to take you. Curiosity and magic intertwine to fuel that forward potential. That Jupiter/Uranus meeting also delivered a long-overdue key truth for you, Gemini. And that’s the fact you’re done with the past. Across the 29th-30th you’ll gladly step into the new phase of freedom that awaits you. Imagine something different. Then go see what living it feels like.

In a nutshell: You’re one month away from Jupiter’s arrival in your sign. But April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your house of the future. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 12th. A new path is about to be revealed.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (11th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (2nd)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (11th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (11th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (11th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (11th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (10th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (11th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (11th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (11th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 12th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (12th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 9th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (4th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (6th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (11th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (12th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (10th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (11th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Harness people power

Discover that higher path

Set yourself a fresh star to aim for

Like next door sign of Leo, your ruler never retrogrades. What does happen is that it always takes one half of the double bill with Leo’s ruler the Sun during an eclipse. No matter if it is a lunar or a solar eclipse – your ruler the moon is impacted. April hosts two of the biggest cosmic events of the year – the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus (21st), and the total solar eclipse in Aries (8th).

The Great North American Eclipse as it it being dubbed, takes place in your 10th of status, ambition and reputation. It also occurs at the same time as a Mercury retrograde in here which begins on the 1st and ends on the 25th. Prepare for what you thought you wanted to attain or achieve – either personally or professionally, to shift or change now. You may have outgrown your own ambitions, Cancer.

Eclipses conceal. And your feelings can take precedence during a solar eclipse. This is because your ruler the Moon obscures the Sun. The Moon is what turns off the light of confidence and clarity. You may feel unsure, uncertain or else your emotions drown out all other considerations. Which is why for you, it is really important to avoid big decisions under an eclipse. I’m not saying your emotions aren’t valid. They are. As is your intuition at this time. It’s just they may feel overwhelming. The feels are real but they are not the facts. You need both to make informed choices.

Of course, the light will soon get turned back on and you seen things as they are rather than what you felt they were. Do share any concerns and insecurities under this eclipse. As that is one very good way to link back to what’s really happening.

In your 10th house do be mindful under it how you come across to others. This is your house of reputation and public image. Your multifaceted talents could be hidden as under this eclipse others can become equally blind. Focussing instead on one facet of you instead of the bigger picture. Or you find yourself judged by one action or something you say. This can be both positive and negative. That first impression sticks one way or another. Just be aware of this and whatever you do – don’t lose your cool, Cancer!

Your #1 hack under this eclipse is to concentrate on what is most important to you. And don’t sweat the small stuff! Let go of what really doesn’t amount to a ‘hill of beans’ to quote a line from Casablanca. Decide what is and isn’t necessary, vital or deserves your total devotion and focus. By honing your focus and keeping it with what really matters, you will conserve your emotional resources, see through distractions and also have the right action to hand!

Your 10th is your house of long term responsibilities, commitments and your ability to ‘bring it’. This can have those very same people who are watching you, come away with the lasting impression that when it comes to decisive decision making – you’re the boss, Cancer! The same goes for any family members or loved ones seeking your advice now. Despite this eclipse being in your house of worldly success and achievement, it can also hit very close to home.

Bosses or even people in positions of authority could have their own dramas happening which again, see you being the one to keep your cool and take charge. Don’t doubt the fact you’ve got this. You of all signs knows that any lunar transit – including a powerful eclipse like this one, brings a temporary state of heightened emotions. The emphasis here being on the word ‘temporary’. And this too shall pass no matter how intense and dramatic it may seem in the moment!

By the time the Sun moves into your 11th, the shadowy residue cast by the eclipse should have dispersed. You are now at your most out-going and sociable. Ahead of you – the red letter day of the 21st when the universe will invite you to dive into something new and thrilling.

An expansive experience surrounding others or people you connect with awaits you with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. If you recall my Jupiter in Taurus forecast for you made 12 months ago, I invited you to make a wish – or three, at the start of this cycle. And to expect at least one to manifest for you during Jupiter’s transit in here. Provided you were willing to put yourself out there and do whatever you could on your own behalf that is. People are the conduits of our dream fulfilment – so exploring connections, groups, clubs, associations, bands, communities and movements has been the key to this.

Uranus rules your 11th. Both people power and the power of your visions for your future. If you have been waiting or wondering about that wish fulfilment, this transit could finally deliver it. Or else link you to that person who can help make it happen. This is the best time of the year to organise get togethers, accept invitations or to finally take that step to join in something.

There’s something surprising and last minute surrounding this. Do be open to changing your plans. And don’t whatever you do, reject an invite because you believe it may not be your scene. Especially if there are no other commitments in your diary. Your idea of what’s the best scene to be seen in, has been shifting whether you are aware of it or not. Fresh entrée leads to amazing gains and friends who bring all kinds of benefits into your life. Ones you cannot even comprehend now.

Any decisions you have been delaying or waiting for more insight into doing what is right, will happen by the time the full Moon appears in your 5th on the 23rd. By now there’s a certainty and an emotional balance happening within you. This full Moon also sees you reclaiming the joy and indulgent deliciousness of life again. Romance, creativity, shameless self-expression and a good old fashioned injection of fun reignite your soul.

You’re fun and flirtatious and others want to be around you. You may continue to explore what the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction delivered. Or even be celebrating the outcome with those you know. You end the month looking forward to explore something further. Or what you believed impossible is now shown to be possible after all. Get ready to enter into something new – either physically or intellectually. And with some like minded souls at your side.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your house of public image and ambition. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and your 11th. Who you know matters more than what when it comes to your future.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (10th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (1st)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (10th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (10th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (10th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (9th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (10th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (10th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (10th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 11th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (11th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 8th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (3rd)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (5th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (10th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (11th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (9th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (10th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Have you outgrown that dream?

You were never destined to be insignificant

Find your roar!

Do check your chart for any factors at 19o. Especially in your own sign and those of your fellow fire-signs (Aries and Sagittarius). Give or take that 1 degree orb. If you have them – any sign, any house, any object – then you know you will be facing a total blackout around these areas due to the total solar eclipse in your 9th on the 8th.

This eclipse is certainly the most powerful we will experience this year. And possibly this decade. As you probably know, it is being dubbed the ‘Great North American Eclipse’ and its shadow will pass right across the USA as well being visible from Canada and Mexico. When an eclipse occurs you can feel cut off from your power. The energy of your life-giving ruler cannot reach you. This eclipse will also last an unusually long time. This just increases that ‘all in the dark’ feeling. And you need to be able to hold tight to that soul compass to guide yourself through it.

That radiant confidence which is your sign’s astral signature, experiences an outage during a solar eclipse. Self-doubt could creep in over what you naturally serve and don’t usually question. Where you normally wouldn’t hesitate – you now find yourself either in two minds or simply fearful of making that move at all. If you normally vibe with the card of Strength in the Tarot, it’s now replaced by Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz.

The eclipse also takes place while Mercury is retrograde in this house. This is your sector which rules travel, transportation, foreign affairs (business and personal), the mass media including the internet, the law and studies, the great outdoors and spots. And yes, large animals including lions. And especially horses. This is also your house of luck and taking a chance. So, one piece of advice I can give you is – don’t at this time. The odds are not in your favour. Not with your ruler turned off.

If something (or even someone) from your past reappears around the time of this eclipse – especially if they stir up deep feelings within you, you do need to look very carefully at your history together if you don’t want it repeating. If they are saying they have changed – then allow enough time to pass to ensure they indeed have rather than jumping straight back in.

Your glow may be dimmed (temporarily), but your golden giving heart is still beating to its usual generous rhythm. So, do ensure it isn’t going to be taken advantage of. One cycle is closing now and another is opening. And that’s one more good reason to ensure elements of your past which you are done with, don’t get repeated.

As those eclipse shadows are neutralised over the upcoming days, Venus also in your 9th is about to link you to a bigger love experience. You have two key dates involving the North Node in this house. The first on the 4th which has your ruler conjunct the North Node. The second on the 18th when Venus meets it. The 19th sees Venus meet retro Mercury in here. Handing you a very definitive closing of one door and the opening wide of a new one that represents something wilder and more wonderful to explore.

Don’t doubt you deserve it. Or the attention that’s now heading your way, Leo. Once more, it’s time to shine. The way only you can. Be ready to impress as the Sun slides into your 10th (19th), ahead of what is the second massive astral event of April – the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in here (21st), Be ready for something that raises your rep. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event where you can create a lasting impression like no other.

It may be that this involves once significant person – or even a group of them. Someone in a position to boost your profile, move you on up or who just being connected to raises your status in some way. Promotion is a word which comes to mind here. Not only in the traditional sense as in gaining one at work (if so leave no chink for impostor syndrome to pierce that armour, Leo!). But also on-line promotion as Uranus rules all things IT related. Or even that partnership prospect as this house rules not only your status, but the status of your partner. If so, expect someone who knows who they are. And that’s good. Because when someone is secure in their own identity, they are content to let you do you without trying to change you.

Do be aware that this conjunction can hand you a significant move on up or opportunity. One that gets you noticed or lands you in some kind of leadership position. Don’t forget – if you have experience or knowledge you’ve gained that you share – this is where the term ‘influencer’ originates. Expect recognition, rewards and yes, attention. You’re out of the dark and on into the light again. No more cowardly – all roar, Leo.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in Aries and your 9th of travel, exploration and mass media. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and your 10th. You’ve still got an ever-fixed mark to aim for Leo. But the direction you take to get there may change.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (9th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (12th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (9th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (9th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (9th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (8th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (9h)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (9th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (9th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 10th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (10th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 7th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (2nd)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (4th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (9th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (10th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (8th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (9th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Become the change you want to see in your life

Prepare for breathtaking transformation

There are no more No Go areas

Where are the ‘No Entry’ areas of your life, Virgo? Come on – own the fact that you, like everyone else, have them. There’s no shame in admitting that. The topic you steer clear of raising with a family member or partner for instance. Even though you know you should. Instead preferring to collude in silence. If you don’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist. That subject which pushes your buttons. Your fear of confrontation which keeps you stuck in a situation that is unfair or controlling. That area you don’t want to look at because it brings you guilt or shame?

Have any of the above scenarios hit a nerve? Or did a different one just pop into your mind as you read that? Don’t worry, sweet brave soul – you’re not alone. If you’re keeping something under lockdown because you’ve been made to feel its too difficult to deal with, a sign of failure or that you simply don’t have the skills or the strength to fix it, the good news is that April hands you what resources you need to do just that. That No Go area either proves to be no biggie after all. Or you turn what you thought was a weakness into your greatest asset. In the darkness, you will find your strength.

Ruler Mercury is in retroactive form from the 1st until the 25th. In your 8th house vault of transformation, power, rebirth, endings, shared resources and sex. This is also your house of taboos. What you fear, don’t talk about and take a ‘Don’t see, don’t tell’ approach to. Mercury backwards combined with a killer mix of Chiron, the North Node and the year’s most powerful eclipse in here on the 8th, means that what you’re no longer going to be scared of the dark. Or the past wounds you’ve been keeping hidden inside of it.

Mercury is all about talking and also telling your story. Chiron is your wound and how it came to be. The North Node is your karmic point where it gets released. All this builds up either side of the eclipse. Don’t be tempted to keep it covered up or under wraps. It’s time it was dragged out into the light. Even if the only person who confronts it is you.

Celestial and deep manoeuvrers in the dark occur with this eclipse. There may be an alchemical shift which takes place within you. Towards a specific area in your life. It may no longer exert its influence over you going forward in the way it has in the past. Eclipses cover up – that’s certain. But with this one so close to Chiron and with your ruler Mercury retrograde at the same time, the message is: Look again. Back at something you may have avoided or has troubled you. And in doing so, you diminish its influence or re-frame it entirely.

As the eclipse shadows disperse and we head towards the end of the month, you’ll come at any sticky issue that remains from a totally different angle than any you have attempted in the past.

Yes, you may choose to keep all this to yourself for the time being. You may process and integrate your new perspective and wait until Mercury heads direct again before taking action. Don’t forget – the key to all of this is to help you understand that YOU are in control here. Embrace the return of your power if that’s what has been diminished. Ditch shame, guilt and find your strength. Because you are about to soar like a phoenix – and I’m about to give you the dates for this and explain why!

Your 9th house is all about freedom, solutions, opportunities, expansion and learning. Jupiter rules this house and remains in here for one more month. You are about to experience a heady and heart-starting release into something unexpectedly wondrous and bigger. That chance to finally fly free and soar up, up and away. Your own inner shift may kick-start the process. Then the universe responds with that exit ramp or escape route you’ve been searching for.

The 21st brings us a once-in-a-lifetime conjunction in your 9th between Jupiter and Uranus. It can deliver someone who offers you something that represents a way out. They ‘get’ you and also have no hidden agenda. Or something you have set in motion suddenly bears fruit. Jupiter is all about the last minute turnaround while Uranus provides the twist you didn’t see coming. Both planets are involved in freedom and encourage our soul growth. And in Jupiter’s ruling house, the potential is super-sized.

The full Moon in your 3rd (23rd) could bring you the confirmation or move ahead. There should be no more surrounding yourself with those who criticise you, hold you back or use you as a toxic waste dump for their problems. But who are never there for you to support you through yours. Plus the meeting of passionate and confident Mars with Neptune in your 7th (29th), tells me you now know what you want. And more importantly – what you don’t. As for the former – go get it, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury retrograde in your change sector hints at transformation. Which may have a bigger impact that you can possibly imagine. April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Expect a powerful release into something bigger and breathtaking.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (8th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (11th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (8th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (8th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (8th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (8th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (7th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (8th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (8th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (8th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 9th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (9th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 6th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (1st)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (3rd)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (8th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (9th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (7th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (8th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Get relating

Access the resources you need

No fate but the love you make

Ruler Venus enters its ruling 7th on the 5th. Much of this month’s activity is centered around this all-important house in your chart. Including a Mercury retrograde from the 1st and what is being called the Great North American Eclipse – a total eclipse of the Sun, in here on the 8th.

You can’t hurry love this April. Or any kind of partnership for that matter. This may call on you to do a little relationship gardening as well. If you have been holding back on having that talk with your other half. This opens up the time and the space to have that discussion. And also allows for the two of you to process and adjust if needed.

And you also should defer seeking any kind of new union until the end of the month if you can. Yes, I know this may seem restrictive and unfair. Especially when this is your yearly partnership peak. But take it from me, taking it slow now will save you wasted time or even disappointment later. Eclipses black out. When it comes to one particular past, present or even potential union – this is a total eclipse of the heart to use another song title. Because eclipses represent a blind spot, that potential boo may not be what they appear. So, why take a chance?

Your 7th is also your house of open opponents and the person who is up in your grill. Try to avoid legal matters at this time. One effect this eclipse can have is to drag someone from your house of secret enemies – your 12th, and into this house so you finally get to see them for what they really are. One way or another, an eclipse in this house can alter your attitude around love or others.

That is not to say passion has left the building this month. Far from it. April can see a reawakening of your love for what you do or love doing. You also understand there is no ‘second best’ love. The media tends to focus on romantic unions as the be all and end all of our love experience. But you come to understand that all love is valid and life-affirming. No matter what form it actually takes. So, it may not be someone – but something.

Aside from dealing with any outstanding issues around a current union, your awakening to love’s complete potential coincides with the Sun (4th) and then ruler Venus’s (18th) encounter with the North Node. This is designed to close one cycle and open a new one. And yes, some of you may be entering this for the first time depending on your age as this is a long term (18-19 year) cycle. No fate but the love you make could be your mantra. And be aware that love may not be someone – but something.

We have two massive cosmic events defining April. The first being the eclipse. The second the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of the 21st in your 8th house. This is a once-in-a-lifetime conjunction in this sign as by the time Jupiter returns to Taurus, Uranus will have moved on. This is your house of power and power money. Of inheritances, taxes, loans, investments, benefits, payouts, salaries, what is shared with and by you. It rules joint finances – those you share with a partner and what you jointly own – that home for instance.

Financial freedom, a gain or even that ability to save for what you want to acquire for your future could be on offer. Joint business deals, that ability to renegotiate the terms, gain access to the resources you need are other ways these two planets can open up the vault for you. Crowdfunding is ruled by Uranus for instance. And it also rules entrepreneurs. Jupiter in turn has you thinking big. And hands you a billionaire mindset no matter what the status of your current account. That doesn’t mean you’re getting reckless. Quite the opposite in fact. But you are open to new ways of utilising what you have at your disposal.

In rare instances, this transit can bring you someone who has what you need – and who offers you access to it. This may not be money but can cut across expertise, introductions or a loan of an item you need. Which turns out to have the exact same effect for you as you owning it yourself.

You are now on a powerful journey which may see your destiny entangled with someone else. Be it lover, bestie, that person you start that side hustle with, an activity partner or a working union. Between now and the start of your birthday cycle in September, the two of you will end up going places or doing something significant together. All of which stems from combining your resources or energy. The whole will prove to be greater than the two parts separately. Find out just what sharing achieves.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in Aries and your partnership zone. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 8th. Whatever resources you need – including the emotional and intangible kind, are on offer now.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (7th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (10th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (7th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (7th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (7th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (7th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (6th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (7th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (7th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (7th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 8th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (8th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 5th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (12th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (2nd)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (7th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (8th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (6th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (7th)


Avoid the rush – you’ll miss the moment

Self-care is the ultimate act of love

Together as one

The biggest cosmic event for you this month isn’t the Great North American Eclipse of the 8th. Not that it may not affect you profoundly (Do check your chart for any factors at the key 19 degrees – plus or minus 1). But the love lottery, crazy Cupid on steroids collision between Jupiter and Uranus in your 7th on the 21st.

There’s something fierce and freedom oriented about you this month, phoenix. You’re the ultimate force of nature that can’t be contained. But first – let’s get physical. In other words, fit. By looking at the Mercury retrograde in its ruling 6th and also the eclipse in here.

Don’t ignore worries or health niggles. Funny thing about eclipse cover-ups. The truth is actually not only ‘out there’ by usually in plain sight. Mercury’s ability to create retro-mayhem (it heads backwards from the 1st), is always heightened when it heads backwards in either a ruling sign or ruling house in our charts. Mercury rules your 6th of paid or unpaid work, studies, habits and health. These are the areas you need to stay attuned to under this eclipse.

The first rule of eclipse club is: Don’t rush. A slap-dash approach will get you into trouble during a Mercury retrograde in here at the best of times. With an eclipse – double that mayhem potential. You’re in a hurry and you forget something. Or – and here’s the real kicker, running on empty has become your default setting to the point you no longer realise you are operating under a major case of burn-out. This is when mistakes get made. Or you hit an energy wall and realise you can go no further.

Slowing down not only minimises the chance of having to go back and do it right the second (or third), time. But also allows you to remain totally attuned to your energy levels – physical, mental and spiritual. And it is these which will provide you with the most accurate and eclipse/retro-free information around what you need to focus on. And also – what you need to change.

This could even be around that work/life balance. Is your routine so chock-a-block that you spend all your time doing what you have to do as opposed to what you love to do? In the lead up to the eclipse we have a Venus/Neptune meeting in your 5th (3rd). As the sign of still waters run deeper of the zodiac, your sensitivity is going to be heightened in the days leading up to and immediately after, the eclipse. Don’t be surprised if your feels lead you towards drawing a practical conclusion when it comes to what you now need to do to make time for what is most important to you.

This may mean you have to re-prioritise or even completely change up that schedule, routine or those habits. And by the time we get to the end of the month and the full Moon in your 1st (23rd) and then the encounter between co-ruler Mars and Neptune (29th), you now only know what you need to do but will follow through with it.

What allows you to shine, flourish and express yourself takes on a new significance. As will what stops you from doing that. Lack of time, energy and soul drains. You’ll fearlessly take charge and prevent this from recurring. Deep clean your environment, your thoughts and your daily living.

All work and no play dulls a phoenix’s glow. And you now embrace the attitude that fun, love and playfulness is necessary and needed. You are entitled to your fair share of this.

On with the show as the Sun (19th) and then Venus (29th) land in your 7th. And your ultimate big-ticket love event. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (21st) is a once-in-a-lifetime event. By the time Jupiter returns to your 7th in 12 years time, Uranus will have moved on.

Mates and dates are your theme. And if you are seeking to be two when this takes place, this is certainly your best ever opportunity to snag that perfect partner. Be aware this may not come with the swipe as Uranus lends the unexpected element. Be out and about, accept invitations, be seen and circulate. That chance encounter in the supermarket line, that bar or club you go to with a friend, could be the place that meet-cute happens.

This could be that lover. That ride-or-die. Settleds redefine what togetherness can achieve. As you could with that professional or activity partner. Do be aware however, if things have not been great with that significant other – if it’s broke, there’s no fixing it. But what this will do if this is the case, is see you accept that. And release you to go seek something new.

You’ve got the upper hand, the advantage and the ability to express your emotions with the full Moon in your sign. It could well throw one union into sharp relief. An emerging one as well as an existing one. Because you went deep into what really deserves your investment, work, attention and devotion at the very start of the month, the end sees you satisfied with your decisions. Explore new potential in what lies between you and another. And yes – love, including the self-love kind that puts your wellbeing first, IS the answer this April.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your house of work and wellbeing. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and your 7th. Slow down and understand – all love springs from the love you focus on yourself, Scorpio.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (6th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (9th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (6th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (6th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (6th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (6th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (5th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (6th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (6th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (6th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 7th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (7th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 4th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (11th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (1st)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (6th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (7th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (5th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (6th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Prepare for a compass re-alignment

You have dreams and desires for a reason

Make the whole-hearted choice

The Sun rules your 5th house. So, take it that a solar eclipse in here (8th) is an absolute black out or blind spot. Heading towards the Great North American Eclipse as it is being dubbed, do check your chart for factors at 19 degrees. Especially in your own sign. But anything at the key 19 degrees (plus or minus one degree), sees something ‘under wraps’ or concealed for now.

What the heart wants – well, it may no longer feel it knows what it wants, Sag. Which is why big, emotional decisions should be avoided under this eclipse. Not only that – Mercury is retrograde in this sector of your chart when the eclipse takes place. Plus the eclipse itself falls conjunct Chiron. It asks you wait in order to make whole-hearted choices around love, creative ventures, children and what allows you full creative self-expression. And to avoid making these in order to cover up or soothe an old wound. But to heal that instead first. And then go seek what you desire again. But this time from a place of wholeness. Hence – being ‘whole hearted’ rather than heart broken.

There’s also an inconceivable element to this. Conception, babies, children, teenagers, the younger generations are all ruled by the 5th. Anything to do with parenting, step-parenting and co-parenting. Do take extra care with contraception under this eclipse if being a parent or having to deal with an unplanned pregnancy is not something you want. You may need to stay attuned to your child or children. Especially if you feel there is something going on which they aren’t sharing. Some of that – especially with teenagers, is normal and usual. I’m speaking about anything that may leave you feeling unsettled. If so, there are more clues to be seen and they are in plain sight and have been for a while if you look carefully.

So, what happens when we remain in the dark and have yet to see what an eclipse has covered up? We have to wait for a transitting planet to cross the point the eclipse occurred. Especially if that planet happens to be Mercury ruler of communication and ‘Just the facts, ma’am’. So, take it that once Mercury heads direct again, if you are still seeking answers or clarity, this is likely to emerge during the first week of May when Mercury returns to 19 degrees of Aries. I will remind you of this in next month’s forecast.

That inconceivable element extends to your creative passions, hobbies, holidays and travel and the attention you crave. Have you been ignoring any of these? This eclipse will eventually show you the cost of this. Especially at the end of next month when ruler Jupiter changes signs and enters your 7th.Starting the biggest love-in you’ve experienced in 12 years!

April hands us the two most impactful astral events. The second occurring on the 21st when ruler Jupiter collides with Uranus in your 6th of work and wellness. You’re about to be released in the best possible way from something that has persisted in your life for far too long. This is your call to liberation. The more you cling to things – just because they feel familiar, not because they fuel your growth, the more you will delay the arrival of what is designed to free you.

Be at your most mutable and adaptive. Be prepared to pivot and chance direction. To innovate on an everyday, lifestyle level. You will have extra inspired resources to call on under the full Moon in your 12th (23rd), if needed. Some of you could take on a new work role. Embark on that upskilling you’ve been telling yourself you need – but haven’t the time/money to explore. Jupiter could just hand you the means.

You decide to get fitter. You take on an allotment. You escape those self-soothing habits which on the surface, appear to support you – but which you now see imprison you. The variations are endless. But the effects are permanent. This is your final month of adjustment before Jupiter lands in your 7th and bigs up that love potential. Just see this as shedding what may hold you back from expansive, freeing experiences. Refine, align, regenerate, Sag,

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your 5th. And the conjunction between ruler Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in your 6th. It’s about freedom to love – and love what does you good. Get a daily dose.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (5th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (8th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (5th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (5th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (5th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (5th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (4th)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (5th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (5th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (5th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 6th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (6th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (10th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (12th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (5th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (6th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (4th)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (5th)


Look to what moves you

Magnificent you wields magic and manifestation

We are family!

Do steer clear of family tensions and also try to put property decisions on hold this month. Needy relatives may be amping up their cries for attention. And their ability to press your guilt button. But only if you let them. See this as a test at how good you are at setting firm boundaries without too many hurt feelings. That’s a talent in itself. If you are dealing with a parent, some of you may find yourself experiencing that odd feeling of role reversal. Just who is the adult here and which one the child? You may be called on to look at your dynamic from a new perspective. As in you are now two adults. And you may need to convey your own adult status and right to do what is right for you when it comes to your time and decisions.

First Mercury reverses on April 1. In your house of home, lifestyle, property, family, living arrangements and homeland security in the broadest sense of the word. What supports and sustains you. It can be more than just bricks and mortar. But emotional support and that sense of belonging and community too. As Mercury rules contracts, if you can avoid signing any to do with property during its backwards move – which lasts until the 25th with retroshadow weeks which take us into May – please do.

Of course, this isn’t always possible. If so do ensure you comb the fine print. Reversals and delays can also occur. That buyer drops out. The property you like is withdrawn from the market. Or doesn’t pass the survey. Your roomie tells you they are moving out. Your Airbnb guests cancel. Do also avoid hiring contractors if you can as well. If you can wait until next month – so much the better.

The Mercury mayhem effect will be heightened – as will emotions. That signature cool could get ruffled, Cappy. Especially if you think someone is talking nonsense or attempting to obfuscate. Along with Mercury backwards in your 4th – we have the Great North American Eclipse in here on the 8th. This powerful eclipse – one of two significant events in the April sky, hits a hotspot as it conjuncts Chiron.

You’re therefore likely to call people out under its influence. Especially if their tactics include emotional manipulation, gaslighting or simply a refusal to face the facts. A history of doing this sees you no longer willing to put up with it any longer. If this occurs however, do keep your responses appropriate to what is happening in the moment – and not the 101 times they have done this before. Unless you want to come off looking like the bad guy that is.

Yes, you may feel changes have to be made around where you live, work or those emotional boundaries. But again, don’t be in too much of a hurry and avoid knee-jerk reactions. Eclipses conceal and cover up. And this one is a big one. Never has ‘watch and wait’ been a tactic most likely to maintain domestic harmony. You may need to wait until the first or second week of May before taking action.

Finally – here comes the Sun. You might want to grab your trusty Tarot deck at this point (19th), when the Sun enters its ruling 5th in your chart. Yes, The Sun – all that childlike, joyous radiance, shines on you once more. Illuminating the path to effortless play and passion for you. This is one of your houses of attraction. Where magic and manifestation co-mingle. And what’s special about this house is that you can engage effortlessly with this. Simply by giving yourself permission to express yourself and indulge in what you love to do.

Some modern Tarot decks have clouds in the background of The Sun card. Reminding us that it will always shine on us again, no matter what storms we may weather. It’s fitting after an eclipse when the Sun is ‘turned off’ for a while! You emerge back into the light of day.

Gorgeous, glittering, scorching radiance is what you are serving. Especially on the 21st when a once-in-a-life magnetic meeting between Jupiter and Uranus in here occurs. Surprising and sky-rocketing encounters, events and opportunities come your way. Your ability to attract and to receive what you do is heightened. Lovers, children, conception, creation, travel and above all, freedom are all on offer. Don’t over-think this, Capricorn. Just go with it.

This could bring you a lucky break, get you noticed, on the red carpet, in the VIP circle, gain you followers, friends, wins, attention. It could put you on a fresh path which again, changes everything around home, lifestyle and where and what you do for your future. One more reason to wait and see and leave that big decision until later. In the interim – give yourself permission to play. And step back into the light again.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in Aries and your 4th. And the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 5th. Time to embrace your own magnificence and no longer be willing to dim that shine. The more you radiate unfiltered and uncensored – the more you attract back in kind.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (4th)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (7th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (4th)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (4th)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (4th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (4th)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (4th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (4th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 5th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (5th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (9th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (11th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (4th)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (5th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (4th)


Retro Rules? You know them by heart

If you call to change – it will answer

Unlock the doors to freedom and living large

Your sign is the focus of the two biggest astro events of 2024, Aquarius. The first one has been Pluto’s arrival in your 1st. The second is the meeting between Jupiter and your ruler Uranus which occurs on the 21st of this month. And in your 4th house of lifestyle, home, family, roots and lifepath.

First let’s talk about the Mercury retrograde in its ruling 3rd (from the 1st), and the Total Solar Eclipse in here on the 8th. To say that you are missing a fact or key piece of information now, would be an understatement. The retro rules need to be treated with the reverence of stone tablets handed down to you from heaven. Do not deviate from them. There is no wiggle room this Mercury retrograde. Mayhem and madness as well as you kicking yourself, will ensue if you do.

The eclipse falls conjunct Chiron in your 3rd. Which should tell you that all bets are absolutely off. What is the sure thing is your utterly fearless approach to what needs to be let go of or changed. April is all about a release which in turn, brings you a fresh start. But this may occur in a way you don’t see coming.

In the run-up to the eclipse, you may feel dissatisfaction creeping in with certain elements of your life. There’s a real desire to shake up the status quo. You will be looking at key areas and asking questions around whether or not things are still relevant and support your growth. Of if they simply need to be tossed and let go of.

There’s a Jagger-like element happening with the moves you make in order to ensure that yes, you are getting satisfaction from what you invest in. And yes, Pluto in your sign now has its own role to play in that sexy restlessness you’re experiencing. Do keep in mind however that Mercury is retrograde in its ruling house (your 3rd), in your chart. And one of the Retro Rules is that its capacity for chaos and confusion increases if it is backwards in a house or sign it rules. So, throw in that eclipse and this can turn Chaos Theory into a personal physics experiment. Having said that and issued the usual warnings, I can’t rule out the fact that a little chaos may be your goal this April. Let the chips fall where they may.

Do however avoid contracts, purchases especially devices, cars and even horses, believing everything you hear or read (especially on the internet), clicking on that link and booking that holiday. If you are sending something out or cannot avoid signing on that dotted line, do check and re-check it. If travelling, reconfirm before setting out and allow extra time. If dealing with siblings or neighbours, what you are being told may be the tip of an iceberg. You need to ask yourself: What else?

Refine any projects under this influence. But hold off on sending out or launching. Because of your desire for change, you may even cut your losses on one or two by ditching them completely. This is not yet your time to begin anything new however. That comes at the end of May.

Nobody will doubt the fact that you mean what you say or intend to follow through on it. That’s the good part of all this 3rd house activity. Words and ideas take on a greater meaning. And any culling or editing of these simply means what you do focus on yields more powerful results.

More powerful than the eclipse for your sign is the meeting which occurs between ruler Uranus and Jupiter in your 4th on the 21st. By now, the Sun has also moved in. Bringing with it your annual focus on home, family, lifestyle and security. You’re the homecoming sign in every sense. And there’s also a wonderful feeling of being linked to a community of like-minded souls on offer for you. Don’t forget – sometimes it’s not the people who we share DNA with who feel like family. But those we seek out.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter between the two planets in this sector of your chart. By the time Jupiter re-visits this house in 12 years time, Uranus will have left the building. But for now – bring it on home, baby! In this house, this meeting between these two planets can bring you room to move, freedom to live your life your way, open up resources which see you get a foot up on the property ladder, or simply a way for you to feel secure in the right place.

Alternative lifestyles – but those which are designed for you in mind, may beckon. By all means view properties as these two meet. You’re days off Mercury direct again (25th), which means you can offer and then when it is accepted, sign. A new location could be calling you. Is it time to take a trip there to actually explore and check it out? Both these planets are aligned to bring you the kind of security which translates into freedom.

Changes around your family could also trigger the need to look to expanding your space. The full Moon in your 10th (23rd) tells you that you are ready to take on more responsibility or make that move if necessary. You’ll take everything into consideration and that includes the feelings of others. And accommodating their needs. But ultimately you’re coming from a place of looking to what sustains you for your future. What you have also decided needs to be ditched has opened up a space for something far more liveable to enter your life, Aquarius. And let’s face it – if you’re on the move you know you don’t want to be carrying that kind of baggage.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your 3rd. And the conjunction between ruler Uranus and Jupiter in your 4th. The key to living bigger or freedom from restriction, is on offer now. Unlock that door.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (3rd)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (6th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (3rd)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (3rd)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (3rd)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (3rd)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (3rd)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (3rd)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (3rd)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 4th)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (4th)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 1st)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (8th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (10th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (3rd)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (4th)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (3rd)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Focus results in manifestation

Leave no room for self-doubt

Opportunities, news, solutions deliver freedom – and more options to explore

Your extra long personal potential cycle continues right up until the very end of the month when Mars leaves your sign. Fierce and fiery, you will be fuelled by a desire to have it all – or at least what’s most important to you, this April. And this month’s aspects ask you get very clear about what that is. And focus your energy accordingly.

You’re emboldened to take the direct approach this month. And aside from the eclipse – which I will go into shortly, your focus is unwavering. Plus it also delivers the results you’re after! That’s not to say your sign’s signature ability to imagine and dream big is diminished. Far from it. But it does mean that you are directing every atom of that ability for fantasy into bringing that into reality. With potentially astounding results on offer.

A big part of succeeding at manifesting anything we want is our unshakable belief that it WILL happen. And integral to this is also our belief that we have what it takes to make it happen. The big Pisces stellium has handed you exactly that. You understand and can direct, the power of your own potential. Portals to that vision you have held in your mind in an unwavering act of self-faith and love open wide on both the 3rd (Venus conjunct Neptune) and then the 29th (Mars conjunct Neptune). You know what you want and are willing to take those steps to get it!

A lost dream can also arise out of restored faith in yourself. Your talents, self-worth and abilities. I’m referring to Aries and your 2nd house. It’s not just about finances – although this is your house of money. It’s also your stock, currency and cred, Pisces. Yours is on the rise if its been on the down-slide as the planets follow the Sun and move from your sign into Aries. Venus rules your 2nd while Mars rules Aries.

The beginning of the month has Mercury retrograde in here between the 1st and the 25th. This has you reviewing what is most important to you. And coming to the conclusion that some things – including dreams, are too valuable to let go of.

Needless to say, Mercury retro in your money house warns against unnecessary spending. And to value what assets you have (you are your biggest one!), and not waste these. We also have the most powerful eclipse of the year occurring on the 8th. All this adds up to you looking not just as your money, but your most important relationships and your values.

This eclipse has been called The Great North American Eclipse. But if eclipses have movie titles – this one for you is The Wolf of Wall Street. Howling insights will follow as the shadows dispense. But please don’t spend or speculate under it. For one thing Mercury backwards which rules commerce and even that retail therapy, tells you that this year’s financial peak will bring in a whole new way to dealing with your money, your love, your talents, and anything you consider to be valuable or an asset.

The eclipse falls conjunct Chiron in here. It can bring a radical new way of earning, saving and investing for you. But also have you seeing yourself as far more valuable an asset that you can have done in the past. This in turn shifts what you believe about yourself which impacts on your ability to reach your goals. It will also have you looking closely at what areas and who, you spend your precious love, time and energy into and on. How does that pay off for you? As the eclipse shadows disperse, don’t be surprised if you shift some resources away and direct into other dreams to invest in. You may even cut your losses around something you have heavily invested in in the past. But now see the pay-off simply isn’t worth it.

Please don’t be in too much of a hurry to make a decision. You may in fact wait until the first or second week of next month before moving ahead. In the interim, the Sun changes signs on the 19th and a fresh sense of freedom builds as we approach the next biggest astrological event of ‘24 – the meeting between your ruler Jupiter and Uranus in your 3rd house.

The 21st brings a once-in-a-lifetime encounter or invitation to enter something bigger. Yes, Jupiter your ancient ruler is in the house of communication, commerce, writing, design, media and the internet every 12 years. But next time it visits – Uranus will have moved on. Ideas or news electrifies you. And has the potential to send you in a new direction. That work you have been doing exploring the world of your imagination could yield a fresh idea laden with possibilities which you now feel compelled to follow up on. Travel may also feature. As could neighbours and siblings.

Breakthroughs in followings, work, studies, pitches and applications as well as travel may also feature. As could neighbours and siblings. News takes you by surprise – in the best possible way. You’re on the move in some way. Or discover a whole new way to move around and connect. Expect excitement and ultimately, something freeing as both planets rule freedom although each offers a different path towards this. Sometimes this can simply be the change in our own perspective which frees us from the prison of our own minds.

This month’s full Moon in Scorpio (23rd) occurs in your 9th of expansion. It illuminates a clear path ahead for you. Your certainty and clarity of intent means you will move confidently down it. If you are determined to seek out ways to make those goals and dreams reality this April, you will find them. What comes to light also lights you up. And don’t doubt for one minute that you’re worth it.

In a nutshell: April hands us the two biggest cosmic events of ‘24 – the Great North American Eclipse in your house of self-worth. And the conjunction between co-ruler Jupiter and Uranus in your 3rd. A new idea or surprising news breaks you free of limitations. Something takes you further this April.

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (2nd)

1 Apr 2024 Vesta enters Cancer (5th)

3 Apr 2024 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)

4 Apr 2024 Sun and North Node conjunct in Aries (2nd)

5 Apr 2024 Venus enters Aries (2nd)

6 Apr 2024 Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (2nd)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (2nd)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (1st)

11 Apr 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aries (2nd)

18 Apr 2024 Venus and North Node conjunct in Aries (2nd)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (2nd)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

19 Apr 2024 Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

19 Apr 2024 Sun enters Taurus (3rd)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

21 Apr 2024 Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)

21 Apr 2024 Venus and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)

22 Apr 2024 Juno direct in Virgo (7th)

23 Apr 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio (9th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (2nd)

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (3rd)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (1st)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (2nd)

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The post Monthly Astrology April 2024 For All Signs – Dramatic Eclipse! appeared first on Michele Knight.

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