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It’s the housing costs, stupid?

It’s the housing costs, stupid?

  • By Admin

One of the reasons I expect the Tories to be out of office for more than one term is the increase in mortgages and rents inspired by the Liz Truss premiership. This is something the voters do not forget and often take ages to forgive.

The only sliver of good news for the Tories is that their elderly base haven’t been as badly impacted as other age groups, which is usually a result of them having paid off their mortgages.

But a generation of non homeowners means long term problems for the Tories, I am of the belief that becoming a homeowner turns people into Tory voters. Lest we forget the greatest Tory Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, put turning the UK into a home owning democracy at the heart of her premiership, something the cosplaying Thatcherites in the Tory party today seem to have forgotten.


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