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Indonesian Police Collaborate with Interpol for Online Gambling Crackdown

Indonesian Police Collaborate with Interpol for Online Gambling Crackdown

The Indonesian National Police are partnering with Interpol to address the growing problem of illegal online gambling within the country.

The collaboration reportedly aims to enhance the exchange of intelligence, enabling the identification and dismantling of online gambling networks, according to Inspector General Krishna Murti, head of the National Police’s International Relations Division.

As part of this effort, the Indonesian police are holding a technical-level meeting with Interpol during the Senior Officer Meeting on Transnational Crime in Laos. The collaboration also extends to working with neighboring countries’ police forces, reflecting the cross-border nature of many online gambling operations involving Indonesian nationals, Asia Gaming Brief reported.

Indonesian government

Measures already taken by Indonesian authorities include revoking passports and restricting the travel of individuals suspected of participating in online gambling activities abroad. Additionally, telecommunications providers have been instructed to block access to gambling websites operating from Cambodia and the Philippines, suspected to be linked to illegal activities.

The crackdown comes amid alarming statistics from Indonesia’s Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center, which flagged over IDR600 trillion ($36.4 billion) in gambling-related transactions in the first quarter of 2024 alone.

Authorities have reported that 3.2 million people are involved in online gambling, often targeting vulnerable groups such as young people and low-income households. Thousands of bank accounts used for gambling transactions have been temporarily blocked, and funds have been traced to countries like Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia.

Indonesia police
Indonesian police officers in lineup. (Image from Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia / Wikimedia Commons)

In response to the rising threat, President Joko Widodo established a special task force in June 2024 to intensify the fight against online gambling and its links to money laundering. The government has vowed to take decisive action against all forms of online gambling, regardless of the influence or connections of those involved, according to Indonesia Business Post.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics is tasked with blocking and dismantling online gambling websites. Despite efforts to close down over 2 million gambling sites using artificial intelligence and cyber patrols, new sites continue to emerge. The ministry is now working closely with police, the Financial Service Authority, and other institutions to sever the online gambling ecosystem.

While the government’s initiative has received broad support, experts like Bambang Rukminto of the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies expressed skepticism about its effectiveness, citing potential interference by powerful figures involved in online gambling.

Heru Sutadi, executive director of the Indonesia ICT Institute, has called for the task force to act consistently and indiscriminately, stressing the detrimental impact of online gambling on society and the need for thorough law enforcement.

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