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I am speechless, utterly speechless

I am speechless, utterly speechless

  • By Admin

I am generally characterised as a gobby bastard so when I am left speechless something epically bad must have happened. Liz Truss trying to fill the black hole caused by the markets being spooked by her special fiscal operation was to considering scrapping all NHS cancer treatment to save money.

Normally I’d dismiss this story as a silly season story but the fact so many people are prepared to go on the record about this to Sir Anthony Seldon makes this credible. I work in banking and the wider financial services sector and I don’t people appreciate think how close we were disaster, many firms in this sector were preparing to activate their doomsday scenarios where the Liz Truss special fiscal operation had caused issues on the gilt markets and potential disaster in the pensions sector. With that mood music stopping cancer care could have been seen as acceptable price to keep the markets on side.

I love how Kwasi Kwarteng is channelling the old Klingon proverb which says ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’

Speaking to The Independent, Mr Kwarteng said: “I wasn’t involved in any conversations about restricting healthcare, but that doesn’t mean the prime minister and her team didn’t discuss this.”

The only explanation for Liz Truss is that she must be greatest sleeper agent in history, the Lib Dems should be proud.


PS – As a Shakespeare fan I did love this, ‘Sir Anthony Seldon mockingly compares Mr Rees-Mogg’s “passionate” attempt to “woo” Ms Truss into putting him in charge of the Treasury to the attempt by Malvolio, the pompous cross-gartered flunky in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, to seduce Lady Olivia.’

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