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How To Open A Flower Business? Top 3 Points Worth Paying Attention To

How To Open A Flower Business? Top 3 Points Worth Paying Attention To

  • By Admin

The flower business is a real dream of many people. The popularity of such an area is not unreasonable at all. The business related to flowers is very romantic and beautiful! Popular culture, social networks demonstrate the flower business as something luxurious and even elitist. Although what can I say, flowers are really beautiful and always in demand.

Flower business, like any other business, is a complex and multifaceted process. There are a lot of nuances in the issue of building such a business and very little time to think, because flowers are not eternal at all!

No matter how you are wondering to start – the flower business is now or in the future, no matter where you want to do it – flowers Dubai or in Los Angeles, as a budding businessman you will definitely make mistakes, study the difficulties of legislation and delivery and look for the keys to tightly closed doors of storage the product. Let’s figure out how to simplify business processes and what a beginner should pay attention to before starting building a flower business.

two bees on purple flower
Photo by Michael Hodgins on

Flower business format

Modern realities in the flower market force business owners to choose from many options for providing services. There are different types of flower shops: flowers are sold in stalls, flower shops and boutiques, through websites, social networks and messengers. You can work with flowers not only in the process of buying and selling. You can provide the services of a decorator or open an agency for the decoration of celebrations.

How to choose the best format? Here are some tips for aspiring businessmen:

Format Advantages Disadvantages
Flower shop The depth of the flower arrangement is not this important to the client, the main request is speed; high traffic of visitors if the shop is located in a popular place Large rental costs; the need to install an expensive cooling showcase
Flower business in social media As statistics shows, the average check in such a business is larger than in offline one; there is no need to pay rent Buyers are more demanding – they usually order more complex compositions; a large expenditure on online advertising
Decorating celebrations It is easy to do without investments in repairs, rent and refrigeration equipment It takes a lot of time and money to promote your brand and establish connections

Trainings and education

Training may seem like an unnecessary stage for those who are going to have employees in hiring. However, education in the field of floristry should not be neglected if you want to boost sales. The most common mistakes when starting a business are:

  • improper storage of cut plants,
  • weekly purchases,
  • serious mistakes in a flower composition.

All this reduces sales and leads to unnecessary write-offs. Every employee who touches the product should know the basic rules, because the flower business is very fragile.

This is the minimum that the beginners of the flower business should know to to start their way. Yes, it’s really not an easy path, but bringing beauty and joy into the world is really a wonderful job! So don’t be afraid and go to your dream!

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