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Have You Experienced True Rest?

Have You Experienced True Rest?

  • By Admin

Have You Experienced True Rest?

4 ways to embrace God’s rest in your daily life

Would you rather live an exciting life or a calm life? 

Think about it and make a note of your answer. 

Now, let’s see if the majority of people agree with you. 

That exact question was asked in this Gallup poll. Researchers found that across 116 countries and territories, nearly three quarters of people would rather have a calm life than an exciting one. 

To me, this shows that people are craving calmness. Or to state it another way…people are craving rest. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, “Well no duh, of course I want to experience rest!” 

What you may not know, though, is that God wants this for you too. 

All throughout the Bible, we see instances of God encouraging His people to rest. One of my favorite stories of this is in 1 Kings 19:1-8. Elijah, a tired and troubled prophet, finds himself under a tree, wishing for death. God sends an angel to provide him with food and water, urging him to rest. 

This story shows that even the most dedicated servants of God need rest. It teaches us the importance of taking time to rest and rejuvenate so that we can continue to serve effectively.

God knows our bodies better than we do. After all, He created them! He also knows how difficult it can be to live in this go-go-go world of ours, which is why He sent his son, who promises to give rest to all who come to Him. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28 

During a hectic day or when emotions are high in my home, I often repeat that verse to myself. It almost always quiets my anxious thoughts and calms my restless heart. 

“Coming to Jesus” involves a personal and sincere approach. I want to share four practices we can include in our daily routines to abide in His rest. 


1.) Revel in God’s creation 

The creation around us is a theater of God’s power and love. I have found that I am more peaceful than ever when taking in the beauty of God’s creation. For example, admiring a sunset, looking at a giggling baby or appreciating the sounds of nature. Rather than thinking about common day-to-day stressors like work deadlines or worries about the health of loved ones, all I can think is “Thank you, God!” 

What aspects of creation fill you with awe? Try to make it part of your regular routine to spend time marveling at them. When we revel in the beauty and intricacy of His creation, we are reminded of His greatness. This connection with the Creator can bring an incredible sense of peace and reassurance, knowing that the same God who created the vastness of the universe also cares for us personally.


2.) Remember the day of rest  

The first account in the Bible occurs in Genesis 2 where, after six days of creating the world, God rested on the seventh day. 

I want to emphasize that He rested not because He was tired, but to set an example. God’s rest serves as a model for us to follow, emphasizing the significance of taking time to pause, reflect, and appreciate the work that has been done. We’re to follow God’s example – not to be bored or lazy on the seventh day, but to intentionally take a break from our regular routines. 

Through God’s rest on the seventh day, He also established the concept of having a day of rest and reflection. The term Scripture uses for this day of rest is Sabbath. When God gave Moses the 10 commandments; the fourth stated that we are to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy

What does this mean? Keeping the Sabbath involves refraining from work and dedicating the day to activities that nurture one’s spiritual connection, such as attending religious services, diving into your Bible or spending time with family or in community. 

God wants us to lean into Him and learn about Him on this day!!! It’s about acknowledging the significance of this designated day and using it as an opportunity to deepen one’s relationship with the Lord and with others.


3.) Run to Jesus daily 

Jesus came so that our rest might not be in a day, but that it might be in Him! In Jesus, you can find rest EVERY SINGLE DAY! He offers a unique kind of peace that transcends circumstances and surpasses understanding. 

In John 14:27, Jesus says, 

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 

Followers of Jesus find rest in Him by trusting in His promises and experiencing His peace, even in the midst of life’s trials and challenges. The rest Jesus wants to give us is unlike anything we can get from the world. 

I found this out later in life. Before knowing the Lord, I would rely on other people to bring me peace. Newsflash – never a good idea. While other people can certainly contribute to our happiness and well-being, they cannot fully satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. The peace that Jesus offers is ultimate and complete, addressing the deepest needs of our souls and providing a sense of fulfillment that transcends human relationships.


4.) Rely solely on God 

Today, the Gospel demands that we stop – stop striving to earn God’s love, stop placing our value in our accomplishments, stop carrying worry that is not ours to carry. We must work on letting things go! We must choose to trust God even when we feel like things around us are spiraling. We must surrender control to Him. 

Surrendering control to God means we don’t have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We can cast our anxieties and worries upon Him, trusting that He will provide for our needs and carry us through difficult times. This release of burdens brings a profound sense of peace, allowing us to rest in the assurance that God is in control.

If there is anything you feel stressed or concerned about right now, I encourage you to lift it up to God. 

We actually instructed in 1 Peter 5: 7 to do exactly this: 

“Cast all your anxieties on God, for He cares for you”

Our world desperately needs to experience rest and peace, and the only place we will find it is in Jesus. He cares for you SO DEEPLY and is patiently waiting for you to come to Him. 


You also might consider taking a moment to pause and try out the simple stretch video below. As you follow along, allow your body to release tension and your mind to quiet down. Let each stretch be a reminder of God’s invitation to rest in His presence.


Abbey holds a degree in journalism from Indiana University Bloomington. Her favorite topics to cover are spiritual growth and development, holistic health, and human interest stories. Currently, she and her husband live in Michigan where she works in active ministry. In her free time you’ll likely find her nose deep in a book, leading group fitness classes, or experimenting in the kitchen. 


The post Have You Experienced True Rest? appeared first on Faithful Workouts.

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