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Global hotel chains putting heavy investments in Africa

Global hotel chains putting heavy investments in Africa

  • Egypt and Nigeria markets remain the top targets of international hotel chains. 
  • New hotels’ pipeline in sub-Saharan Africa is up six per cent on 2022 (measured by rooms), whilst in North Africa the total is up by four per cent.
  • At the moment, the hotel chains have deals signed in 42 countries in Africa.

Africa remains a top investment destination by global hotel chains as brands pump in billions of dollars into putting up facilities in the continent, an industry survey now shows.

The African hotel chain development pipelines now totals 482 hotels with 84,427 rooms, the W-Hospitality Group report titled ‘Hotel Chain Development Pipeline Africa’, indicates.

This total has been analysed initially according to two main regions, that is, North Africa where it looked at five countries – Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, and sub-Saharan Africa (49 countries, including the Indian Ocean islands).

The pipeline in…

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