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From safari icons to status symbols: The dual fate of Tanzania’s black rhinos

From safari icons to status symbols: The dual fate of Tanzania’s black rhinos

  • Conservation efforts are helping increase the number of black rhinos in the wild.
  • Poaching for ornaments and traditional medicines remains the biggest threat to black rhinos.
  • Charity WWF reports that over 6000 black rhinos are in the wild today.

Black rhinos are a major tourist attraction for Tanzania but they are also a key source of treasured ornaments and traditional medicine for China, despite the fact that the country has banned trade in of kinds of ivory.

“The main threat to the black rhino is poaching for the international illegal trade in rhino horn. Most, if not all, horn from Kenya and Tanzania is believed to be shipped to Vietnam and China. In the end-user countries, it is ground and used as medicine for a range of ailments, or carved into jewelry or art or preserved whole displayed for status,” reports the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

However, for decades now, …

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