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Even Tory LEAVE voters don’t want Johnson back

Even Tory LEAVE voters don’t want Johnson back

The polling that could screw-up a BoJo comeback

Thanks to TSE for spotting this one – the past vote split on whether Johnson should try to return as an MP. For as can be seen 47% of GE2019 Tory voters who backed Leave say he shouldn’t with 43% saying he should. So a clear majority of those who had a view don’t want him back.

This goes very much against the narrative of him being an electoral asset. Yes he has been successful against Ken Livingstone and Jeremy Corbyn both of whom are now discredited figures in the LAB movement. Those victories as well happened before the revelations of what he did during lockdown.

At the moment the issue is irrelevant because Johnson is not seeking to make a come-back but who knows – that could happen in the not-too-distant future.

I must say that I found these numbers rather surprising because of my perception that Johnson was still popular with majority of voters who.could incline to the Tory Party. I’d argue that he is now damaged goods and that is right across the political spectrum.

Mike Smithson

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