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Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing

Your soul chose to incarnate here on earth, because it’s the perfect environment to achieve whatever lesson your soul is working on. Everything that your soul experiences is an opportunity for growth for both your soul & your soul group. Knowing that we chose to come here, doesn’t make it any easier though!  Words associated with emotional healing

As a woman in your prime, you’ve likely experienced a multitude of life’s challenges & triumphs, I certainly have! What have you learned from these challenges & triumphs? I learned to be independent & strong at an early age & that’s been something I’ve relied on a great deal in my life, it made the experiences worthwile, it made them meaningful rather than just painful & over the years I have released the trauma of the lesson so I am simply left with thebenefit of having experienced it. Yet, amidst the busyness of daily life, emotional healing often takes a backseat.  Prioritising your  emotional well-being is essential, here’s why it’s so important, how you can achieve it, and how I can support you on this journey. 

Why Your Emotional Healing is Vital

Emotional healing isn’t just about overcoming past hurts; it’s about thriving in the present & embracing a future full of possibilities. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  1. Improved Physical Health: Unresolved emotional pain can manifest as physical ailments. Healing emotionally can alleviate symptoms like chronic pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues etc.
  2. Enhanced Relationships: By healing emotionally, you become more open, compassionate, & communicative, leading to healthier, more fulfilling relationships with family, friends, and partners. You’re less likely to be triggered by other people or situations.
  3. Increased Self-Esteem: Emotional healing helps you shed the negative beliefs and self-doubt that have accumulated over the years, allowing you to step into your power & confidence.
  4. Greater Life Satisfaction: When you’re emotionally balanced, you’re better equipped to pursue your passions, set & achieve goals, & finding joy in everyday moments.

How to Achieve Emotional Healing

Emotional healing is a personal journey, with several ways you can embark on your healing path:

  • Self-Reflection: Journaling & introspection can help you understand and process your emotions.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Meditation & mindfulness can ground you in the present moment, reducing stress and promoting emotional clarity.
  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise can release endorphins, improving your mood & overall well-being.
  • Creative Expression: Engaging in art, music, or other creative activities can be therapeutic and cathartic.

How I Can Help You Heal Emotionally

There’s an array of different modalities available that can help bring emotional healing, so go to who you are drawn to & whichever method you are drawn to, it’s not a one size fits all solution. I trained in NLP, Reiki, meditation, intuitive skills, Transformative Coaching and hypnotherapy, as they work well together or individually. I offer a holistic approach to emotional healing tailored to your unique needs, no two people have the same experience, perspective or emotional journey. 

Here’s how each of these modalities can support you:

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

NLP focuses on the connection between neurological processes, language, and behavioural patterns. Through NLP, I help you to reframe negative thought patterns & beliefs, empowering you to break free from limiting mindsets & cultivate a more positive and resilient outlook on life. I help you to clear the pain from past events or situations, & clear any behaviours or beliefs that no longer serve you & in many cases actually block you from being who you truly are & living the life you desire.


Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and fosters emotional balance. By channelling healing energy, I help you release emotional blockages, restore harmony within, and enhance your overall well-being.

Reiki knows no boundaries in space or time, this means that Reiki can be used to heal past events in this life & other lives as well as future events & lives.


Meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness and emotional clarity. I’m able to help you with various meditation practices, helping you to quiet your mind, connect with your inner self, and develop a deeper sense of peace and understanding. Connecting with your Spirit Guides & your Higher Self is a great tool for understand yourself better & for finding the spiritual support you need.

Intuitive Skills

Using my intuitive abilities, I tune into your energy & emotions, providing insights and guidance that can uncover hidden emotional wounds, offering clarity on your healing journey. I might look at your soul contracts or your life purpose to see where you are with that journey, are you living in alignment to these or are you disconnected from them? Maybe there is a karmic reason for some of your issues that you need to balance out. This intuitive approach allows for personalised & profound healing experiences.


Hypnotherapy is a deeply relaxing and transformative technique that accesses your subconscious mind to address and heal emotional issues. Through guided hypnosis, I help you release deep-seated traumas, reprogram negative beliefs, and foster positive behavioural changes.

Success Stories of Women Benefiting from Holistic Emotional Healing

Consider Julie, who was referred to me by her osteopath for thoracic issues. The osteopath suspected her pain was due to trapped emotions rather than physical problems. After just one session, Julie felt amazing, having released the pain and trauma. We did continue on with other sessions to clear other wounds, but the physical pain was such a major issue that the difference after just one session was noticeable immediately.

Another client, who struggled with thyroid dysfunction, found relief through our sessions. By clearing the trauma causing her condition, she now enjoys a perfectly balanced thyroid without the need for medication.

The there’s Lara who was having relationship issues. Both her & her partner were very wounded from their emotional journey & this was causing clashes between them because each had behaviours that triggered the other’s hurts. The connection between them was so strong which was the only reason they were still together, this allowed them to see beyond their pain & see that they were driving each other away. Lara came to me for help & I was able to help her see that they each had their own pain to heal and that by speaking to each other more about what triggered them & where this originated, they could understand the pain the other one was in.

Let’s say for an example that you had a super critical parent growing up. Now let’s fast forward 20 years so you’re now late 30’s. Maybe you have a critical boss or maybe your partner is highly critical of you. Both of these people are coming from a good place (and have their own issues), they want to help you be the best you can be. But what if every time they give you constructive criticism, you’re back to being age 8 & feeling ‘not good enough’ or that you’re ‘unloved’ because you’re not perfect. That’s you being triggerd! The initial issue is your emotional history & you’re carrying it forwards & reimprinting it everytime someone criticises you. Nightmare, right?

Timeframe for Results from Holistic Emotional Healing Practices

The time it takes to see results varies from one session to many, depending on your unique story and goals. For example, if you’re dealing with decades of emotional trauma, it might take several sessions to achieve the desired outcome.

Risks or Contraindications Associated with Holistic Emotional Healing

It’s crucial to be open about any heart or respiratory issues you may have, as practices like meditation and breathwork can affect these conditions. Additionally, if you have deeply buried emotional wounds, you might experience an abreaction, such as crying, temporary depression, or anger as you work through these emotions. Most often, revisiting past wounds results in tears, which is a natural part of the healing process.

Getting Started with Holistic Emotional Healing

To begin your journey, find a therapist who aligns with your needs and values. Meeting with them, either in person or via Zoom, can help determine if you connect well. If you prefer to embark on self-development and healing on your own, starting with journaling, meditation, and self-hypnosis can be incredibly beneficial.

Embracing holistic practices can lead to profound emotional healing, empowering you to live a balanced, fulfilled life.

Where to Start

Most people tend to have multiple issues that they need to work on. Let’s face it, the older we are the longer our emotional journey & the more emotional wounds we have. What is happening in your life that makes you most unhappy? Here’s some common issues that result from life events:

  • Fears or phobias
  • Relationship issues; arguing, poor communication, repeating patterns
  • Health issues
  • Weight issues
  • Addiction
  • Confidence issues
  • Self esteem/self worth issues
  • Self-sabotage
  • Poor boundaries
  • Trust issues
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Abandonment issues

You may not know what to call it or how it started, however, you’ll be able to identify what is happening in your life that isn’t serving you. 

Once you know what isn’t serving you, the process can begin by finding the root & ousting it. This isn’t a quick process but the sooner you start, the sooner it will be healed.

There are some tools that you can use to help you to heal:

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Affirmations

These are free & easy to get going with. Give them a try & see what you can release.

Need Help?

If you do need help, find the therapist that is right for you, you can use recommendations, do a Google search or ask the Universe to bring you the right person. There are lots of directories that you can search too. Once you’ve found the right therapist, book a session & get going. 

If you want to work with me, why not book a free chat, we can meet & go from there. Book your free Discovery Call here or message me.

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The post Emotional Healing first appeared on Tracy Fance.

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