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Category : Finance

The global non-fungible token market, which once made many crypto investors millionaires, is now experiencing a brutal downturn, leaving another set of crypto investors bankrupt […]

A subsidiary of Standard Chartered, Mox Bank has initiated trading for crypto exchange-traded funds (ETFs), marking a first for virtual banks in Hong Kong. This […]

banking finance money

Negotiation is an intricate dance of strategy, psychology, and skill. Success in this arena often hinges on the ability to balance confidence with a strategic mindset. Confidence can be both an asset and a liability, …

New enquiries and house sales remained steady in July, according to the latest residential property survey from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (Rics).  Overall new buyer enquiries picked up a little in July, to …

Swansea Building Society has integrated with Knowledge Bank’s sourcing platform. The integration allows intermediaries to search and view Swansea Building Society’s criteria across residential, buy-to-let (BTL), and self build mortgages.  The society’s criteria is maintained …

Bath Building Society has upped proc fees for all new residential and buy to let business to 0.4% and 0.3% for product transfers. Commenting on the fee changes Bath BS head of intermediary mortgage sales …

Foundation Home Loans has appointed Matt Blake as chief treasury officer to lead the capital markets and treasury operations functions. Blake previously held senior treasury roles at Pepper Money UK and Together. The appointment was …

Vida has reduced rates across its buy-to-let (BTL), residential and product transfer retention ranges by up to 0.35%. BTL products will be lowered by up to 0.25%, while residential rates will fall by up to …

The average salary of a nurse can vary depending on many factors, including specialty, location, and education level.

Life after dental school is a time of transition – joining a dental practice, earning a living instead of living off student loans, being officially called “doctor” for the first time. And then there are …


3 Top Tips for Profiting With Penny Stocks When the Market is Down Investing in penny stocks can be a lucrative strategy, even during down markets. While many investors might shy away from riskier assets …

Summary 9/23 – 9/27

Summary 9/23 – 9/27

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