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<div>Can Dogs Eat Lollipops? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ</div>

Can Dogs Eat Lollipops? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Not all snacks are good for our canine companions. That’s why it’s so important to check before ever giving your pet something new. When it comes to a sweet, ordinary child’s candy like a lollipop, you might wonder if giving your dog a lick or two is okay.

Or perhaps they’ve gotten into your candy stash and downed a few crunchy lollies on their own accord. Regardless of why you’re asking, we will talk about why lollipops are not necessarily problematic and very small quantities. However, if your dog has eaten a stick or the lollipop contains certain ingredients, a vet trip might very well be in your future.


Don’t Wait During an Emergency

Before we begin this article, we want to make it clear that this is in no way a substitute for medical advice. If you think your dog has eaten a lollipop and you’re concerned with the ingredients or material that they consumed, get them to your vet right away.

Some lollipops contain ingredients that can be irritating or even detrimental to our canine friends. The paper or plastic sticks might get lodged in their throat, gut, or bowels, causing an emergency situation. The sooner you seek treatment, the better.

We must get them the help they need right away rather than delaying the process and regretting it later.

If they just ate a piece of the candy and you saw the entire thing, they will likely be okay. However, a toxic artificial sweetener in lollipops and other candies called xylitol can be very problematic for our canine friends.

As long as you’ve swept the ingredients and verified there’s nothing eminently toxic, then you can look for alternative answers. If you have any doubts, get to your vet quickly.

veterinarian examining a boxer dog at the clinic
Image Credit: Robert Kneschke, Shutterstock

Can Dogs Eat Lollipops?

No. Dogs shouldn’t eat lollipops.

Assuming this isn’t a life-threatening circumstance, we want you to know that if your dog ate a lollipop, it generally wouldn’t hurt them. However, the statement is only true if your pup ate the candy, not the stick, and it contains no toxic ingredients.

However, lollipops can prove to be problematic. If you’re holding your lollipop, and your dog takes a lick, it’s probably not going to hurt them a bit. After all, these small candies are comprised of mostly sugar and artificial flavor; there’s not much else to them.

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Traditional Lollipop Ingredients

We chose one of the most popular lollipops available on the market to gauge exactly what’s in a lollipop.

Here’s a further look at one of the most popular lollipops, the Dum Dum.

  • Sugar

  • Corn syrup

  • Citric acid

  • Malic acid

  • Salt

  • Artificial flavor

  • Color added (Red 40, Yellow 6, Yellow 5, Blue 1)

None of these ingredients will kill your dog immediately, but they can impact their overall system. Some dogs can be very sensitive to artificial dyes.

Image Credit: jmexclusives_Pixabay

Dangers of Lollipops

If you think your dog swallowed a lollipop stick, it’s best to visit the vet quickly. If your dog ate it whole, it could lead to a bowel obstruction, which can be awful news for your dog. So it’s always best to be safe rather than sorry.

Even though the ingredient composition of lollipops doesn’t pose any toxic risk normally, that doesn’t mean there aren’t problems with dogs eating lollipops. Here are some things to consider.

Xylitol Is Toxic

Unfortunately, we can eat xylitol with no problem, but our dogs have major issues. This is an artificial sweetener that’s used in many different candies and sweets. Xylitol is highly toxic to many domestic animals. You can use this website to look up any lollipop brand.

The Preventive Vet website will tell you if the product contains xylitol. Since it is so toxic, this is considered an emergency. If your pup consumed a product containing xylitol, get them to your veterinarian right away.

Sick mastiff dog sitting on table in a vet clinic
Image Credit: UfaBizPhoto, Shutterstock

Choking Hazard

Clearly, one of the biggest concerns when a dog is eating lollipops is that they’ll swallow the stick. That’s why letting your dog chew on this hard candy is never good. You might think they’ll dissolve the stick or otherwise be unaffected, but it can pose a significant choking hazard.

Much the same as you wouldn’t let a small child chew on the stick, you should not allow your dog access to it either. These sticks can get easily lodged into the throat, causing choking, airway obstructions, and even bowel blockages.

If any of these things happen, it can be detrimental for your dog—not to mention racking up expensive vet bills.

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Too Much Sugar

Even though a little bit of sugar won’t hurt your dog, a regular amount of sugar in their diet can. Too much sugar can do lots of things to our canine companions, such as lead to obesity and issues like diabetes.

Realistically, dogs shouldn’t have anything outside of their normal diet, especially not sugary people foods. It can lead to enough issues in humans, and these foods are marketed toward us. However, the same doesn’t go for your dog. Our responsibility as pet owners is to ensure our dogs stay as safe as possible.

That includes providing the proper diet and ensuring their health is on a good path. Too much sugar can not only cause specific health issues like diabetes and obesity, but it can also lead to dental problems and tooth decay.

fat chihuahua dog
Image Credit: taro911 Photographer, Shutterstock

Homemade Pup Pop Recipes

Rather than giving your pup suckers that are made for humans, you can try a couple of homemade recipes to provide them with their very own lollipops or popsicles when it’s treat time. Here are a few yummy ideas.

Frozen Pup Pops By This’N”That with Olivia

  • Banana

  • Plain Greek Yogurt

  • Smooth Peanut Butter

  • Honey

This frozen treat is a pop your pup can enjoy! You simply whip up this concoction and freeze it. You can get one out anytime to serve it up for your pup. Of course, we recommend only in moderation.

Homemade Banana Popsicles
Image Credit: HandmadePictures, Shutterstock

Pupsicles by Live Eat Learn

  • Banana

  • Nonfat Unsweetened Yogurt

  • Unsweetened Peanut Butter

This is a yummy pet popsicle idea to cool your pal off on a summer day. These treats consist of only three ingredients, all healthy for your pub in moderation. You can use carrots, celery, or dog biscuits in place of the stick for freezing.


Final Thoughts

Lollipops for humans just aren’t good for our pups. They’re full of sugar and other potentially harmful ingredients that might not agree with our dog stomachs. There’s really no other way that it crumbles.

However, if your pup got a hold of one, the choking hazard or bowel obstruction threat alone is worse than having a little sugar. So always take your dog to the vet immediately if you suspect they might have swallowed a lollipop stick or eaten a toxic ingredient.

Featured Image Credit: Anastasia_Makarevich, Pixabay

The post Can Dogs Eat Lollipops? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ appeared first on Pet Keen.

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