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Are You Left or Right? Take the Political Test

Are You Left or Right? Take the Political Test

American election campaign fight as Republican Versus Democrat represented by two boxing gloves with the elephant and donkey symbol stitched fighting for the vote of the United states citizens for an election win.


According to a study in Denmark, right-wing conservative women are more attractive than left-wing liberal women.


Source: Breitbart, Gage Skidmore/Flickr


Scientists inputted 3,200 photos of candidates who ran in the 2017 Danish municipal election.

They used Microsft Azure’s Face API tool. For females, high attractiveness scores were found among those that identified as conservative.


Facial averages for male and female. Source: Scientific Reports


Both right-wing conservative men and women also tended to be happier.

From my own observation, I find this to be true. But perhaps I am also biased.

If you’re right-leaning and conservative, you’ll love this finding in fact.

But if you’re left-leaning and progressive, you may argue that this is yet more right-wing propaganda. And you will rightfully point out many on the left who may be considered both attractive and happy.

Oh, well. Now that I have raised a degree of controversy, let me ask you another question…



Do you sometimes have political disagreements with your family?


Do you end up in an argument? Wondering where the heck they’re coming from?

Are they another ugly lefty? Or a hidebound right-wing ignoramus?

A simple political test could help to resolve some of this tension. It could build understanding. I’m going to give you that test shortly.

Now, disclosure. I have done the test.

I am a Right-Leaning Libertarian:



On a scale, I’m far from North Korea or China. I’m very close to Switzerland.

I was not surprised. And if you’ve been reading me for any length of time, I doubt you are either.

After 30 years in business — and investing in other businesses in the markets — I have a simple belief: government works best as a referee. It should not interfere as a player in the game. That inevitably wrecks the game for everyone.

Further, the game should be fair, competitive, and encourage as many players as possible.

Example: I visited a small town a couple of years ago. The high street had been vandalised by overbearing Covid lockdowns.

Now there was only one main restaurant open. It wasn’t very good. They forgot the brie cheese that was meant to complement my chicken burger. And the bathroom was dirty.

Had that town had several restaurants open, all competing for business, I guarantee you the experience would have been much better.

Now, before you begin thinking that I’m a heartless capitalist, let me disabuse you of those notions.

My right lean comes from a deep-seated belief in opportunity. Giving everybody the opportunity to reach their potential and prosper by their own free will.

That said, the referee of government still needs to set the rules of the game. And sometimes provide a backstop.

Here are two interesting ideas for New Zealand:

  • A tax-free threshold of $15,000 to incentivise young people into more paid work, and to incentivise people to start new businesses. Particularly since a new business may not make a lot in its first year. (Small businesses are the backbone of this economy).
  • A company tax rate of 15% so that companies are incentivised to reinvest in their own development. And companies from around the world are attracted to base their Asia-Pacific operations here. (Ireland used a 12.5% corporate tax rate to turbocharge growth from companies domiciling their European operations there).

Of course, this may mean those on higher salaries need to pay somewhat more tax to enable these key areas of opportunity. And there may be aspects of disincentive from that.

But the free market may work best when it devotes opportunity to those at the start of wealth creation and prosperity.



The test also has a social compass


Beyond being economically Right or Left, you may be more Authoritarian or more Libertarian.

In this area, you may be surprised.

I’m a conservative. My general impression is that people flourish by sticking with tried-and-true values, proven over the ages. All life has God-given value and is precious.

Further, I’m a wealth manager, so I’ve seen many different situations and outcomes.

Again, studies tend to back up the fact that the most prosperous families tend to have more conservative values.

Well, can you also be a conservative and a libertarian?

It turns out you can. Since at the core of these values is the belief in free will. That all persons have the right to make their own choices without judgment or interference, providing those choices does not impinge on the lives and rights of others.

Now it’s your turn.

🎯 Take the Political Compass Test here.

If you feel inclined, do email us on and let us know whether it was accurate for you.



Simon Angelo

Editor, Wealth Morning

(This article is the editorial content of this periodical. It is the author’s personal opinion and commentary. It is general in nature and should not be construed as any promotion or as any financial or investment advice.)

The post Are You Left or Right? Take the Political Test appeared first on Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar.

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