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An enormous angelic download for everyone, Sept. 9th 2024

An enormous angelic download for everyone, Sept. 9th 2024

  • By Admin

Here’s a BIG, BIG ANGELIC MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE RIGHT NOW — HOLY CRAP—This comes from the Angel that Walks with the World—I apologize for any messy formatting in advance, however I want to get this out right away, as raw as possible.

Alrighty everybody, I don’t know who needs this message today, but it’s coming through LOUDLY, from the angel that walks with the world, which is a big heavy hitter on all dimensions and all timelines—so if it’s for you, here you go:

I just got BOWLED over a few minutes ago with this awareness that this Timeframe is for us to step up and push past things that scare us the most. Do, do, do!!! Planning is over. We have what we need. Ruminating is over. There’s no more ways we can turn this pancake over to evaluate it.

We either go, or we stay. It’s pretty straightforward.

I mean, this Angel is stressing that this is a critical timeframe for EXECUTION of long-term plans. Go go go go go go go!!!!! The green flag is waving frantically at the top of the line in Montecarlo!!

Sure, we’re always supposed to push our possibilities to the max, whenever we can, can, yada yada yada—but this message is different.

This Angel has a very pointed energy in the timing right now. If it were human, it would translate as a sense of urgency, but angels are not urgent. (We will either take a path or we won’t. They know they have no control over that.)

This pointedness has to do with universal energies and where we’ve placed in our lives, our desires, our dreams, and our interest— right now. TODAY, right now. Like—NOW, now. Not a month from now. Not three months from now. Now, now.

I can’t stress the NOW part enough.

I’m certainly no astrologer but I’m guessing this may have something to do with Universal energies and that realm as well, not to mention, dozens of other Multiverse transactions that affect our own universe.

The angel that walks with the world said this to me just a few minutes ago—

“All illusion comes away from that which is purpose. Purpose shall remain asleep while hesitation is given gifts. And all shall continue.”

The short version of the story is that if you translate angels all day, as I do, this is a POWERFUL statement.

“Purpose shall remain asleep while hesitation is given gifts” is an enormously poignant statement. “Stay asleep in the angelic realm means that nothing is gonna happen with it. It’s just gonna be knocked out, a neutral energy, snoozing away. A stasis.

“Given gifts” is an extremely powerful statement, because it means that we are bringing to the feet of something, all of our best intentions. So if we hesitate, and we’re bringing all of our best intentions to the feet of hesitation, this angel is saying we’re literally going to get a whole lot of NUTHIN’. We will not make it a few inches forward with our hesitation, we will not buy us some time for more this and that, like some future timeline, but literally – NOTHING.

Nothing will move.

Nothing will be accomplished.

All of our dreams and purpose will simply stay asleep until we stop directing our energies other places.

“All will continue” means that for those who do get up off their duffs and kick into play stuff that we’ve been working on forever,—those folks will move forward without restriction.

Everybody else, though, who is sitting there wringing our hands and worrying about this or that, or trying to give ourselves 10,000 reasons why we’re not just “taking the plunge”, everything from our fear of advancing, to wanting to make sure we’re “prepared enough” to not wanting to “disappoint others” —dear Lord the list is super long that this angel is giving me, so forgive me for not including every reason we hesitate. (As fellow humans, I’m sure you can come up with reasons we just don’t do our stuff.)

This message means that we’ve got to get up off of our butts and GO. Do it. Right now.

Sign on the dotted line.

Kick the soccer ball into play. Especially those who have been in the incubating or planning process for a long time, whatever that planning is.

This could literally be anybody in anything, of course, with the caveat that I am certainly hoping that we’re not going to terrorize others with the incubated plan. (I don’t think the angels are talking about that kind maniacal of energy.)

There was a message a while back that was similar to this, coming from this angel that walks with the world, that said we needed to start launching. Immediately.

This is not a “start launching” message.

This message is saying, “Get the *heck* on the ferry boat , right now, and you may need to jump 1 foot from the ferry that’s leaving the dock, from the dock, because opportunities are pulling forward and *away*, and if you’re not on the boat, it’s gonna be a loooooong energetic wait for the next ferry, to your next purpose”

Angels are quantum beings that don’t experience time in the same way we do. So for them to indicate a long time, it’s sort of jaw-dropping, if you’re a meerkat human being.

This is not a message to inspire a “fear of missing out”. It is a message to negates “the of fear of jumping in.”

I talk a lot about how the universe gives us multiple “off-ramps” for opportunities. This is generally true. However, I would be remiss my duties if I didn’t point out repeatedly that our timelines are shortening up.

You may have noticed that 24 hours in a day flies by as if it was eight hours. It’s nuts! As such, we are part of the physics in which we live, and this powerful angel, an angel higher in “ Angelic hierarchy“ than an archangel, is very clearly saying that if we do not just LAUNCH, GO, MAKE THAT PHONE CALL, CLICK SUBMIT—we’re going to miss a POWERFUL launch window that will affect us for years and years and years to come.


This Angel is saying that all of these incredible plans or options or whatever it is, that we’ve all been making for years and years, must be set free *right now*, like a flock of butterflies or doves, to catch the correct “up draft”, in order to land where they need to land, in a timely fashion.

This is a massive timing issue.

And angels of this ilk don’t bother with timing unless it affects multiple timelines across multiple people.

Maybe you were thinking about going back to school? Or evolving into, or out of, a current relationship?

Maybe you’re looking at launching a business? Or closing a business to do something else?

Maybe you’re looking at investing in a business, or seeking investors?

Maybe you’re looking at having a child, or adopting? Moving, or finally staying put to put down roots?

Whatever the heck it is, everybody, whatever you think your purpose is attached to, with this burning desire that you’ve been prepping for, for a LONG time, now is the time to launch it! Otherwise you’re gonna be like the Boeing star liner, stuck in orbit, because they can’t bring you back, because the trajectory and launch window will just be wrong, the weather will be against you, and they will be unable to land you with the AC for safety.

So there you go. I can’t do more than this, which is to tell you to get off your freakin’ DUFF and do what it is that scares you the very most, when it means moving forward with your purpose. You’re never gonna get that moment “perfect”. You’re never going to have all the details honed in. You’re never gonna feel completely consumed with positivity and confidence around the timeline that you’ve never walked down before—there will will always be nervousness surrounding stuff we’ve never done before, or stuff we’ve messed up in the past but can learn from going forward.

This angel is saying blow off the nervousness, it’s an illusion, and get busy with your highest brilliance and your highest design, in order to bring phenomenal change to this planet, with your outstanding and irreplaceable contribution.

Otherwise, the universe will see your choice to “keep pondering”, “keep planning”, “keep evaluating” as “choosing the sleep” and it will hand those opportunities to those who are pushing themselves past their own human hiccups, which include the fear of the unknown and the fear of being responsible for that unknown, in order to meet the Universe with our flair—and aid in this new timeframe’s GRAND expansion.

Which is happening at mind-boggling speed when I take a look at it.

So there you go. Take a deep breath. Start the conversations with yourself and others that need to happen. And go go go go go go go!!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week, everybody!

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