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Your monthly Horoscopes June 2024

Your monthly Horoscopes June 2024

  • By Admin

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

That idea takes you further than you thought possible

The news is too big to miss

Spin the wheel of fortune!

Many astrologers are calling June 3 the luckiest or most game-changing day of the year. Daring and can-do courage fuels your focus, Aries. You’re walking the walk and talking the talk on the 3rd when Jupiter in Gemini and your 3rd trines Pluto in Aquarius and your 11th.

Watch for influential, VIP and dynamic people who enter your life or who offer you something. Also for inroads to goals. This day is your day to kick-start something, to launch, apply, put yourself out there or make that follow-through. Your 11th is your house of manifestation, goals, contacts and your future. Pluto is the alchemical change. Jupiter rules luck and in your 3rd – news, contracts, communication, the internet, writing, that social media feed, that novel, thesis or screenplay. We create lucky breaks in our lives via interaction with others. So, get as connected and social as you can. Share, send out and start that conversation. And see how something turns in your favour.

Right up until the 17th, we’re in major say/share anything weather with a super-stellium in Gemini which peaks on the day of the new Moon in here (6th). Your energy remains at its peak now thanks to fierce and fearless ruler Mars in your sign right up until the 9th when it enters Taurus. Combined with the new Moon conjunct Venus, the first week of June sets you up to do, attain, start or set in motion an exciting chain of events. Which could culminate in a new opportunity for you. One which may be self-manifested/created. So – feel the desire and step into your power, Aries!

Your expansive and bold attitude sees you willing to take that chance. You’re stepping away from the familiar and willing to try something new in order to fulfil that vision you have for yourself. These are rare and captivating aspects which favour the audacious and daring approach. Confidence replaces hesitation and inhibition. Follow through on that heart-centered impulse, Aries.

You’ll also be unafraid to stand up for your ideas or what you believe in. If someone has been testing those boundaries with you – and has perhaps taken one step too far then Mars’s shift into your 2nd of self worth and the 9th-11th window sees you ditch any concerns about asserting yourself. And sometimes if we are after self-respect – that’s exactly the right approach.

Captive audiences, likes, shares and conversation starters as well as contracts fuel your progress through June. Right up to the equinox when intuition and emotional resonance begin to replace your outgoing dynamism that’s propelled you through June so far. You bring a more considered and contemplative approach – especially towards those long term goals. One step at a time replaces rush as the year pivots on the equinox.

Time to be authentic yet vulnerable. Strong and also open as the Sun lands in your 4th on the 21st. And a full Moon in your 10th quickly follows the very next day. The first of two in the coming month. The second in July being a ‘Blue’ Moon. It’s time to tune in to your ‘gut’ instincts. Just what are they trying to tell you? There’s a myth out there that the Capricorn Moon is cold and calculating. So not true. It wants you to work that intuition and practicality in equal measure. It loves emotional truth and its desire is for you to trust that. Even when others are telling you something different. You weigh this all up. Needs and facts. What you are aiming for and what you have to work with in the here and now. What answers the need or provides the solution not just today – but for the longer term. Now – if someone wants to call that ‘calculating’ – that’s on them. You are looking at something from total emotional awareness.

You suddenly see you can reach beyond your fears or your usual responses. And also that you are exactly where you need to be in terms of smarts and emotional strength. No wonder others may feel a little upstaged by you! It’s their insecurities talking. Not yours.

Trusting yourself moves you into something sustainable and satisfying over the next month. The angle between Venus and ruler Mars (29th) serves what could be the start of exactly that. Happy solstice, Aries.

In a nutshell: The power of your ideas, what you say, share or send out – or even the news you receive, is about to have a massive impact on your future path. Be prepared to explore something bigger and more dynamic created by your own actions – or your message, this June.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (3rd)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (3rd)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (3rd)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (3rd)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (3rd)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (2nd)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (3rd)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (3rd)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (4th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (4th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (4th to 2nd)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (4th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (10th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (4th to 2nd)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (12th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Work your worth – and yes – you’re worth it

Invest in you

Go brave and crazy!

You’re fuelled up and ready to push ahead with those plans this month, Taurus. Especially if they involve money, work, career or just seeing your personal stock soar. Your credibility and how others see and perceive you matter more than usual. So, do remain mindful of your message, brand, image and how you come across. The reputation or niche you have carved out for yourself, that track record and your ability to deliver, will either open doors to opportunity wide for you. Or you will be held in place until you make an adjustment. There’s valuable feedback to be gained either way.

Mars’ arrival in your 1st (9th) occurs just before an important feedback date where you get to see just how your rep is rated. Emboldened you is in a mindset to go for it now. You’re shrugging off any tendencies to stay under the radar. Whether this is in your professional, public or personal life. The 11th can bring you a check or a validation. Do work whatever makes you unique or allows you to stand out now. Do whatever it takes to get yourself noticed – but in all the right ways, Taurus.

This month’s new Moon in Gemini and your 2nd falls conjunct your ruler Venus (6th). In what is Venus’s ruling house in your chart. Making this an extra special new phase when it comes to your money, income, possessions, assets and self-worth. Do you feel the need to invest more in yourself? Or even that path or plan for your future, Taurus? Uranus in your sign continues to revolutionise your outlook and how you see yourself. And now Jupiter is in your 2nd – along with a slew of cred boosting planets, its time to ensure that you look like you believe you’re worth it. And because we have Pluto in your house of public domain, dressing to impress could be part of this.

Big, bold, beautiful moves and yes, with a touch of daring the new, define you – and the results you seek. The 3rd is being touted by many astrologers as the luckiest day of the year. Jupiter will trine with Pluto. And it is the first time in our lifetimes these two planets have made this angle in these two signs in our lifetime.

What’s luck got to do with it to preface Tina? For you – possibly a factor. But your track record, dedication and hard work will be behind those cosmic rewards now. This could be a delivery date when you see your persistence pay off. Your rep soars. You claim the prize in terms of that raise, rewards or access-all-areas move. Your professional or public image, your status, who you are and what you are known for feature. This is your moment. And yes, you’ve earned it.

Jupiter in your 2nd is set to boost your assets. Pluto in your 10th handing you power, influence and a transformation around how you are seen and regarded. So, this is no time to hold back. June is all about the strut for you. And knowing you have something to strut that no-one else has! A second star date for you in June is the Mercury/Venus conjunction of the

Stretch yourself into something bigger and more dynamic. And ultimately more satisfying. And don’t shy away from taking on more responsibility. Especially if it builds on those foundations and adds to your overall sense of security. Ideas and conversations, contracts and communication which enhances this feature from the 17th which the shift of planets into your 3rd. (Venus and Mercury). The Sun follows on the 21st (Solstice Day).

Do watch for any desire to escape rather than expand. Yes, there is a difference. The 22nd brings us the first of two full Moons in Capricorn and your 9th. Yes, we are in ‘Blue’ Moon season! Travel, studies, learning, the media and foreign affairs could feature. As could the desire to change things up. Again, very different to escaping. What’s working and what’s not will be very apparent. And if it’s broke – the timing between both these full Moons shows you the way out or the way to fix it. Do see your Full Moon in Capricorn Moonscopes for these moons for this month and July.

As we head into July, Saturn slows down and then retrogrades in your 11th house of friends, bands, crowds, collectives and communities. This is also your house of the future. Where your goals and dreams take root. Time to review these for continued relevance. You could be looking at one coming to fruition now. And if so, take this opportunity to think about what your next challenge should be.

It could also be time to reconnect to those in your personal and professional circle you’ve not seen or heard from in a while. Saturn tells you there’s lapsed connections which still hold future promise. Those rings represent both your circle and the gold standard you bring to them. And your ability to stay the course when it comes to your future plans. To say you’ve got it all going on for you this June may be an understatement. Work it like you own it, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Bold, powerful, status boosting moves can be made this June thanks to Jupiter and Pluto. Both could be in a position to hand you the rewards and recognition you’ve wanted and worked towards, Taurus. It’s simply a reflection of your worth.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (2nd)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (2nd)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (2nd)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (2nd)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (2nd)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (1st)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (2nd)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (2nd)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (3rd)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (3rd)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (3rd to 1st)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (3rd)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (9th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (3rd to 1st)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (11th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)


Expect a powerful release from restriction

Let opportunity in

You ARE the change you’ve been waiting for!

Something bigger is emerging for you this birthday season, Gemini. Take it there are no small moves. Nor news that doesn’t grab some headlines in your life. You not only feel the full magic of attraction with the new Moon in your sign (6th) which appears entangled with Venus, but you are the sign most likely to benefit from what many astrologers are calling the luckiest day of the year. The 3rd – when Jupiter in your 1st tries Pluto in your 9th. And your ruler Mercury arrives on home territory as it barrels into your 1st the same day.

Yes, you’ve experienced Jupiter in your sign once every 12 years. But never a Jupiter transit quite like this one. Unlock your fearless at the month begins.

Opportunity doesn’t just knock now. It barges right in. It bulldozes blocks that have held you back. Speedbumps are levelled. You are diverted away from dead ends back onto a highway to heaven. Big up that image and understand that being it (or feeling you are it!) is everything. There’s no red rope cutting you off from entering that VIP sector now. Barriers lift as if by magic when you tap into the immense well of confidence and self-belief that brimming to overflowing now.

New and enticing entanglements could also appear. This is your ultimate attraction peak of ‘24, Gemini. Keep an eye open for who is drawn into your gravitational field. Although Jupiter only landed in your sign on May 26 – you will already be feeling that shift in energy that is very different to when it was in Taurus and your 12th. Taurus is concerned with stability. With maintaining the status quo. It likes routine, the tried and true and known. With Jupiter’s shift you’ll feel the desire to try new things, an openness and the flow of exciting changes ahead of you.

Ideas expand. Take you further. Your perspective widens. And this includes how you see yourself. Open up to your own wonder! This is the change you’ve been waiting for.

Whatever’s on your mind – love, creativity, manifestation, attraction and anything and everything that expands your own self-belief and could potentially take you further – you have a green light to go explore it. While none of us can think positively 24/7, Jupiter puts you in an abudance mindset. Your innate optimism and ability to put a positive spin on events is enhanced. As is your contagious ability to convey your ideas thanks to ruler Mercury’s infusion with Jupiter (4th). If you’re not selling it – you’re telling it or going for it. Travel, encounters, studies, the internet, mass media are merely the playgrounds where you attract new people, solutions, opportunities and experiences.

Don’t think it – do it. Don’t talk it – be it by believing it. And allow what is a mega-stellium of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter to do the rest around the 6th. This is your date to launch, act and fully express yourself. This doesn’t just apply to your birthday cycle – although it supercharges your potential. But this energy is yours to tap into for 12 whole months! Divine infusions which draw to you what you need occur on the 14th (Sun conjunct Mercury), and 17th (Mercury conjunct Venus).

Mars’s arrival in your 12th (9th) sees you assessing what supports your emerging new dynamic. You will be extremely conscious of what works – and what doesn’t. The energy vampires, covert narcissists, trauma dumpers and parade rainers in your life (if they exist), are about to get a wake-up call. You will be extremely aware of whether or not you and another still share the same value. And while Mars is in here, it will remove the blinders when it comes to hidden agendas and how others operate. It also sees you tap into your beliefs and hidden (spiritual) strengths. Remember – Jupiter in your sign is all about freedom. And this means ditching anything (or anyone) that is in the way of that.

You set the tone and the pace as the planets move into your 2nd. That feeling that the world is supporting your progress continues as you now enter your abundance peak with the movement of ruler Mercury into your 2nd on the 17th. Followed by Venus (which rules this house) the same day. Solstice (21st) sees the Sun follow bringing you a month’s focus on your money, worth, values and your relationship to abundance. Remember – rich is an attitude, an emotional state and a mindset. It’s far far more than a number in your bank account. Seeing it this way sets you up to be richer.

Look at the areas where you are experiencing abundance. You can be abundant in resources such as skills and talent. Rich in support, your ideas, friendships, family, experiences. From this – you can grow richer no matter your current circumstances. However, you’re set to gain a better sense of clarity and also your own power to change your circumstances for the better thanks to the first of two full Moons in Capricorn and your 8th (22nd).

This is Blue Moon season. So, between now and the next full Moon in Capricorn next month (the ‘Blue’ moon), you should experience a powerful shift around your resources or assets which you will see is down to your own emotional focus and determination to change things for the better. Don’t forget – this all happens against that backdrop of Jupiter wanting to deliver more for you. So look to how comfortable you feel around handling and having more in terms of money and other tangible resources. And yes – how you feel about handling more passion in your life in intimate areas too!

Saturn in its ruling 10th house in your chart is all about handing you the building blocks to success. It’s about consistency, going the distance and doing the work. It tells you there are no short-cuts. But there are significant rewards on offer to those who stay the course. Ruler Mercury’s trine to it on the 26th – just days before Saturn reverses, shows you not only the inroads you have made towards realising your long term ambitions, but could hand you actual recognition and validation too.

Pro tip: If you find yourself the recipient of extra money now – use it to invest in your future. Either that long term financial goal or in setting yourself up to succeed via investing in an idea or your skillset via studying for instance. The great thing about this cycle is that you have one foot very firmly in the here and now – and the other already planted where you want to be in the future, Gemini. Those cosmic Jimmy Choos will get you there over the next 12 months.

In a nutshell: A once in a lifetime cosmic event occurs between Jupiter in your sign and Pluto in your 9th. Expect to push past fears and on into freedom and opportunity. All you have to do is go with it now. Accept a change for the better.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (1st)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (1st)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (1st)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (1st)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (12th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 9th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (1st)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (1st)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (2nd)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (2nd )

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (2nd)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (8th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (10th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

july horoscopesCANCER

These are the days of miracle and wonder
This is the long distance call

The Boy in the Bubble. Paul Simon

Start your engines from the 17th when ahead of the Sun’s arrival (21st), the planets crowd into your sign. Starting with Venus and Mercury both arriving on the same day.

Love, or at least self-love, is in the air for you. With deep, resonant and healing undertones. You’re coming from a place of true enlightenment and self-compassion now thanks to Jupiter in your 12th. You’ll begin your new cycle seeing all too clearly how your choices and decisions in the past have created your present. And without regret, you’ll also understand how what you set in motion during your new cycle, will now create your future.

Above all, don’t allow yourself to be bogged in sentimentality or cling to how things once were. Not even if they were fabulous. Because if you do, you prevent something even better from entering. And do look at whether or not you believe the good times are behind you and that is why you are stuck in the past. Because you get choose whether you continue to look back or face forward instead. And also see being in the present as the self-love gift you give yourself this birthday cycle.

The start of the month asks you to transform. And no longer look back as Jupiter in your 12th trines Pluto in its ruling 8th in your chart (3rd). This is an astral event many astrologers predict will be the luckiest this year for many of us. Jupiter is all about the joy. And this is the change that allow that back in. This is your House of the Spirits. Where the invisible becomes visible. Where intuition and imagination rule. Along with magic, synchronicity and ‘coincidences’ – which aren’t coincidences at all. But part of a bigger, mystical and hidden spiritual truth which is always available to us. You are just now in your best position ever to access it.

Miracles, astounding and unlooked for solutions or opportunities abound for you on these dates: 4th – Mercury trine Pluto and Sun conjunct Venus in your 12th. 6th – new Moon conjunct Venus. And the star-struck 17th – Mercury and Venus conjunct in your 12th and hours later both landing in your 1st. This could be a highlighted day for miraculous manifestation.

Certainly from the 17th, it’s all about what you begin as we head into July. Do have something in mind, Cancer. And again, this involves looking forward and not back. An image relaunch, a project, plan or goal you commit to manifesting. Choose the one thing or area that is calling to you the strongest now. And you know what it is you want to change, improve or move into. Don’t be shy and don’t self-censor. Once you make your decision, write it, visionboard it or even pick a Tarot card which represents it (or all three). You have some time to refine or decide this. But do know what direction you want to go in by the time of the new Moon in your sign next month.

Soul centered discussions also fuel your month. And the Fleetwood Mac inspired question ‘I never did believe in the ways of magic, but I’m beginning to wonder why.’ Jupiter in your 12th reawakens that belief. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can just coast. But a little focus, some TLC and belief that you can create something better, could just get you a miraculous result.

The over-arching theme of the lead up to your equinox birthday cycle and the year ahead is that what works or is part of your destiny comes forward with you. But anything else gets left behind. So, don’t resist this or struggle with it. It’s the sign, the release and the letting go in a state of faith and expectation that sets you up to make the most of what’s to come.

Soul goals and heart-and-hearth centered plans have you looking at your long term path. Venus in your sign adds glamour and enchantment with a touch of magnetism thrown in. You should be at your most confident and outgoing on the 29th when it angles to Mars in your social and goals sector.

The other date to look at what you have attained and what you want to achieve – especially around partnerships or anything that involves a close alignment with another party is the 22nd when the full Moon in your 7th, shines a light into your heart. This is the first of two full Moons in this house you will experience during your birthday cycle. So, the second one in July will be a Blue Moon. Once in a Blue Moon loves, opportunities to bring in that opposite number, partnership resolutions and milestones feature.

Someone could take notice of you in the best possible way. You move that key union to the next stage. You bask in attention and attainment. If you are thinking of striking out on a new path – either in search of a mate or even that professional niche, collaborator, fellow mischief maker, ride or die – prepare to pivot. This full Moon and the next Blue one, combined with Jupiter in your 12th will see you widen your search into a yet unexplored or completely different areas. That sense of mystery and wonder? That’s you, Cancer. Happy birthday.

In a nutshell: Your intuition is the most powerful resources you have right now, Cancer. Leaving behind elements of your past which no longer work for you see you willing to explore areas you would have deemed ‘No Go’ in the past. It’s where magic and miracles reside for you this birthday season.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (12th)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (12th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (12th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (12th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (12th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (11th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 8th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (12th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (12th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (1st)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (1st)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (1st to 11th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (1st)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (7th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (1st to 11th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (9th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Set your frequency to ‘Receive’

Form your supergroup

Nobody does it alone

Goals and communication, your ability to connect and expand your sphere, are your playground this June. First up however, we have what many astrologers are touting as the luckiest transit of ‘24. One that impacts on the potential future of partnerships and relationship dynamics of all descriptions. As Jupiter in your 11th trines Pluto in your 7th on the 3rd.

If you’ve read your Lucky Jupiter in Gemini for Fire Signs Forecast – or even been following your other forecasts for some time, you’ll know this Jupiter transit for you is all about wish delivery. When any sign has Jupiter moving through their 11th, I always tell them to make three wishes. And to anticipate at least one will come true during the 12 months Jupiter takes to move through the house. Take it that this transit – which none of us have ever experienced before with these two planets in these signs, could result in an early delivery of one of yours, Leo. Or at the very least, connect you to the delivery system.

To say if you are seeking any kind of double-up dynamic that you should do whatever you can to connect in simply any way you can imagine, is an understatement. Do no hide yourself away at this time. Remember – the cosmos works its miracles via other people. Any kind of big goal is highlighted for you now. But yes, that delivery system is fuelled by the planets working via human agents. Hence the need to get connecting. And also to remember no matter who crosses your path – you don’t know who they know in turn. Keep an open mind now.

Ruler the Sun’s meet-cute with Venus (at the time of the new Moon – 6th), then Mercury on the 14th means that you and someone else could be having a conversation that leads to a goal getting real. A past, present or emerging partnership could feature or form across this time frame. Yes, this is one of those Venus in your 11th transits which could lead to more than friendship. But be open to what form the duet takes. Or if your wish involved taking a present union to the next level, a promotion or just attracting who you need to evolve anything from your soul to a goal right now, then you could see this happen.

The 14th is a day to say ‘I do’ to a deal, a new dynamic going forward or a commitment to a new path, circle, crew or community experience. This is your band – as in getting the band back together or forming a new one. Back in the ‘80’s – yes, when dinosaurs roamed the earth with questionable fashion choices and no smartphones, we had the emergence of what were called ‘supergroups’ – bands made up of members each of whom had already enjoyed platinum careers. The most prominent of which were The Travelling Wilburys (Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Tom Petty). A stratospheric line-up and each a stellar talent in his own right. So, that’s the kind of formation open to you now, Leo. Your very own supergroup. You may join forces with others who have similar outlooks, goals and with whom you share talent and vision – in an ‘All for one and one for all’ union.

New studies on happiness point to the fact that increased satisfaction with our lives is linked to our relationships. Not just intimate ones but socially. So see happiness as well as opportunities as part of the package deal Jupiter in your 11th has for you.

You’re in a state of illumination from the 21st when ruler the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in your 12th. This is Solstice Day. The day when the year pivots as the Sun appears to stop in the sky. It’s either the longest or the shortest day of the year depending on which hemisphere you reside in. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days will now start to get shorted. In the Southern – longer.

So, for all signs whether birthday sign of Cancer – or pre-birthday you, this is often that point of the year where we assess our progress to date. And set new goals to attain for the rest of it. Yours will come via what calls to your intuition and asks your soul to explore further. There’s also a key shedding that goes hand-in-hand with this. A close look at habits, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and yes, your past. What do you need to take and what do you need to toss in other words!

Attune yourself within with the full Moon in your 6th (22nd). And then fro the 26th onwards look seriously at what insights you have received around that old stay/go conundrum. This full Moon is 1 of 2 in this house between now and your birthday. So, we are in Blue Moon season. Take it those people who reappear or cross your path share beliefs or a deep soul connection with you. And that these connections have a yet-to-be-revealed role in a key area. Mars in your 10th now hands you daring and impulsion when it comes to your career. While Saturn’s reversal in your 8th tells you that time’s up when it come to a decision, letting something go or embarking on something brand new. The Sun may not have reached your sign yet, Leo – but you’re already aligning that soul compass in the direction you want to take.

In a nutshell: How does the universe work its magic? Via other people. This tells you how important the roles of who you know – or meet, are with Jupiter in your 7th. This months alignment with Pluto in your 7th promises you something greater than the sum of the parts, Leo. So – get connecting.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (11th)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (11th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (11th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (11th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (11th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (10th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 7th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (11th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (11th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (12th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (12th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (12th to 10th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (12th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (6th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (12th to 10th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (8th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Be ready for your big move

Step into a more prominent role

Rewards and recognition are on offer

Ruler Mercury lands in your sector of status and success on the 3rd. The same day as Jupiter in your 10th angles to Pluto in your 6th. This is the first time in our lifetimes that these two planets have formed a trine across these two signs. And yes, Mercury makes the same angle to Pluto the next day (4th). Astrologers are saying the Jupiter/Pluto trine could be the luckiest and most game-changing for all signs for ‘24. But as the second trine involves your ruler, take it that it could be extra status boosting for you.

June brings you a fresh start. But this is no flash-in-the-pan, Virgo. It’s a major change which is set to redefine a key area for you for the long term. It could revolve around a move, the cementing of a relationship, your career or something which propels you into the public eye in some way. It’s both the culmination and the beginning all rolled into one. And it could even see you with something to celebrate and brag about.

You are ‘on show’ now. But in a different way you experience during a 5th house transit. This is your house of rewards and recognition. The one where you deal with VIP’s, gatekeepers and people in positions of authority and influence – in the traditional sense of the word. They are taking note of what you bring. So – game on, Virgo! You’re entering the major leagues. The 3rd – 4th can bring you a winning move or outstanding news that has everyone looking at you in a fresh light. Especially by the 6th when the new Moon in your 10th appears interwoven with Venus’s image and status enhancing glow!

Be gentle, take a diplomatic approach and above all, don’t butt heads with people in positions of influence across the 9th- 11th. Or take a ‘my way or the highway’ approach to anything which impacts on long term unions, your professional cred or status or authority figures. If you do, you will find the other party is equally unwilling to make concessions, and if you insist on having things all your own way – the highway it is.

Mars in your 9th (from the 9th), has you determined to stick to your guns. And that’s fine when it comes to standing up for your values. But it can also see you unwilling to budge an inch. The term ‘punching above your weight’ may not just refer to dating prospects. But trying to take on someone totally out of your league in terms of the influence they have on what you can do. I can preface A Course in Miracles here and say: Would you rather be happy and successful – or would you rather be right? If you find yourself at a stalemate – the remedy just may be laughing at yourself. And then giving a little to gain a lot more in return.

The upside of Mars is that it acts as your ultimate coach in this house. It pushes you past those fears and self-doubts, infuses you with a can-do confidence and fuels you to go further. They who dare win with this Mars – if they play fair. It’s not about winning at all costs. It’s about seeing the journey getting to where you want to do as a goal in itself no matter the outcome. And yes, it may challenge your ideas around flexibility too. Are you willing to try something different? An alternative route? Or simply ignore what has held you back in the past and go for it instead?

This is not the only area of your chart that’s about to ignite and have you all fired up, Virgo. Before Mercury and Venus land in your 11th on the 17th – ahead of the Sun on the 21st, they meet to offer you one more chance to accomplish something status enhancing. As we head into the final third of June, this brings you opportunities for satisfaction and goal fulfilment as your 11th house heats up.

Let’s talk about another element of your 11th house outside of the friends and future aspects. This is where you get your geek on! So, upgrades in technology and devices, gaming, apps and also interests in astrology (ruled by your 11th and NOT your 12th as many people imagine!), sci-fi, innovation and inventions, UFO’s, science, astronomy and anything cutting edge or ‘out there’ can come to the forefront now. And if you have interests in any of the above, you may meet others who also do or have your chart cast or go to that convention!

No matter your focus – this is your social peak of the year. But with the first of two full Moons in your 5th appearing on the 22nd (next month brings us a ‘Blue’ Moon), and the planets making trines to others in your 7th (Saturn and Neptune), while this would usually be pure friendship energy it does have other potentials. Especially with that Jupiter in your 10th which is the house of relationship status.

Just one small caveat here to keep in mind – not just under the full Moon’s moondancing invitation but as the planets angle to Saturn (ruler Mercury does this on the 26th), this may be the slow burn when it comes to romance. In other words – you may start off as friends and something grows from that over time. Don’t be in a hurry, Virgo. Either to rush into something or to know what the final outcome will be. Saturn heads backwards in your 7th from the 29th while Venus now in your 9th angles to Mars in your 5th. Barriers lift on all kinds of possibilities. But you don’t need to know the final outcome to enjoy the here and now this June.

In a nutshell: Harness your bold and your certainty, Virgo. If you want to be taken seriously by others, you first need to take yourself seriously. The Jupiter/Pluto alignment across your status and work sector tells you the time is right for that move. It’s all down to self-belief.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 6th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (10th)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 6th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (10th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (10th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (10th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (10th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (9th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 6th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (10th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (10th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (11th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (11th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (11th to 9th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (11th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (5th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (11th to 9th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (7th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

No more so-so loves

Go bold and big or go home

There is no try – so just do it!

No small moves or dreams. No so-so loves. You go big or go home now, Libra. There is no try or limits with Jupiter in your 9th. Just do it.

Higher, bolder, bigger could just be your mantra for the next 12 months thanks to Jupiter in its ruling 9th house in your chart. There’s a voyage, a call to adventure, a new path to be taken. A real or metaphorical journey begins on the 3rd when for the first time in our lifetimes, Jupiter will trine Pluto in Aquarius and your 5th. This is quite possibly the luckiest day of the year for all signs. And especially for the air signs.

Check your Libra aspects. Or for anything in your chart at an early degree. It’s a whole new world opening up – a magic carpet ride with this upcoming trine which occurs at 1o of both signs. So – your magic orb is between 0-2 degrees. It’s highly beneficial for everyone whether you have factors at these degrees or not. And do include your ascendant/descendant, IC/MC, nodes and asteroids within this.

The month asks you: Where do you want to go today? Set your direction, Libra. And know you can and will reach it. Boldness and faith are your fuel. As is love which should be your compass in all this. You have to love it to reach it. And in your 9th house this love can be for a subject, an experience or activity, an idea or concept, a place or for a non-human soul. But your chances of having, reaching it or going there are enhanced like no other month thanks to the new Moon in your 9th which falls conjunct your ruler Venus. Bringing added blessings and enhancing your quest.

Mars is in its ruling 8th in your chart as a backdrop to all this. In here, it boosts your daring and your willingness to actively engage with the change process. What is it you know deep down needs to transform? Without change, things cannot improve. Unless you venture away from the familiar, your life stays the same. Mars gives you the much needed push, Libra. It also gives you that Deal or No Deal daring. You’re up for tackling the people, circumstances and issues that have been bugging you. And fearlessly. Or simply going after something you believed to be out of reach before. Work that fierce for results you won’t believe.

And dare to ask for whatever it is you want as well. The thing about those who do is they most always get it. And also – they know if they don’t the answer was never going to be ‘Yes’ anyway. They don’t even let that slow them down if so. They just go off in search of the person who will give them the right answer. So ensure this is your mindset, Libra. And hey – knowing what you want is sexy. What did I say about ditching the so-so? That includes those who can’t make up their minds!

This is also an equally powerful transit for getting your hands on whatever you need to fuel that passionate journey you’re embarking upon. Any extra resources you need from the completely obvious one like money – to the hidden one of banishing your fears. That’s extra for you, Libra. So do tap into your power to get whatever it is you need now. And don’t shy away from it. Even if it stretches you a little. You so got this.

From the 17th, you are in a prime position to advance your own agenda or plans. First Mercury and ruler Venus entangle to deliver news around those big plans or send you along a path towards that dream destination. Next they enter your 10th ahead of the Sun on the 21st. You are still very much focussed on those wild, big picture plans. But now focus your attention seriously on one particular area or project.

Solstice Day (21st) is when the Sun enters Cancer and the year pivots. It brings us the longest day if we live in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of summer. Or the shortest and the beginning of winter in the Southern. Along with planets in your 6th of work and wellbeing (which the Sun and planets moving through your 10th will trine), we have the first of two full Moons in Capricorn and your 4th on the 22nd. The second will occur next month – a ‘Blue’ Moon. This is the Moon’s ruling house so what grabs your focus now is what underpins and supports you. From your mental and physical body, to your work, your home and family connections.

Success needs a personal and emotional factor for you to be meaningful. And for you to define it as a ‘success’. Yes, recognition for what you do can be on offer across June-July. But what also matters to you is being acknowledged for who you are as a person and your emotional strengths. Knowing you matter.

How you ‘fit in’ to your family dynamic will be illuminated by both the full Moons across these two months. And with Saturn moving backwards in your 6th from the 29th – you’ll also look at whether or not you’ve had to ‘work’ to do this. Or if you have been accepted for who you are. If it’s the former – you may now give yourself that gift of self-acceptance and stop trying to please others.

Want to be #1 – in someone’s eyes or with what you do? This day also delivers an opportunity to rise up and get yourself noticed thanks to the angle between ruler Venus and Mars in your 8th. Just take it you end the month being exactly where the action is happening, Libra. Or the catalyst of creation that makes what you want to bring into being happen. As I said at the start – no small moves.

In a nutshell: There’s no half-measures when it comes to love or the pursuit of what you love this June, Libra. You’re set to take something further now. Don’t limit yourself by settling for the safe, so-so or frankly tepid. You are the heat – and you’ll attract that back in kind.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (9th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (9th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (9th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (9th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (9th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (8th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 5th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (9th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (9th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (10th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (10th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (10th to 8th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (10th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (4th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (10th to 8th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (6th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)


Double up on your self-belief

Like attracts like

Don’t cling to the old

Both your rulers contemporary and ancient have major roles to play in forging your future path this month, Phoenix. And what do we say about the ancient rulerships? They still apply.

Double your rulership – double your power and potential! That’s why you always need to take note of where old ruler Mars is as well as contemporary ruler Pluto. We are working across two sections of your chart. Your 4th of emotional, physical and material security. And your 7th of partnerships, marriage, long term unions and frenemies and opponents who no longer have the power to even ruffle those glowing feathers any more. The latter courtesy of your old ruler Mars in your 7th working in tandem with bold, brave Jupiter in your 8th.

Mars enhances your ability to attract. And your desire for sensual pleasure! You’re seeking out excuses to indulge and turn up the heat with your partner if you’re settled. Single? You’re set to scorch. But that dynamic vibe draws to you all kinds of possibilities. So, don’t limit yourself as professional, activity partnerships or long term friendships could prove to be your gateway to fulfilling that need for a deeper, more intense connection.

First up – the trine between Jupiter and Pluto (3rd) is something we have not experienced in our lifetimes with the planets in these particular signs. The same trine also occurs between Mercury and Pluto the following day. But it’s the Jupiter one that’s the big, door opener to powerful, positive change. The Mercury one may just confirm it. Many astrologers are calling the Jupiter/Pluto alignment the luckiest of 2024.

Above all – do not cling to the status quo and allow something moving to enter your life. This combined with the beautiful new Moon conjunct Venus in your 8th (6th), are set to hand you a better foundation. Something from which a new future can take root and grow. You also step into a cycle where you astound others with that confident aura you project. It says: I’m in charge of my destiny. And I know it!

So, just how might this manifest? A relationship that moves to the next level. A new home. The ability to pay off debts or be given access to funding – that mortgage or business loan. An increase in assets and resources. Your income soars. Someone offers you backing, entrée, their support. It’s time to be given more, handle more, work with more – and know you are ready to do so. And to be unafraid doing so.

This can also disentangle you from something which has become stunted, toxic or holding you back in some way. Even if the alternative (freedom) seems scary because it’s unfamiliar – again, don’t get in the way of the process. It’s all for your ultimate benefit. Just let go.

As the planets move into your 9th – starting with Mercury and Venus on the 17th, you’ll discover you’re feeling at your most outgoing and extrovert. When it comes to relating, you’ll be unafraid to express yourself. Your open hearted approach wins hearts and minds for the upcoming month.

Now you’ve been handed something which underpins your sense of security – you’re ready to go further. So, think of it as your launch pad and then the countdown all the way up to the Sun’s arrival in your 9th on the 21st. This is ‘We have ignition’ day. So, think of the run up to this as readiness, and all that happens after the 21st as the point where everything moves forward ending a period of waiting or even wheel-spinning!

This is of course the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere. And the Winter Solstice in the Southern. A time when the Sun appears to stand still in the sky and where often we do too as we look back over the past six month at what we have achieved. And then forward to what we want to crush next off our To Do lists! Take it you are moving ahead either physically or in your mind towards a brighter destination. This is your house of travel so that may feature now. As could news, ideas and a desire for a new experience which creates the impulsion you’re seeking!

The 22nd brings a full Moon in your 3rd. This is 1 of 2 full Moons in this house while the Sun remains in your 9th. So, the next one is a ‘Blue’ Moon. It asks you add that emotional content to the forward motion that surrounds you. To act on news or an idea. Single and seeking this month? Love could come from a galaxy or a land far, far away. Be found at your gym or linked to that subject you’re excited and passionate about. You won’t need to be ‘appy’ to find it as that aura you’re projecting sends out a homing beacon.

The time of the full Moon and also capture you and sweep you up in a momentum that’s all their own. The tide is synchronistic and a little magical. And again – why would you try to struggle against it? Trust where you are being taken and also thanks to Jupiter in your 8th, that you’ll end up where you are meant to be.

Take it that there’s release, a different spin on an old track, a solution or offer that changes your circumstances available this month. Across the 26th – 29th, watch carefully for what alters or changes for the better. There’s a feeling of rapid movement cutting across all of June for you. Don’t stop it from occurring, Scorpio. This could just be the transformation you’ve been waiting for. Or a double one as having two rulers means double the action, and double the results!

In a nutshell: Both your rulers ancient and modern fuel major moves this month, Scorpio. And reawaken your belief in your ability to bring about the outcomes you seek. Above all, don’t stand in the way of powerful and beneficial change by clinging to the old. The new is just waiting to enter.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (8th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (8th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (8th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (8th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (8th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (7th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 4th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (8th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (8th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (9th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (9th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (9th to 7th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (9th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (3rd)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (9th to 7th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (5th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Duos, duets and double acts feature

Regain your momentum

Head towards what starts your heart

Ready for that big love, Sag? Of course you are! June brings you a total game changer and heart-starter thanks to ruler Jupiter now in your 7th of dynamic duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions. And the kind that don’t clip those wings but allow you to soar.

The Jupiter in your 7th power trine to Pluto in your 3rd (3rd), is being touted by many astrologers as the luckiest day of 2024. It’s the first time in our lifetimes that these two planets have aligned across these two signs. And as Jupiter is your ruler, this means its impact packs a bigger punch for you than others. Just think = bigger benefits, Sag!

If you have been living at less than the speed of life, expect the pace to pick up now, Sag. Not just with partnership possibilities, but across the entire gamut of the experiences you crave. There’s no more being a spectator and feeling that others get to go for it. Is it the shift in your outlook which brings the change? Or does the change shift your outlook? That’s all a bit golden goose and egg right now. And it honestly doesn’t matter which. What matters is you’re back in your groove and on the move once more!

Yes, of course that topic closest to your heart – travel may feature for some of you. The Mercury/Jupiter encounter on the 4th could see many of you rushing to the airport, passport in hand. This cycle should deliver at least one fellow traveller who sees things you way – and is going along the same path as you. Take a lighthearted approach to relationships – at least to begin with. And just see where you end up.

Affairs of the heart and soul dominate with the arrival of the new Moon conjunct Venus (6th) in your 7th. This is Venus’s ruling house in your chart. And please don’t forget – this is one of your major cycles of attraction which doesn’t just last this month – but all year long and on into 2025! (The other two peaks occurring with your birthday cycle and next April/May when the Sun is in Aries and your 5th).

A new phase or cycle of experience is now moving into your life. And this new Moon may mark the point where your awareness that this is happening occurs. There’s an upsurge of belief that anything is possible for you. And this steps from you relinking to your own belief in yourself. Your ideas and what you say or share, are infused with that extra level of creativity and total honest enchantment. So, this is also an excellent moment to begin a project, send something off or out there, make the first move or launch that idea.

If you are settled, then you and your significant other may both decide on a fresh, heart-oriented path you wish to jointly pursue. That shared goal or dream. Or your rebooted openness and willingness to share what’s on your mind dissolves any distance or misunderstanding. Do however keep in mind throughout this Jupiter cycle that it cannot fix what is broken beyond repair. It can however make dissolving your union less fraught than at other times. And release you both into fresh potential.

Single and seeking? Any kind of duet, duo or double act? The key is your playful yet truth telling attitude around who you are and what makes you tick. Know that Jupiter will bring you at least one opportunity to explore what a partnership can be over the next 12 months. Highlights for meetcutes and flashes of attraction in general are the 14th (Sun/Mercury conjunction) and the 17th – Mercury/Venus conjunction. Know that during this cycle, your luck is linked to others.

You should reach the solstice – the day the Sun enters your 8th – not just in a ‘Yes, I CAN!’ mindset but also ‘Yes, I HAVE!!’ when it comes to looking back at how far you’ve come since your birthday cycle. Those gains or progress can be built on and expanded. But its now time to re-link or find your spiritual core, link to it and harness its power to drive you further.

Assets, resources, self-worth and your cash are highlighted by the full Moon in your 2nd (22nd). This is the first of two full Moons in this house – the next being a ‘Blue’ Moon in July. This Moon answers your questions around the above. Maybe questions you didn’t know you needed to ask. These could be around how do I get more? Or even What’s my relationship to what I have? How you feel about your real ‘worth’ – both in terms of income and your self-esteem, may come as a revelation. If you feel your ability to attract more has stalled or plateaued – then expect insights to be handed to you between this full Moon and the next that allow you to move forward. And don’t forget – if you need more help – ask.

This applies especially if your financial goals are linked to moving or a new home. Saturn puts on the brake in your 4th from the 29th. And you’ll find the Mercury/Saturn trine of the 26th one where you can access resources you need or literally, the way to get you on the move. June has you at your most fiery, upbeat and open to something new. Or someone. Here comes the summer of Me + You, Sag.

In a nutshell: That fellow free spirit, mischief maker, partner-in-crime or ride-or-die – ruler Jupiter in your 7th delivers the opportunity for the perfect dynamic duo or double act for you. And it could just start with an idea or conversation this June, Sag.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (7th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (7th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (7th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (7th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (7th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (6th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (7th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (7th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (8th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (8th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (8th to 6th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (8th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (2nd)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (8th to 6th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (4th)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)


Feel the need – and find what fills it

Get your hustle on

Work that electric attraction!

Are you getting what you need, Cappy? Mars in your 5th asks this all-important question. And do keep in mind that wants and needs can be too entirely different things.

Lucky for you, you are now blessed with the ability to discern the difference. You’ve an amped up and precise attunement to what fulfils your needs on both a physical and spiritual level. I could also throw material into the mix. How much is enough in any area in other words. And yes – you can have a number in mind. Totally and utterly permissible. If you have been thinking about asking for that raise, applying for a better paying job, starting that side hustle or your own gig – Jupiter’s alignment to Pluto in your money zone could offer that cashed-up opportunity (3rd).

This is what many astrologers are calling the most powerful or luckiest day of the year. For all signs. You should now be comfortable with your own power thanks to Pluto’s transit through your sign. And be secure in your ability to bring about the outcomes you seek. This is your invitation to work all of that to your advantage.

Mars is in your sign of luck – although its your own focus, self-confidence and determination which tells you ‘luck’ has only a minor role to play. Your willingness to embrace your greatness and also transform your own attitude towards yourself and what you believe is possible for you is what hands you the outcome you need right now.

Along with this is zero tolerance for anyone and anything that isn’t meeting those needs. You’re certainly not up for time-wasting with this Mars. Across the 8th – 12th you’ll be examining if something measures up. And may take radical steps if it no longer does. That being said – you’re bringing sexy back with this Mars. And that includes being unafraid to make the first move, Cappy!

Right up until the 17th – when the planets begin their shift into your 7th, you’ll feel an upsurge of positive energy and a focus on growth and wellbeing. You know that the projects you’ve begun are going to give you the results you hoped for. The first three weeks of the month are excellent for work related plans and establishing healthier habits. Mercury rules your 6th and is in here right up until the 17th. It favours new projects and plans, changing jobs, launches, applications and studying.

It has you detail driven. You don’t ignore the small stuff and yes, no matter what needs doing – it’s all small stuff now. You chunk down those major moves into bite-sized pieces. New beginnings are highlighted for you with the new Moon in here on the 6th. Which appears intertwined with Venus. Enhancing new beginnings. As well as work and health, you could decide to upskill yourself, start a new exercise regimen or even get a pet. If you do want to change jobs – remember, Mercury is direct in the house which rules this and you have a rare Mercury/Venus conjunction in here on the 17th. Get those applications out there. If you are stuck in a rut of any description, Jupiter will extend a hand to pull you out of it during the upcoming year. But this month really does provide you with that big window in which to do it now without delay. These are transits of action – not procrastination.

The 21st brings us the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere and the Winter in the Southern. The day the year pivots and the start of your yearly partnership peak and one of your major cycles of attraction. And do keep in mind you have Mars at work too!

What others love about you right now is that you are clearly comfortable in your own skin. And this shows with the ease you relate to them, Capricorn. You’re done with pretence or keeping your guard up. Any remaining barriers you may have had come tumbling down because you now see this gets you nowhere (you can thank Pluto for that one!).

Your heart is on your sleeve with the full Moon in your sign (22nd). This is the first of two full Moons in your 1st while the Sun is in your 7th. The second will be next month and a ‘Blue’ Moon. So, expect conversations to strike just the right note, the appearance of someone who embodies what you are projecting (or becoming) now and you getting to witness the magic that can occur when you are no longer blocked emotionally or hold back. And you get a second spin at all this in July!

Ruler Saturn in your 3rd turns retrograde on the 29th. Three days before this Mercury now in your 7th trines it. Plus the 29th gifts you a glorious angle between Venus in its ruling 7th and that Mars in your 5th. Attraction and electricity crackles around you sparking fresh discussions or drawing to you the resources you need. Time spent with those you love boosts this. As does simply trusting its okay to be open. Watch how things flow so effortlessly when you do, Cappy. Pluto’s work is done here.

In a nutshell: You’re about to enter your yearly partnership peak. And getting this most from this means understanding your needs. Not just in love but your everyday ones around work and wellness too. Small changes bring massive benefits which ripple out into all areas now.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (6th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (6th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (6th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (6th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (6th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (5th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (6th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (6th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (7th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (7th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (7th to 5th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (7th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (1st)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (7th to 5th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (3rd)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)


See yourself as you want others to see you

Play is your superpower

Have the courage to let go of what no longer works

Time to check your chart as June begins. Do you have any factors between 0-2 degrees in it? Begin with your own sign and then move on to fellow airy Gemini and also Libra. Anything in Sagittarius and your 11th house? Aries and your 3rd? Your opposite number of Leo? Include your ascendant/descendant, IC/MC, Nodal axis and asteroids.

If you have them – then expect big, powerful changes to arrive at the start of June. The 3rd has Jupiter – now in Gemini and your fabulizing 5th, trine Pluto in your sign. This is the first time in our lifetimes these two planets have aligned in this way across these signs. Many astrologers are predicting this is the most powerfully lucky transit of the year. And your 5th is your house of luck don’t forget!

You should not have to wait long to see what this transit delivers. As Mercury makes the same angle to Pluto the next day while meeting Jupiter. Just remember as you head into this – clinging to the old prevents the new and miraculous entering. So – as this once in a lifetime moment gets up-close-and-personal with you, please don’t fall into that trap.

Your 5th is your house of effortless attraction. Your flow. The things you do that seem like creative play. And which enable you to stand out and be noticed. Expect to find yourself the focus or centre of both attraction and attention. You will be at your most open, playful and dare I say it – showstopping. This is no time to be shy, undersell yourself or hold yourself back. Above all – don’t self-censor, Aquarius. Often that inner critic can be harsher than outer ones. And yes, the latter are still out there. But don’t give them air space either.

Work your joy. Accept all invitations. And above all – take that chance. This month is about to reveal to you your relationship with luck, the divine dance of destiny and your beliefs around your right to happiness and bliss. And above all – look to how you see yourself or imagine yourself becoming. Because you can create the person you want to be now thanks to Pluto in your sign.

New beginnings are ushered in by the new Moon conjunct Venus (6th). Approach what you want to experience, have, to or attract with the joy and open hearted trust of a child. Take your cues from what appears or the path towards love, creative self-expression and soul-boosting breakaways that appear. Something new is trying to enter or is being born into your life. And this may happen with such effortless ease that you may at first question it. My advice if so is – don’t. Just go with it.

The 14th and 17th also offer you the opportunity to break free from something that has had you spinning your wheels for far too long. If you find yourself on a roll this June, trust your gut. Unexpected invitations and events can and will occur. Especially around these dates. Jupiter is lining up the external factors needed to send you in a new direction. You don’t have to know your final destination, Aquarius. You just have to enjoy the ride and know you’ll land exactly where you are meant to be (and/or with whom!).

Yes, romance or love may be in the air for many of you. A powerful and possibly instant attraction. If you are still waiting for someone to appear – again, trust Jupiter will deliver when the timing is right. But use this key period to get very clear about the kind of qualities and attributes you need from a partner. Taking the time to do this will open up the fast track that brings you the person who ticks those boxes for you.

Do use the first three weeks of this month to focus on your personal projects, plans and putting yourself out there. The 21st has the Sun enters Cancer and your 6th house. You can now infuse work, wellbeing, routine and those habits with all the creativity and passion you’re channelling from your 5th. Turn that dull into diamonds. That rut into an escape route. But know the upcoming month asks you to be totally present in the moment and resist the lure of escapism in order to make the most of it. When push comes to shove ask yourself this: Would you rather have two fabulous weeks of the year when you go on holiday and live your dream life? Or would you rather work to create a life that feels like a holiday for you every day?

Pluto in your sign is telling you that you have the power within you to create the magic. All you need bring is the focus. And work your intuition which at the time of the full Moon in your 12th, is broadcasting loud and clear. Take note of the changes it is calling on you to make. It illuminates a path towards healthier choices. And this may involve showing you something you are doing or are involved in, which no longer does you any good.

The thing is – you already know about it. It should come as no surprise. But perhaps you have been shoving thoughts about it aside. Telling yourself its not important or just not wanting to deal with it. The Sun in your 6th always brings the Solstice (Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern). It’s the time to stop and consider what we have achieved in the year so far and what we want to do next. It’s also the time when we look at what we’re carrying forward with us on the next stage. In your case, this full Moon may have you realising something now needs to be let go of.

This is the first of two full Moons which will appear in this house in your chart while the Sun is in your 6th. The second being a ‘Blue’ Moon. Take it that between this one and the next in July, you will reach beyond fear or hesitation when it comes to trusting what your gut is telling you.

A sense of self-satisfaction sets you up to experience July from a place of grounded abundance and surety thanks to the Mercury/Saturn trine on the 26th. With ancient ruler Saturn about to reverse in your 2nd, what you’ve stuck to or have been working towards now pays off for you. You’ll also now understand that happiness, joy, freedom and doing what you love stems from doing the work or simply knowing you’re on the right track. And if you’re not – then trust this month to put your feet firmly back on it.

In a nutshell: Jupiter’s alignment to Pluto in your sign has never happened before. Above all, believe in yourself and your own ability to create and attract what you want into your life, Aquarius. However you see yourself this month – is reflected in what or who you attract.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (5th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (5th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (5th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (5th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (5th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (4th)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 1st)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (5th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (5th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (6th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (6th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (6th to 4th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (6th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (12th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (6th to 4th)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (2nd)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

What you seek is within reach

Move past limits and old fears

Bliss is your birthright!

Keep in mind the old rulerships always apply. Especially as this month’s major astrological event on the 3rd involves Jupiter your ancient ruler, Pisces. A portal opens from your past linking you to the present for a new life path to explore.

Something that may have eluded you suddenly becomes achievable, a solution manifests or what you want comes within reach. This could even be down to a major transformative shift which occurs within you. You simply gain a different perspective and this alone brings fresh options into focus that you simply couldn’t see before. All thanks to a re-framing angle between Jupiter in your sector of home, roots, family and pathway – and Pluto in your house of the past.

This is the first time these two planets have aligned in this way during our lifetime across these two signs. Need help? Seeking answers? Ask and yes, they will be given to you now. You will also find yourself highly attuned to your inner resources. Perhaps finding within you hidden elements you had no idea existed before.

Old wounds experience genuine healing – not just a Band-Aid approach. You effortlessly transcend old limitations. What’s more – and this is a lasting gift, Pisces – you see things how they really are. Not the version of someone else’s truth.

The 17th is decision time for you. You may be called on to work that clarity. Or to take a bold and self-assertive move in the direction that you know is right for you – despite what others may think. In fact, you won’t tolerate anyone telling you they know best this month. Nobody knows you like you do during this cycle. And it’s this surety that liberates you from any restrictions or even attempts to emotionally manipulate you.

Do check your chart for any factors between 0-2 degrees. Especially if they are sitting in your own sign or in one of your fellow mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. Do include chart aspects at these degrees such as your ascendant/descendant, IC/MC, Nodes and asteroids as well. If you have them in any sign or house, then this transit will prove to be even more powerful and truth-shifting for you.

This month also hands you a portal opening opportunity around the 6th when the new Moon appears conjunct Venus in your 4th. This is the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. Home and family feature. But this new Moon really does tap into your spiritual and loving nature, Pisces. There may be a focus for this. Your lifestyle, children if you have them, metaphysical subjects – especially those which link you to natural, pagan or earth-centered beliefs. And yes, we don’t talk much about this aspect of the 4th house – sex. You are open, unpretentious and seek a lover who is the same. And someone for whom home, family and even nature are important.

If you have dreamed of working from home – surrounded by the people and/or things you love, the good news about this cycle is that it offers you the opportunity for that now. You may also define success by the emotional prosperity it hands you. Intangible pay-offs like more time, less stress or being somewhere you love become more important that just money.

This occurs ahead of the Summer Solstice (winter in the Southern Hemisphere) which is when the Sun enters your 5th (21st). Heating up one of your major cycles of attraction, easy going loving and happiness of the year. You’ll feel the shift of energy start to happen from the 17th. This day could first bring you good news around the above topics as it sees Mercury and Venus meet in your 4th hours before both move into your 5th. Which could lead to having something to celebrate.

Take it that leading up to the Sun’s change of signs, your dreams and intuition will provide you with a powerful source of inspiration and guidance for what lies ahead. In fact, they will continue to be a resource for you for the next 12 months courtesy of Jupiter. Also – be on the look out for women (or someone who identifies as female) who provides you with support and validation.

The Sun’s arrival in your 5th is like a door opening in your life which literally ‘let’s the sunshine in’! If something has felt like hard work or progress has been difficult, the Sun’s appearance in here combined with Saturn’s retrograde in your sign from the 29th, hands you back optimism and shows you that your goals are closer than you think!

Passion gets resurrected. And you automatically feel more outgoing. Expect gatherings, group meetings, new friendships and rekindled old ones and also a feeling that you can claim your dreams under the full Moon in your 11th (22nd). If you are involved in a group project or pitch at work, you could get to see just how important your role or contribution has been as it succeeds. And if so, this will be your springboard on to the next stage of success.

This is the first of two full Moons in this house in your chart. The second (a ‘Blue’ Moon), appearing next month. Joining in, getting social – IRL and on-line, that club, band, party, group movement or endeavour, opens up not only good times in the present, but also reveals to you how the universe works when it comes to getting what you want. A basic law of physics governing destiny and goal manifestation. Expect to be handed this at some point between one full Moon and the next.

Mars now in your 3rd of ideas (9th) has you seeing which of your past actions and/or ideas have paid off. So, you’ll now get behind what works for you with fresh confidence and enthusiasm. This is a month which is about to show you that a new path or lifestyle is within your grasp. And realising this is simply a step away for you. Pool your thoughts, your talents and yes, your love, Pisces. The road from your past to your present is open. No speed limits.

In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Jupiter along with Pluto in your 12th offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transcend past limitations. Or heal those wounds for good. Above all – follow your intuition. It will prove to be your own North Star this June.

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)

3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (4th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)

4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (4th)

4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (4th)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (4th)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (4th)

8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)

9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)

9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (3rd)

11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)

12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (4th)

17 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)

17 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (4th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (5th)

17 June 2024 Mercury enters Cancer (5th)

20 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)

21 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (5th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (11th)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)

29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (1st)

30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)

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The post Your monthly Horoscopes June 2024 appeared first on Michele Knight.

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