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Weekly Astrology May 13th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Weekly Astrology May 13th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

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Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 13th 2024

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

No more replays of the past

The wheel turns in your favour

No fate but the one you make!

You’re in a leadership position this week when it comes to which direction your life takes from this point on. The North Node in your 1st rules fate and acts as your own north star. While ruler Mars hands you the self-determination to turn the Wheel of Fortune in any direction you want.

You’re unlikely to want the past to repeat itself. These past few years have shown you what happens when you cling to what’s outdated. Or close yourself off to new possibilities. The Nodes mark 19 year cycles. And a meeting between the North Node and your ruler Mars in your sign is a rare thing indeed. The last time this happened was way back in the noughties – June 2005. If you are old enough, look back to what began or ended back then. Especially around partnerships. Because if the North Node is in your 1st, this puts the South Node in your 7th.

Mars ignites your inner fire. Tells you to follow your instincts. Infuses you with confidence and also allows you to access your inner soul warrior. If you were waiting for someone to rescue you – Mars shows you you’re waiting for you! Be there for yourself above all.

Mercury retroshadow is over. Bringing you a time of bold new beginnings via an opportunity heading your way courtesy of the Sun and Jupiter’s meeting in your 2nd. This week could be one you look back on as being the point luck changed in your favour. But chances are this stems from something you’ve set in motion. Or start this week, Aries.

In a nutshell: News or a big opportunity could take you by surprise this week. If it looks and feels different, and you no longer want the past to repeat itself, go in the direction of what’s new.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (2nd)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (1st)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (2nd)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (1st)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (10th)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Go further

Be open to surprise

Dare you do different?

If ever there was a week to get out of your comfort zone – it’s this one, Taurus. There’s an opportunity to explore something new. Are you willing to go with the edgy, unfamiliar choice? The bold, badass one? Ruler Venus’s encounter with Uranus is all about opening yourself to something different. And also that when we work on manifestation, sometimes what appears may not look exactly what we ordered. But that doesn’t mean it’s not right for us. It may even be better than anything we imagined.

So, keep an open mind because this could be the answer to those prayers. Jupiter has a week left in your 1st when it receives the final energising from the Sun on the 18th. Jupiter is all about expansion. And in your 1st this means not only being seen by others in a more positive light, but increasing your ability to attract. Take it what appears this week is one final collaboration between the planets to hand you a parting gift. Step into something bigger.

In a nutshell: Jupiter never does anything by half-measures, Taurus. That includes leaving your sign which it does next week. It’s parting gift could be the biggest surprise yet. Don’t let fear stop you from exploring it. Go badass, or go home.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (1st)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 11th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (12th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (1st)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (1st)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (9th)


Release the past

An idea plants a lasting seed

Be ready for bold new beginnings

Ruler Mercury exits its retroshadow (15th) powering into your 12th. Ahead of something big and brand new. A cycle of opportunity you’ve not seen the like of for 12 years starts next week.

Don’t cling to the past this week. Something may come full circle. And if it does, be prepared to let it go. Jupiter loves a blank canvas. This is about beginnings. Not endings.

Your imaginative, psychic and creative gifts peak just prior to the Sun and then Jupiter’s shift. If you follow through on that idea, it could translate into something lasting for you. This is the acorn from which the oak later grows. The 18th brings two key conjunctions in your 12th. One between Venus and Uranus. The other between the Sun and Jupiter.

Although you shouldn’t cling to the past, something new could spring from it this week. Do watch also for anyone from your past who gets back in touch. Do avoid nostalgia. Ask yourself if both of you want to relive the past. Or face forward in a fresh direction together.

In a nutshell: Nature abhors a vacuum. Clear out the vestages of the past so Jupiter can colour your next cycle with big and bold hues, Gemini. A past connection could be what you take into your future if both of you are committed to something different.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (12th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (11th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (12th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 9th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (12th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (11th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (8th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Entertain angels

Pivot into your future

Gratitude gives you more to be grateful for

The planets align in your sector of the future, friends and wish fulfilment. Asking you: How did we do? Hopefully you are bidding farewell to Jupiter with a sense of satisfaction. Look back at the past 12 months and at what it delivered for you. And look to the 18th when it meets the Sun in here. Giving you a final boost of goal-getting generosity.

Often Jupiter in a house, works via human representatives. Look to who you have met or connected with this past year because they will have a role to play in what happens next. But also know that if a friendship has been lived out, it probably won’t go any further now. But the 18th could hold your biggest Jupiter surprise yet.

Uranus is the ruler of your 11th along with Venus which is the natural ruler of Taurus. Both meet on the 18th. The exact same day as the Sun also meets Jupiter in here. Surprise goal granting, a sudden, exciting and evolutionary release into something wild and new can occur. From that wish to that social circle.

Let go of expectations around how this could happen. Or what form it may take. There’s a saying in astrology: ‘If you can predict it – it’s not Uranus!’. This is your house of entrepreneurship, of technology, astrology and the zeitgeist. You’re plugged in via a superfast connection. Do keep an open mind. What heads your way is in answer to what the universe knows you need next. Not what you believe you want. And who guides you into the near future could just be the planets appearing disguised in human form. Don’t judge a book by its cover this week.

In a nutshell: Look at all the ways you’ve worked at manifesting a vision of what the future could look like for yourself, Cancer. And no matter how far along it you’ve come, celebrate the journey so far. The more you celebrate that, the more you’ll have to celebrate.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (11th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (10th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (11th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 8th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (11th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (10th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (7th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

What have you said ‘I do’ to?

Step into a sense of leadership

Author your future

Put a ring on it. Or else ask someone to do the same this week, Leo. It’s a Queen Bey moment with the planets in your 10th. You’ve a week to go of Jupiter remaining in your 10th house. Look back over the past 12 months at what you have established or committed to for the long haul. During this time, you’ve worked hard at taking yourself seriously. You’ve authored this. Powerfully and effectively. While those around you reflect your enhanced mien.

There’s nothing more important to a Leo than your reputation. How you are seen and regarded. You bring dignity and regal bearing to all that you do. And this comes with the awareness that you need those around you to take similar pride in themselves, what they do and obviously, you as well. That rep and what you and they do with it, forms a key element of decisions and commitments this week.

Putting a ring on it, going in for the long haul and knowing where you stand and where something is heading, determines your choice at this week’s crossroads of transits. You have Mars and the North Node conjunct in your 9th. Bringing you to a stay or go point.

Then there’s the key conjunctions in your 10th house. Ruler the Sun and Uranus (13th), Sun and Jupiter (18th), and Venus and Uranus (18th). Mercury’s arrival clear of any retro-shade (13th) means you are ready to sign on the dotted line or enter into a long term agreement. You also won’t shy away from asking the other party what their intentions are either. You need to know they bring the same level of commitment you’re serving. This week is all about your inner leader, Leo. It is telling you what to continue to invest in, who deserves your love and trust and hands you surety and certainty around your decisions. So, don’t second-guess it.

In a nutshell: A big commitment could see you all-in ahead of Jupiter’s shift into your 11th next week. The ‘make a wish’ transit of Jupiter than can only occur once every 12 years. Make yours now.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (10th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 8th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (9th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (10th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 7th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (10th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (9th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (6th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Don’t be content to watch from the sidelines

Embrace the incredible

Keep on saying yes!

Ruler Mercury leaves the shadows behind it and arrives in your 9th this week. Bumping up that 9th house stellium to five planets. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus.

Big collisions take place in this house. The Sun/Uranus on the 13th, Venus and Uranus and Sun/Jupiter on the 18th. This is Jupiter’s ruling house and also Venus’s by sign. By next week you will receive one final benefit when Venus and Jupiter meet before both head off into your 10th.

Look at what options have been made available to you these past 12 months. What have you said yes to – enthusiastically and without fear that has opened up your world and allowed you to go further? These are the final days of this cycle where you can leave it with no regrets, Virgo. ‘A life lived in fear is a life half-lived’.

Are you still watching others living their dreams when all that is holding you back is fear or over-caution, Virgo? The planets this week push you out of the penalty box and tell you that being a spectator is over. Fear of failure – or even of success – feel it, thank it for sharing even, but then push on past it. It’s your time to try and discover just what can happen when you take that chance.

Age has nothing to do with this. You need to leave any excuses behind you. Between now and the end of the month, make a vow to yourself that you will no longer allow any more life to pass you by. The cosmos wants to deliver you once last batch of incredible experiences that only this Jupiter cycle can hand you. What’s more – you get to cherry pick them.

In a nutshell: Look at how far you’ve come or where you’ve travelled to over the past 12 months, Virgo. If life is a journey – what did you explore? This Jupiter cycle has shown you: You have one life – so live it!

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (9th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 7th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (8th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (9th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 6th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (9th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (8th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (5th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

No fear

Go beyond your limitations

Love your power

Are you ready to feel the full force of your potential, Libra? To unleash it without filters or limits. And to see what happens when you do? My guess is if you have been hesitating over this over the past year, you are more worried about the greatness you will create than any potential failure.

We can get comfortable with limitations. So much so, that when we are offered the opportunity to transcend them, we sabotage things so we can go back to what’s familiar. If we’ve received messages that life or love wasn’t meant to be easy, that money is the root of all evil or hard to come by, if events show us this is in fact, not the case, the existential crisis of getting what we wished for that results, is so challenging, we automatically reject it or sabotage.

No limits, no fear. Look back over the past year at how comfortable you have become feeling powerful and using that power to bring you the outcomes you want. How far have you gone with this? Not at all? Baby steps? All the way? Or did you make a U-turn once you started?

There’s plenty about this week that pushes you ‘out there’ again to confront just what buttons getting what you want can push. But the planets tell me this time you’re ready, Libra. Your first step comes with the conjunction between Venus and Uranus (18th). Get comfortable with the move you make this week. There’s a bigger one to be made next. But by then – you’re working your power.

In a nutshell: No more being scared of your greatness and all you are capable of being and achieving, Libra. You’re not only stepping into your power this week – you’re working it. For soul-shifting results.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (8th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 6th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (7th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (8th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 5th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (8th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (7th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (4th)


No more struggle

Make it effortless

Remember what made you fall in love with love

Sure, pursue happiness. But don’t chase it, Scorpio. That isn’t what the Law of Attraction is about. Or even how it works. Your 7th house is the most potent area of your chart for manifestation work.. Not just partnerships.

This week, what’s yours, answers your call and seeks you out with any effort required. It’s seeking you even as you read this. Know as Venus aligns to Uranus in here (18th), and the Sun meets Jupiter on the same day, that if you are still in hot pursuit, it may not be for you.

Instead, be willing to light your beacon, and watch instead what homes in on it. You are now in your final week of Jupiter in your 7th. And with Mercury’s retro-free entrance into this house, the number of planets in here peak. There’s a challenge happening between Mercury and ruler Pluto (17th), that tells you to accept the challenge of no longer pushing or struggling.

Settled? This week and for the remaining time Jupiter remains in here, celebrate what drew the two of you together in the first place. Especially if you feel outer influences have made you forget that. This week isn’t just good for new love awakenings, Scorpio. It’s perfect for a love revival too.

In a nutshell: The Sun and Jupiter big up your love experience. Or see you falling in love with your own life. It tells you love was never meant to be a struggle. What you want is also seeking you. Just let go, phoenix. And don’t fall – rise in love from here on in!

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (7th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 5th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (6th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (7th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 4th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (7th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (6th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (3rd)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Have an energy renovation

Small shifts create seismic change

Create a day filled with magical vision!

Don’t waste your time on anything that you feel is going nowhere. Or which no longer offers you that key infusion of growth and satisfaction, Sag. And please don’t dismiss that niggle as inconsequential. Or not worthy of your time and focus.

Ruler Jupiter is now days away from its shift into your relationship zone. It’s asking for a tidy up of all the everyday areas of your life you’d normally overlook. And to grant them your serious devotion and attention. They deserve your investment. As they are key to you living your best life.

Innovate from dawn to dusk! Is it time to set a new routine for yourself – for once and for all? Uranus in this house is your innovator. Plus you have Mercury enter its ruling domain from the 15th. Get creative and bring your focus down to making small miracles happen in your life on an everyday basis. Because these will turn out to be your fuel for what lies ahead of you.

Why not begin with something simple? The 18th is your best day for forming a fresh routine and healthy habits. When you wake up, instead of looking at your phone, instead visualise not just how you want your day to unfold, but allow your future to unfold in your imagination. Especially around you and that other ahead of that Jupiter switch next week. It takes less time than you realise to make those habits permanent. And did you know your first waking moments each day are super-charged with the power of intention? Linked together, they fuel not just your actions on this day, but determine your future for many days ahead!

New ways of working, studying and being are on offer. Make those thoughts positive, focussed and pure. The message you wake up to in your mind should be far more important than messages or likes on your phone. By acknowledging what works and what doesn’t this week, you cement your future path. And promote your own growth going forward. Work it this week – and on, Sag.

In a nutshell: You’ve a week left of Jupiter’s daily juice burst in your house of every day living. Ahead of the shift into your partnership zone, create loving daily habits which allow real love to grow.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (6th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 4th)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (5th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (6th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (6th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (5th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (2nd)


Compromise is the key to creation

Strike the perfect balance

That choice is simply the best!

We need to talk about – win/wins this week, Cappy. Compromises and what you will and won’t ‘sell out’ over. Your values and ideals. What’s priceless. And also your ability to look to the long term. As in: you give up something now, to gain more in the future. Ceres, planet of the deal, turns retro in your sign this week. And along with the slew of pleasure-seeking planets in your 5th, can have you looking at issues around delayed gratification, having ‘it all’ – or sticking it out for what really matters.

You’ve got an almost ideal heart/head balance helping you decide as Venus in your 5th aligns to ruler Saturn (13th). Plus you are open to

The meeting between Venus and Uranus tells me that you are not giving up on who you are. Or that dream that is a part of that. Just that you are willing to embrace a fresh approach. To professional dreams as well as personal ones. Ceres weighs in and asks: is there a more elegant way for you to get what you want? An obvious example would be you need to get your creative calling funded. And then you get offered a corporate job. In the past, you may have felt you were ‘selling out’ on your dream. But now you see that the money you can earn, will make it happen sooner. You win!

That trade off you make this week turns out to be the best gift you could receive. Heart, mind and soul are in agreement on the 18th when the Sun and Jupiter have their meeting in here. What you attract isn’t the next best thing. It is simply THE best, Capricorn!

In a nutshell: Head and heart are in perfect alignment this week, Cappy. You still know what your deal-breakers are. But when it comes to making that deal or compromise, you’ll be ready to give up instant gratification to reach that dream. All win – no sacrifice.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (5th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (4th)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (5th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (5th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (4th)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (1st)


Step into a life expanding space

Make room for growth

Direct your path

There’s a crowded house feel to your 4th this week. The Sun, Venus, Jupiter and your ruler Uranus are joined by Mercury (15th). Very much direct and freed of those out-dated retro curtains. Favouring home, property, family and life path matters. Asking you to claim your place and your space.

Jupiter will check out of this house next week. And may have one final, expanding and door opening move up its sleeve before it departs. Look to your current abode or living situation. And if you need room for growth, time to replant yourself elsewhere.

Look back at the big decisions you have made this past year around these themes. You should be seeing how they have shaped your path. And also how each one has built on the previous one to create lasting results. You should also see each stage or choice you made, as taking charge of your future. It shows you – you are not some passive victim of fate or outer circumstances.

Now you have made this connection and hopefully, are looking at some of the results, use the Venus/Uranus and the Sun/Jupiter conjunctions of the 18th, to make another game-changing and confident choice. Around where you are living, your support system and the path you walk from this point on. Invite self-directed decision making to move in permanently.

In a nutshell: A place or what feels like family of your own are the gifts Jupiter and ruler Uranus want you to move into this week. One life expanding cycle is ending. Which should see you right where you can really get living.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (4th)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (3rd)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (4th)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 1st)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (4th)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (3rd)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (12th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

News and headline ideas dominate

Get sharing

Bring the fire!

Creativity, fire and fresh ideas. This week says there’s no use sitting around or simply talking about them. Ancient ruler Jupiter hands you badass boldness and the ability to take your ideas further this week. And these can turn into your secret to success. It has days left in your 3rd house of communication, commerce and getting around. And along with the other planets in here – the Sun, Venus, Uranus and Mercury which rules this house, make a shout-out to you to make your move. Stop thinking and start doing!

That idea that’s been nagging you, needs an outlet. The forefront of your mind is where you take action. And it won’t leave you alone until you do! Get behind your own message now.

Exciting new contacts, purveyors of enticing ideas and surprising news take you beyond limitations. And deliver outcomes wildly different to what you have previously experienced. Plus you capture that audience, gain that contract or followers, an up-tick on business or in some cases, flirt your way to romantic success. What you’re serving – others want this week, Pisces. Cut through mental clutter and static. Find your channel. Pitch your product, your idea and even your heart, into the arena. When it’s backed by truth and integrity, others hang on your every word.

In a nutshell: Old ruler Jupiter has the final word or piece of news to share with you, this week. While Uranus tells you its no use sitting on that idea. No matter how ‘out there’ it seems – find the way to share it.

13 May 2024 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (3rd)

13 May 2024 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

13 May 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (2nd)

15 May 2024 Mercury enters Taurus (3rd)

17 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)

18 May 2024 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

19 May 2024 Mars and North Node conjunct in Aries (2nd)

19 May 2024 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (11th)

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The post Weekly Astrology May 13th 2024 Forecast for All Signs appeared first on Michele Knight.

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