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Mediumship (Group notes from 24.10.19)

Mediumship (Group notes from 24.10.19)

Babies see Spirits naturally ~ You can relearn this skill….do so without fear!


From me to You……As we know, we are all energy, regardless of whether we are alive or passed over. The only difference between us and those in Spirit, is that we still have the body that our Spirit or Soul chose for this particular “scene” in the movie that is the Journey of our Soul.

Some people “naturally” feel variations in energy
and can interpret the significance and meaning behind the unexplained.

They may see, hear, feel or just know that a “Spirit
without a body” is near by.

Others may experience nothing.

People who are very sensitive or naturally Gifted
will do this automatically. Others, can learn it. We all have a 6th
sense to a degree but not all of us use it.

Mediums (or Channels) are people that can tune
into Souls who have already passed over much as we can tuning into a particular
radio channel. They can also communicate with their Guides and they do both
quite naturally and almost without effort!

That leaves other people who are not Mediums
and/or Channels….They must practice and practice and by learning how they
perceive Spirit and by practicing, they too will eventually help the Spirit
passed over to trust you enough to make contact.

Mediums can present and verify information as
accurate and correct. They can cause many unexplained things to happen and
bring through all types of Spirits/Souls. (This is actually a two way street.
If it is a Spirit/ or Soul’s purpose to learn to come through, then they too
need to go through a process just like we do. That ‘s why we are given such
long lifetimes).

Personally, for me, most of my work is done
through mental telepathy. Probably 95% of it actually. I can either see, or
sense the Soul of a Spirit around me and will talk to it telepathically. I can
do this whilst talking and listening to you and even in a group or crowd

Mental telepathy is achieved solely by using your
thought and not any of your five physical senses. It takes place within the
Medium itself. The information is spoken aloud by the Medium and not retained
in anyway shape or form as a thought as it simply is not a thinking process.

Messages are often either spoken together with
names given. Messages are often just names and /or feelings, most of the time
messages are given symbolically and it is then up to me to interpret and relay
the message.

If you are just starting  out, may I recommend that you journal
everything you experience. Everything you see, hear, feel, sense and know about
any type of communication at all as this is the best way to see that Spirit
want to work through and with you. And over time you will be able to join the
dots and recognise symbols and information when shown to you.

In other words, you will develop your own

At not times, are you to influence the
information. You are merely the psychic postie and if you change any of the
details in order for it to try to make sense to your logical mind, the message
will become distorted and useless.

We will practice what we are learning at each Group
session and please know, that you are safe and feel free to ask me questions at
any time and most importantly TRUST the process. You are not the first one to
be learning this new method of communication which is a lot like learning a new

Welcome to primary school in the Spirit World. May
your learning be long lasting and so totally enjoyable and filled with love
that you will wonder what you ever used to do with yourself.

Marion “Maz” Weatherburn


In this section, I have placed an excerpt of my notes from our session on Mediumship on Thursday 24 October 2019, I introduced you to how you too can meet your own Guides and potentially, those passed over by using your own sixth / Psychic sense. This a page purely with notes that may help you on your journey, not a pretty webpage as such, purely for information purposes.

Whilst this is a huge concept, it is also normal.
It’s all about learning the techniques and practicing as often as you can. Like
I said, it’s a lot like learning a new language!

Consider yourself now in Grade One. You may
potentially master this by the time you are in University or beyond OR you may
achieve it in Grade Two. It really all depends how much you practice and how
well you sense along with the Guides you are working with and how well they can

Before you can even begin to learn how to
communicate this way, you really must be sure you are ready on all levels to take
on the responsibility and the impact that this may have on you, your life and
the lives of others.

This is not a game. I personally, take my Gift very seriously.
Using your own sixth sense in this way is the greatest Gift of Spirituality, so
embrace it for your own Spiritual growth and enjoy each encounter!

Be prepared to expect the Unexpected

These notes are merely a guide. You will find your
own way in the Spirit world. Communication works differently for both sides of
the veil! To be honest it is actually very hard for me to put into words what
this is even like for me as for me it as normal as blinking and breathing are
for you!

I will keep these notes brief as it’s always
better to chat about this stuff in person.

My Team

At the beginning of the night, I introduced you to
my very own “Team” of Guides. They are my Mum’s Dad “Opa”, my Dad’s Dad “Opa”,
my Mum’s brother “Joop” and my personal Guide Mark and my personal Healer

Opa, Opa and Joop are family members that have
been alive in my lifetime. Mark and Staven are Guides/Healers that have been
with me since I can remember and are my lifetime Guides.

I have had other Guides come into my life for both
my Spiritual growth and theirs!

My Gift these days allows me to work in the following areas:

  • With Children/Parents/Families/Teachers
    on a behavioural level, helping each to understand the other on a
    Spiritual/Soul level
  • People in
    general we are all Souls searching including Court cases and Counselling
  • My work
    can encompass Healing/ Counselling/ Transition from this world to the next
  • Clearings
    and working with Entities
  • Pure
    psychic work including messages and healings – This is the life that counts right
    here right now! I aim to give you the names of anyone that comes through for
    you with a message. You can read about my Reading style in my first book Caught
    Between Two Worlds or watch a video I made about how Readings work for me on
    You Tube. Just search my names and click on Videos.

Who are we/you?

  • Firstly,
    I have to say that we are all energy! That’s it right there!
  • We are
    also Soul Clinicians working for the good of the Universe through our Soul’s
    purpose. The Universe needs all of us.
  • Spirit
    will help you touch the lives of those in your life, often giving you the words
    or healing needed for the situation. You WILL know when they step in!
  • Ask
    Spirit to bring those to you that you are to help and that you are ready to
    work for the highest good of yourself and others.

Psychics vs Mediums

  • Psychics receive, interpret and deliver
    information person to person
  • Mediums receive information also but receive it
    from Spirit and those passed over.

Spirituality Back to Basics and where you fit in ~ 5’s and

My Opa taught me that there are
really only two types of people in the world. People they call 5’s and people
they call 6’s.

5’s are people that live purely
in the physical material world. They believe in and use only their 5 senses.
Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch. (Yes of course they have Souls but have
not lived enough lifetimes, nor are their lessons requiring them to vibrate at
the level of a 5 ½ or a 6). They are young Souls.

These are people whose life tends
to centre around themselves.

We all know the type.

6’s on the other hand, believe in
a sixth sense. A sense of knowing. We believe in Souls, Lessons and the
Spiritual Laws including Karma and the Law of Attraction. We practice
mindfulness and meditation in order to become better people.

If you are a 5 ½ and above on the
Spiritual scale and you clash with someone, before you react just stop and see
where the other person is on the scale. Are they a 5? Are they your Spiritual
Teacher or Student?

6’s get a real sense of what is
going on for others and often “know” when to just help or provide support.

Then, there’s everyone in

If I showed you a ruler and that
ruler represented Spirituality, then the first once centimetre of the ruler is
all a 5 can see. Life evolves around them.

6’s can see right out to say 7cm
or 8cm on the Spiritual Ruler. They understand 5’s but 5’s don’t understand

I like to share this information
with you because it helps take the judgement out of relationships and helps you
understand them on a Spiritual level. I always refer to 5’s and 6’s in my work.

85% v 15%

100% of our thoughts are in our
heads right?


85% of our thoughts are exactly
that! Thoughts. Things like your shopping list, To Do list, washing list etc
etc. These thoughts have no emotions attached to them except sometimes, fear,
anxiety and depression.

15% of our thoughts are messages
from our Higher Self, Guides and the Spirit world. These messages come through
with a feeling of complete love, calm and peace and are generally messages for
your Spiritual Growth or for others.

You can learn to discern the
difference by paying attention to them and journaling.


Journalling everything you
receive through your 15% is a priority if you want to get to learn how Spirit
wants to work with you.

Your experience of the Spirit world

May include:

  • Hear voices only you can hear
  • Seeing things only you can see.
  • Feel and Know
  • Smell
  • Sense
  • See symbols, images or colours
  • Dream

will work in all different ways just like they worked in all different ways
when they were alive.

It is in
their best interest to help you and your best interest to listen. For your
Spiritual growth and there’s too.

It will
be different for everybody!

Important Points to Remember

  • This is
    all about energy! We are all energy. Every living thing is energy. I am sure
    you have experienced energy before. Sometimes you will just feel and know what
    is going on for someone. That’s their energy and you just read it!
  • The most
    important aspect of accepting to do this work, is that you agree to get down
    and dirty on your own “stuff and lessons.”
  • Spirit
    needs a clean slate vibrating at a high energy level to work with as it’s
    easier for us to raise our energy level than to match them than for them to
    lower theirs. If they did so, they wouldn’t come through.
  • You must
    develop your emotional and mental stability.
  • You will
    begin on this journey in Grade 1. Much like life.
  • Remember
    at all times that this is a real position of responsibility as the messages you
    deliver can change lives.
  • You do
    not need to understand the message, just deliver them.
  • You are
    the Psychic Postie.
  • It’s
    important that you treat your Spirit Guides and those that communicate with you
    from the Spirit world with the same respect as if they were still alive and
    normal people. After all, that way you will be more effective in your
  • Just
    because they are “dead” doesn’t mean they have woken up all “holy” and need a
    special language to communicate.
  • The
    Language we use is Universal and it is LOVE.


  • You will
    soon become very good at jigsaw puzzles and know when to pass on messages and
    when not to. That’s why it is so important to journal.
  • More and
    more people are experiencing an increasing Spiritual awareness these days. This
    is because the world is so far out of balance and Spirit is working through us
    to help put the world back into balance one family at a time. One of the ways
    Spirit is doing this is through the stage of being an Empath. It’s the same as
    serving your apprenticeship and learning to “read” and “see” and “hear” at a
    lower level with those around you physically before you can move onto the
    Spirit world.
  • People
    between the levels 5 ¼ and 5 ¾ are what I call Empaths. They are “in training”
    learning how to Read people and situations, so that when the time comes to talk
    with Spirit direct, they will feel totally comfortable and “know” the
    difference straight away.

Being an
Empath does not mean you need to run yourself ragged helping everyone and
everyone…..just observe them. You are being trained how to Read that’s all.
Every now and then Spirit will throw some guidance and messages in there for
you to deliver, this will be your learning curve!

“Do I” or
“Don’t I?” give the message?

“Is it real
or is it me thinking this message?”

Is when
you can recognise that your logical mind has taken over and it’s time to stop
for the day.

do not come from your mind.

Your Soul knows way more than the mind!

  • Children
    are very good at this stuff and certainly do not attach any outcome to it.
    Children are 6’s often being parented by 5’s and taught by 5’s and this is
    where problems are occurring. Children come to us as our Spiritual Teachers
  • You are
    your own Radio channel.
  • Just like
    on the internet, sometimes, you will encounter strict privacy settings where
    you simply do not “get” any messages for the person you are reading for and
    that’s ok. That is something you also have to learn.
  • Sometimes
    Readings and messages are to simply “lift” someone up onto their own Spiritual
  • Spirit
    energy is extremely fast.
  • They will
    give a person what they need.
  • The
    Spirit world and your Guides need to feel comfortable to you.
  • It
    doesn’t matter what shows up. Don’t get scared.

and then again….

  • There are
    no such thing as demons. If you feel fear ask your Gatekeeper to tell the
    Spirit to reveal their true self.
  • Masks are
    often worn because of fear. It’s a costume.
  • Let the
    Spirit know that they are safe with you and you respect them. This work is
    called “Rescue or Transition work.”
  • If you do
    feel fear – Ask yourself who the fear belongs to ie You or the Spirit.
    You cannot do this work if you are scared. Work through your fears.
  • Fears are
    golden as they help you grow. Personally, I embrace Fear as there’s always
    something brilliant on the other side of it! Check out my video called FEAR on
    YOU TUBE! Then you will totally understand what I mean!
  • You will
    find your own way and mistakes are normal. Spirit too can make mistakes!
  • Most
    importantly TRUST YOURSELF at every step.
  • Set time
    limits too.
  • Once you
    achieve one level successfully, Spirit will then give you a next level.


  • Set aside time and ask for a Gatekeeper. Your
    Gatekeeper is your personal Security Guard whose job it is to check everyone’s
    ID that comes through your gate (or portal).
  • Talk to your Gatekeeper like a “normal person” Tell
    them that you would like to start this work and get to know you Guides. Can
    they bring them to you?
  • Keep a Journal right from the start to record the
    way You receive messages. It will become your library and Your Spiritual
    toolbox. I have boxes of books of books with messages taken during Readings. I
    never look at them but they certainly helped me interpret and get to know how
    my own Team worked. Everyone is different.
  • A symbolic rose for me may mean something
    different to you
  • Spiritual work doesn’t always feel Spiritual
  • There are no shortcuts
  • Set boundaries and establish the type of work you
    would like to do
  • Set the hours you are prepared to do work Spirit
    have waited years to come through they’ll wait until you are ready. Make an
    appointment with them.
  • It’s all about energy and keeping your logical
    mind out of it
  • Guides have been alive – Soul Guides, Family
    Guides, Special Guides for Crisis
  • Angels are Celestial beings
  • It is in a Guide’s best interest to help us and
    ours to listen to them
  • This is new to them too don’t forget
  • Be patient with them
  • Just like a radio station, we listen to what we
    love. What do you want to listen to? The “Grandma” channel or the “Spiritual
    Self Help” channel or the “Believe in Us” channel?
  • Take responsibility for accepting and delivering
  • Our Spirit Guides can see life better and further
    than us
  • We can ALL learn how to do this. If you are not
    born with it, Just practice. Some of those born with it don’t use it and some born
    without it, practice and are fantastic at it.
  • Spirit loves a good listener after all, it is
    their aim to deliver messages.


  • Healing
  • Message and Evidentiary ie Proof of Life
  • Rescue


  • Healing
  • Seeing
  • Hearing
  • Feeling
  • Knowing
  • Smelling


  • MOST IMPORTANTLY – You need to spend time getting
    to know ALL your senses
  • You need to learn how you “Receive”
  • Vision ? Hearing ? Knowing ? Smell ? Symbols ?
  • You may receive messages Urgently as in Now! Sit
    with them before you react or deliver the message. Spirits concept of time is
    not the same as ours! Has the message been given to you in love or out of fear!
    That’s the main question.
  • Messages from your Guides/Loved ones are delivered
    in Calm/Truth


  • For our own personal Spiritual Growth
  • Can push us out of our comfort zone – This IS how
    it works.


  • Messages from Guides come with a feeling of Love,
    Peace and Calm = 15%
  • Guides and Souls/Loved ones that have passed do
    not have an ego
  • They won’t be bothered if you Test them as
    messages can be cryptic
  • Thoughts can feel rushed or panicky or you may try
    to force the outcome



It is vitally important that you
keep your mind right out of this whole process. It will only upset the whole
applecart and you will try to understand the messages.

Let’s put it this way, your mind
works at 100% capacity and this “stuff” works at 6000%. There’s no way in the
world your logical mind can understand anything that vibrates at that kind of
percentage! It can even scare the mind sometime into trying even harder to put
doubt into your mind.

Journal everything and don’t
question it and DON’T attach to the outcome.


If not, call Marion on 0407 81 22 33.


  • You already know what your Loved one FEELS like, They
    are on the pre programmed channel
  • If you “Feel” them along with the feeling of
    “Love, Peace and Calmness” then chances are you have certainly made a
  • It is hard for “them” too. Some get to make
    contact and some don’t.
  • Some want to and some don’t
  • It can be as hard for them to make contact as it
    is us for us


  • Picking up or sensing your Guides or Loved ones is
    about tuning into their channel
  • You may like to tune into the “Grandma” channel
  • Grandma may show you food she cooked or you may
    smell her do not analyse or question
  • You also need to be really good at puzzles


  • Trained to pray but not listen


  • Ask, then do your best on your own journey in your
    Human Life for your Soul’s benefit
  • Use your whole body to sense
  • The question is NOT important the listening is

DON’T NAG THEM – Save that for those here on earth!

  • The more you nag the less you are listening
  • And end up using your Logical mind to create


  • Can be a life changing connection that feels TRUE
  • With a sense of peace
  • You will just KNOW
  • Don’t doubt


  • Should
    not feel scared, or feel panic or fear when msg feels invalid or wrong. If you
    feel Fear then you maybe working out of your depth.
  • If you
    are a 5 ½ and trying to reach into the world of a 6, then that door won’t open
    to you. It’s like you are in Grade One right now and you are reaching for
    University. You simply must practice and graduate through each level.
  • You have
    a lifetime to learn this skill. Be vigilant. You will also only learn according
    to the level your Soul’s Contract will allow.
  • If you
    are not ready you may need to spend more time getting to know yourself and the
    way you perceive this “stuff.”
  • May have
    light bulb or epiphany moments. As long as they are accompanied with a secure, sacred
    feeling of unconditional love, then you know you are right on track! Well done
  • Can be emotional
  • Time will stand still
  • All will feel surreal.
  • Keep your mind out of it

When I do
Readings, I often feel like I am totally in the right place at the right time.
All feels well with my world. I am filled with feelings of unconditional love
and a real sense that everything is alright with the world and that I am safe.
Time stands still for me. The light in the room often changes. I feel like
Heaven and the Angels have come to be with me.

I Trust
the process with my whole being.

Reading is different for me. I explain this best in my first book Caught
Between Two Worlds. In my book, I write more about how you too can enjoy the
benefits of working at this level.

For me,
please remember that I don’t know what it is like to be you! I only know what
life has been like and is like for me.

I can
only guide you with what I have experienced. I cannot change who I am just like
you cannot change the colour of your eyes!

We all
experience things differently, that’s the fun of it and why groups like ours
are so important. It’s our physical classroom for our Soul to hang out with our
Soul Mates!


  • As the Truth (not always what we want to hear but
    need to!)  and may be crisp and clear or
    feel “far away”
  • You will feel calm
  • Anything else and you are coming from Fear
  • Can be very cryptic and puzzling
  • Sometimes there’s nothing at all and yet, that
    might be exactly what you need to deliver


  • You will “know” if your source is reliable
  • It’s about the Message….more so


  • Raising your Spiritual energy levels – Training
    for your own entry into University!”
  • Get to know your Team and Gatekeeper
  • On Family or Friends but best on people you don’t
  • Give them “everything – every message” you feel
    that does not belong to you
  • Ask them “Do you understand this piece of
  • You will sometimes get very clear and succinct
  • And other times cryptic – can depend upon the
    energy of the Spirit
  • Just allow things to flow naturally otherwise you
    will close the door if you force Spirit
  • Feedback is important as it will help you discern
    the information


  • Hands On and Reiki you will just “know” where to
    put your hands and how long to leave them there for.
  • A lot of comfort can be given through Healing Readings
  • Messages can come through too.


  • Is all about the proof of transition to the Spirit
  • Don’t try too hard. Ask Spirit to give you names
    and information you simply could not know and the other person would understand.
    For instance, sometimes I am actually given the “middle or maiden name”of a
    person that has passed over and is wanting to make a connection. This is really
  • You may “feel” how the person passed
  • This is one of the most rewarding types of


  • You may at times be asked by Spirit to help people
    pass over. This is an honour and must be treated with highest respect. You may
    or may not be shown family members waiting on the other side like I did. They
    were happy. We were sad.
  • Or help people who are stuck/Lost. These come from
    a place of fear.
  • You may at times find you come across the need to
    do a “Clearing” like I did with my son and John. (You can read about these two stories
    in my first book Caught Between Two Worlds)
  • This work takes place on both sides of the veil
    more often than not


  1. Learn to be
    “Still” and Open and Receptive
  2. Learn  how YOU “Hear, Feel, See or Know/ Receive”
  3. Ask for
  4. And that
    messages be for your highest good or the good of the person you are reading for
  • Detach from
    the outcome ~ You get what you need
  • Not what
    you want!
  • Are you
    Ready for this?
  • As it
    does have a level of responsibility around it?
  • This is new
    to them too!
  • Connecting
    like this is all part of their Spiritual journey too
  • Be gentle
    with them!
  • Listen with Assurance
  • “Feel and See” the Blessing and the Lesson for yourself. That’s the whole point actually.
  • Out of the mouths of babes you will always hear the Truth!
  • Your Guides are the same.
  • Guides DO NOT have Ego. They say it as it is
  • If you are going to listen to the messages put it to good use
  • If nothing changes it’s because you haven’t
  • How does the message feel?
  • Fearful or Calm/Peaceful?
  • You’ve learnt the difference
  • Look for
    the light or you will stay in the dark
  • Tests all of us
  2. Is not always logical
  3. Soul knows way more than the mind
  2. Do NOT judge the Messenger
  2. Trust that all is well
  3. You ARE protected
  4. Messages are given in your best interest, its up to you what you do with them!
  5. On the other side of FEAR is JOY – Change the way you look at fear
  2. If you are seeking validation for your guidance, ask for it.
  3. Take action on their messages.
  1. FAITH
  2. Faith without working on yourself does not bring about change.
  3. Nothing for nothing
  2. Make this time, time with your best friend
  3. Set the scene
  2. Have a pen and paper handy in case the messages
  3. Flow thick and fast.
  4. Don’t analyse them
  1. PEACE
  2. Always come back to the place of peace


It’s taken me 38 years to get to my level of understanding. Please remember that we all learn differently but we are all Soul Clinicians and the Universe needs us all!

But most of all, use this method
of contact for your own Spiritual growth and to talk to your own “Team” anytime.

Please never underestimate the
power and Unconditional Love of the Spirit world.

Theirs is the NORMAL world.

They help us all they can because
they feel sorry for us in this physical existence. They remember what it was
like. How trying it can be at times.

If only MORE people would realise
what is REALLY going on, the world would be a much better place.

The world is no longer your

The Universe IS!

Much Love and here to help

Marion “Maz” Weatherburn



You Tube: Search for Marion Weatherburn. Click on Videos. There’s
heaps there.

“Caught Between Two Worlds” is a must read for anyone on their own
Spiritual Journey and available to order from any bookstore.


The post Mediumship (Group notes from 24.10.19) appeared first on Marion Weatherburn.

The Showdown: Scheffler/McIlroy vs DeChambeau/Koepka Odds, Picks & Predictions

The Showdown: Scheffler/McIlroy vs DeChambeau/Koepka Odds, Picks & Predictions

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