I know my rolls been this low before, but i certainly cant remember when, (was definitely well over a year ago) and it certainly wasnt in 2023 dollars either. And inflation didnt exist before Biden and the Ukraine.
Even Trump brought us inflation, because of his ill management of Covid and poor hiring practices.They gave out a lot of government checks that shouldve never been given out. People shouldve stayed working. i think only De Santis and RFK couldve done things right, and i dont fully trust De Santis to keep us out of war either.
The only people who should be getting govt aid, (not those who dont belong in this country) but those who are truly too disabled to hold down a regular job. and people shouldnt be made to do belittiling slave labor like many disabled people are required to do for minimum wage. anyone who cant learn how to drive needs free transportation and housing for life to avoid a horrible struggle and mental health stress, and those who arent severly autistic should get no assistance at all. and then u should get assistance no matter how much money u have in the bank because unless u keep 5-20k in the bank at all times, how are u supposed to live and pay your bills?
i would almost guarantee u almost every player in my PLO games has that much in the bank (or more likely bitcoin or stocks) because otherwise they wouldnt play as horribly loose as they do by button straddling, and they wouldnt buy in so deep. i dont think everyones money management is that poor to only keep like 5 buyins when i strive for 100-300 buyins at all times.
I lost so bad at Empire the day before i went to Elite social today (both of whom take a heavy rake which is illegal of course) but in the past ive won more times than not. and at Elite the PLO bomb pots are $15 and up the street theyre $5. and id really like to play bomb pots for higher amounts since thats where most of my wins in the past came from. (still curious how i would do in the los angelos game, but feel i cant afford it). and then i lost another $800 or so today at elite. (i thought it was less until i came home and counted the money).
——-2 days later—–
Instead of booking a flight like i shouldve, (unable to decide where to) or getting into a more affordable hotel for $400 a week instead of $600 a week, i ended up paying for 2 more nights tonight which ill have to go into the office sometime before noon but after the day shift gets in the office at 8. sure does mess up my sleep hours and then theyll probably insist on housekeeping cleaning it at least once this week too. i still think i should find another hotel, but its a horrible pain in the ass to move your things when u have to do it by Uber then maybe wait 2 hours with 3 suitcases before the next hotel lets u check in at 3pm.
and i won $260 or so today and $662 yesterday. yet im still below 25k. i destroyed my roll so bad due to all the times i played online BJ and lost, the most recent being the $2500 loss earlier this week. when Lightning left town i was still 27k plus. And hotels are constantly going up. especially in Reno when theyre not free, and so many cities such as those in Washington state, Montana, and New Hampshire are completely unaffordable. and Florida will definitely be that way too once hurricane season ends. thats really the only good time to go to Florida is during hurricane season.
Plus i need more food again now too since im trying to buy no bigger supply than what my hotel is paid up for (in case i need to move or get a flight).